Unit3《Celebration》Lesson3 Weddings教案5(北师大版必修1)

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1、unit3 lesson 3 Weddings教学指导Objectives To read a text for specific information. To read a text for new information. To practise using modals : have to/not have to, can/cant, ought to/ought not to. To state school rules and discuss them. To write an account of a typical wedding. Resource used Grammar

2、Summary 6. Possible problems Students may make mistakes with the use of the infinitive with or without to. Background The first text has been adapted from a website giving advice to English-speaking people working in Indonesia. Indonesia is the worlds biggest island chain. It has more than 17,000 is

3、lands. The large population (180 million) is mainly Muslim. Greece is situated in the south of Europe and is surrounded by three seas: the Aegean, the Ionian and the Mediterranean. With a rich heritage of cultural traditions, the Greeks are fiercely proud of their history and festivals. There are ma

4、ny important festivals in the Greek year some cultural and some religious. Other festivals are social celebrations like Gynaikratia on 8 January, which reminds people in Northern Greece of the equal importance of men and women in the community. On this day, men and women swap roles. The women enjoy

5、the day by socializing in the cafs while the men stay at home to cook and do the housework. Routes through the material If you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework or omit Exercise 10. If you have time, ask students to bring in photos of weddings they have attended or articles/p

6、ictures of weddings in other cultures to talk about after doing Exercise 9. If you have two periods for this lesson, a suitable natural break is after Exercise 3. Language Power: pages 82?C83. Mini-Grammar:10 Reading Before you start Exercise 1 Encourage students to talk (either in groups or as a cl

7、ass) about weddings they have been to. Use the opportunity to elicit or present useful vocabulary for the topic, e.g. reception, bride, bridegroom, ceremony.Exercise 2 Students look at the words and see if they can guess the meanings of some of the words from their knowledge of other words in Englis

8、h. Students can use the definitions to check their guesses and find out the meaning of the words. Answers 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. b Read to learn Exercise 3 Ask students if they have tried to find information about customs (not necessarily weddings) in other countries on the Internet ?C if so, w

9、hat did they find out? Students read the statements first and predict what the answers will be. Then they read the texts and find out if their predictions were correct. When checking students answers, ask them to read out the section of text that gives the information and to correct the false statem

10、ents. In pairs, students study the text again and write down three “true/false” statements of their own. All the students then close their books and, in turn, say one of their statements and the rest of the class says whether it is true or false. Answers 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T Grammar have to

11、/not have to, can/cant, ought to/ought not to Exercise 4 Students find and underline the words in the texts. Exercise 5 Students match the verbs to their meanings. Answers 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. f 6. e Refer students to Grammar Summary 6 for further explanation and examples. Exercise 6 Students read

12、 the whole text before filling in any of the gaps. When students have completed the text, they can compare answers with their partners before checking answers as a class.Answers 1. have to 2. dont have to 3. can4. ought to 5. dont have to 6. cant 7. can 8. ought to 9. ought not to Vocabulary: Word b

13、uilding Exercise 7 Ask students how many word suffixes they know. Do they know the rules of the word formation? Students work in pairs to add suffixes to the words. Answers 1. invitation 2. reception 3. attendance4. entrance 5. contribution Encourage students to find more nouns with the suffixes of

14、“-tion” and “-ance”. Exercise 8 Students complete the sentences by using the verbs and nouns in Exercises 7. Answers 1. invited, invitation2. attend, Attendance 3. entrance, enter 4. reception, have received 5. contribute, contribution Language Power: the Word Corner on page 83 gives further vocabul

15、ary practice. Language in Use Exercise 9 First, have a class discussion about the eight topics suggested (clothes, reception, etc.) and elicit or present useful vocabulary (wedding dress, suit, headdress, bouquet, toast, honeymoon). Students then select some of the topics and write a short articlefor an English magazine about “Weddings in my city/town”. Remind students to organise their writing in paragraphs. Students can then exchange papers and read each o



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