【德睿牛津译林三起小学英语六上】《Unit 4 Then and nowB》[朱老师]【市一等奖】优质课

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【德睿牛津译林三起小学英语六上】《Unit 4 Then and nowB》[朱老师]【市一等奖】优质课_第1页
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《【德睿牛津译林三起小学英语六上】《Unit 4 Then and nowB》[朱老师]【市一等奖】优质课》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【德睿牛津译林三起小学英语六上】《Unit 4 Then and nowB》[朱老师]【市一等奖】优质课(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教学目标 知识目标:1、能正确说出本单元的不规则动词的过去式。2、能发现生活中的点滴变化,并尝试正确使用一般过去时和一般现在时表达。能力目标:能比较准确,熟练地运用years ago, I could I couldnt Now I can等句型来介绍自己的过去和现在。情感目标:能体会时代带来的变化,懂得珍惜现有的生活;能感受到自己的成长与变化,并为自己的变化感到高兴与自豪。2学情分析 六年级学生对于学习英语,还是有较大的兴趣的,经过本单元第一课时的学习,学生已经会对课文中的任务的过去和将来的活动进行复述,本课时的重点在于在语法发面体会过去和现在的表述方式,从而对比一般过去时和一般现在时的用法

2、和区别,希望通过本课时的学习,学生能够正确灵活运用本课时的知识点。3重点难点 教学重点:能正确说出本单元的不规则动词的过去式。教学难点:能比较准确,熟练地运用years ago, I could I couldnt Now I can等句型来介绍自己的过去和现在。4教学过程 4.1 第二学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】Enjoyasong”Yesterdayoncemore”. Enjoy a song ”Yesterday once more”.活动2【讲授】Step2Presentation 1.Look and find(关注老师日记中的红色的动词过去式)T: After the

3、 happy holiday, I wrote a diary. Do you want to have a look?T: Please pay attention to the red words. They are the past forms of verbs. If we want to tell something happened in the past time, we should use this kind of words.Lets read.T: Here are more past forms. Lets read.Read them one by one.Read

4、together.Quick respondT: Well done! We can read well. Can you remember them? Lets have a try.揭题(利用上一个环节进行延续,引出wrote, bought,从而引出与Story time相关话题。)T: Lets put these words into sentences.Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters. And Mrs Brown bought things from shops.Now, Mr Brown writes emails. And Mr

5、s Brown does shopping on the Internet.T: So there are some changes happened on Mr and Mrs Brown. And today well talk about more changes.(揭题领读)First, lets talk about the changes of Mikes family.(完成下表,进行复习。)【设计意图:Quick respond的最后两个单词我出示了wrote和bought.,并进行教学,之后将它们放入句子中,虽然这两句句子与Grammar time中的相似,但在这里我主要的目

6、的不是为了呈现Grammar time中的句型教学。一方面因为Grammar time中句型简单,另一方面这些句型在之后的课文复习中也会有呈现,于是我对Grammar time中的句型教学进行了弱化,并没有系统的进行教学。在这里利用这两个句型我主要是为了引出Story time中的Mr Brown和Mrs Brown生活方式的变化,揭示本课主题:Changes. 同时也展开对Story time的复习。】Then( years ago)NowMikecould read, drawcouldnt writecan do many thingsMr Brownwrote lettersused

7、the telephonewrites emailshas a mobile phoneGrandpalistened to the radioread newspaperswatches reads Mrs Brownmade friends at brought things fromhas e-friendsdoes shoppingFind and say(体会时代的变化)T: These changes happened. Do you know why?(引导学生说出:The world is changing.)T: Yes, the world is changing. Loo

8、k! Some years ago, people watched TV and listened to the radio to get news. Now, we surf the Internet. We use the washing machines to wash clothes. Thirty years ago, our houses were old and small. Now we live in the big and new buildings. To get out, we have more choices. We can take a bus, a car or

9、 a metro. Thirty years ago, the schools were old and small.Read and choose延续上一环节话题,呈现在学校的变化,完成选词填空。Changes of our lifeT: There are so many changes in our daily life. Can you find out more changes of our life?小组讨论。综合出一条或者多条变化进行全班交流。SummaryT: Our life is much better than before. And its getting better

10、 and better. So please cherish the life we have!活动3【活动】Step3Funtime 复习Mike的变化T: We know the world is changing. Mike is changing too. Look! Six years ago, Mike could read and draw, but he couldnt write. Now, he can do many things. Why did the changes happen on him?(引导学生说出:He is growing up.)活动4【练习】Ste

11、p4Consolidation 1教师示范T: Everyone keeps growing up. And everyone has the past.Ten years ago(教师示范)3. Say something about your past. T: Please say something about your past with your partner like this. years ago,I wasI couldI couldnt1. Say something about your past and now. T: Take out your photos, sho

12、w them to your partner, and then say something about your past and now.2. Summary T: We are always growing up. Maybe well meet more difficulties and troubles. But boys and girls please believe that you are getting better and better. Just be happy for you changes.活动5【作业】Step5Homework 1. Talk to your friends about the changes happens on you.2. Memorize the irregular verbs youve learnt, and try to know more.3. Think about more changes of our life, and try to say them in English.



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