高中英语人教版选修7练习 Unit 5 Section 1

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1、Unit 5 Section .单词拼写1He _(推荐) me a good book.2Can I _(代替) milk for cream?3They _(承认) having been cheated.4I cannot meet your _(要求)5Mary was fully _(忙于) with business, so we didnt want to bother her.6At the end of the day, the _(店主) counted his money.7Education is a big _(事业), as it takes 100 years t

2、o cultivate a person.8I was still in New York, trying to get a(n) _(签证) for Russia.9Its a program designed to raise _(学术的) standards.10His _(导师) has been teaching him to be intelligent and reasonable.答案:1.recommended2.substitute3.acknowledged4.requirements5.occupied6.shopkeeper7.enterprise8.visa9.ac

3、ademic10.tutor.选词填空adjust to, keep it up, fit in with, be occupied with, substitute for, as far as one is concerned, in comfort, so far, a spirit of enterprise, succeed in 1_, five countries have joined that organization.2_, you can go whenever you want.3Your work has improved; we are all pleased wi

4、th your progress. _.4You need to decide which is the best route for you to _ your objectives.5The species that fail to _ the changing conditions of existence will gradually become extinct.6Linda _ the work of redecorating her house these days.7His high income enabled him to live _.8We are glad that

5、he _ our English teacher.9You have_the experiment and we congratulate you on it.10Having_is the first step to study English.答案:1.So far2.As far as we are concerned3.Keep it up4fit in with5.adjust to6.is occupied with7.in comfort8substituted for9.succeeded in10.a spirit of enterprise.完成句子1It took sev

6、eral seconds for his eyes to _(适应) the dark.2Having grown in the countryside, my parents found it hard to _ _ _ _ _ _(适应城市生活)3They had enough money to _ _ _(过得舒适) in their old age.4He _ _ _(忙于) designing a tall building.5_ _ _ _ _(第一次) that I had done wrong.答案:1.adjust to2.fit in with the city life3

7、.live in comfort4.is occupied in5.It was the first time.单项填空1As he had worked in the army as an electrical engineer for many years, he has every _ for the job.Aability BobligationCqualificationDquality答案:C考查名词辨析。qualification“技能;条件;资历;资格”,符合题意。ability“能力”;obligation“义务;职责”;quality“质量;品质”。2When will

8、the party be held?It is still _.Amaking preparationBmaking preparationsCin preparationDin preparations答案:C考查preparation的相关短语。make preparations“做准备”;in preparation“在准备中”;由句意“聚会仍在准备中”可知,此处C项符合句意。3The company is badly operated but the boss doesnt _ that he is an unable man.AacknowledgeBadmireCregret Dr

9、ecognize答案:A句意:公司经营不善,可是经理不承认自己是个无能的人。acknowledge“承认”;admire“羡慕;钦佩”;regret“后悔;遗憾”;recognize“认出”,所以选A。4Nothing can _ for the advice your doctor is able to give you.AinsteadBinstead ofCsubstituteDtake the place答案:C句意:大夫所能给你的忠告是无可替代的。substitute for sth.“代替某物”,故C项符合题意。5What were you doing when I rang yo

10、u this morning?I was occupied _ the housework and kept my soil occupied _ his homework.Aat; in doingBwith; in doingCal; to doDwith; to do答案:Bbe occupied with sth.和be occupied in doing sth.的意思都是“忙于做某事”。6The manager said that no other products could match his _ quality was concerned.Aas well asBas soo

11、n asCas far asDas long as答案:C句意:这位经理说就质量而言,没有任何其他产品能和他的相比。as far as sb./sth. is concerned“就而言”。7Because of her strange clothing, she didnt _ well with the rest of the students.Ashow offBgo upCfit inDcome over答案:C句意:因为她的奇装异服,她跟其他同学合不来。show off“炫耀”;go up“上升”;fit in“适应”;come over“来访”。8Where did they su

12、ggest _ during the summer holidays?Ashall we goBshould we goCwe should goDwe will go答案:C句意:他们建议我们暑假期间去哪儿度假?本句为双重疑问句结构,suggest后的宾语从句用陈述语序和虚拟语气,谓语动词用“shoulddo”,should可以省略。9What a(n) _ it is that Rebecca comesyou can have her for a friend.AeaseBassistanceCcomfortDrelief答案:C句意:丽贝卡来了,这是多大的安慰啊!你可以跟她做朋友。co

13、mfort“安慰”,符合题意。ease“安逸,安心”;assistance“协助,帮助”;relief“(痛苦的)减轻”。10This is the second time that Xi Jinping _ to the USA.Awould beBhas beenCwould comeDare coming答案:B考查时态。句意:这是习近平第二次去美国。在This is the first/second. time that.句式中,that从句使用现在完成时;如果把is改为was,that从句用过去完成时。.完形填空When I was in junior high, the eight

14、hgrade bully(a欺凌弱小者) struck me in the stomach. Not only did it _1_, but the shame and embarrassment were almost impossible to bear. I wanted _2_ to even the score(摆平)! I _3_ to meet him by the bike racks the next day and let him have it.For some reason, I told my plan to Nana, my grandmothera big _4_. She ga


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