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1、2023年度河南省新乡市原阳县中学教师公开招聘押题练习试卷A卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、宋人娱乐场所集中的地方称为()。A.太常寺B.大乐署C.钧容直D.瓦舍【答案】 D2、学校的中心工作是()。A.教学B.行政C.安全D.后勤【答案】 A3、计算机网络已经不可或缺,是()A.无线路由器不支持有线上网B.光纤是主要的通信传输设备C.网卡是有线连接的必备设备D.网络服务器也是一种计算机【答案】 A4、对成功或失败进行归因时,属于个人内部稳定的不可控因素的是( )。A.能力B.运气C.努力D.任务难度【答案】 A5、某夫妇通过创设“宝贝回家”寻子网,帮助走失、被拐儿童回家,唤起社会对走失、被拐

2、儿童的关注。“宝贝回家”寻子网的建立所体现的对未成年人的保护是()。A.家庭保护B.学校保护C.社会保护D.司法保护【答案】 C6、教师不得因为各种理由随意对学生进行搜查,不得对学生关禁闭。否则就侵犯了学生的()。A.名誉权B.人身自由权C.受教育权D.人格尊严权【答案】 B7、弯举动作中,()A.固定肌B.协同肌C.中合肌D.对抗肌【答案】 D8、 黄河大合唱一共包含()个乐章。A.7B.8C.9D.10【答案】 B9、将人的红细胞放入蒸馏水中,一段时间后红细胞破裂,主要原因是()。A.红细胞膜具有水溶性B.红细胞的液泡体积增大C.蒸馏水大量进入红细胞D.低温时红细胞膜流动性增大【答案】 C

3、10、依据现代生物进化理论,下列叙述不正确的是()。A.自然选择提高了种群的基因频率B.物种形成需要地理隔离C.生殖隔离是生物进化的标志D.物种与无机环境共进化【答案】 A11、下列有关群落演替的说法,正确的是()。A.到达森林阶段时,群落中还能找到苔藓阶段、灌木阶段等植物种群B.人类活动可以改变演替速度,但不能改变方向C.在草本阶段,各种昆虫进入不会影响群落对环境变化的抵抗力D.群落演替的根本原因在于群落内部,不受外部环境的影响【答案】 A12、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth For almost 40 years,a lone phone booth st

4、ood in the Mojave Desert.about 75 miles southwest of Las Vegas.It was likely installed for local miners around 1960.The glass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the phonebook had been stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that the telephone 17 worke A.factoryB.mineC.boothD.phone

5、【答案】 B13、根据以下材料,回答题A.makes women look more honest and capableB.strengthens the feminine qualitiesrequiredC.is of primary importance to womenD.often enables women to succeed quickly【答案】 B14、学生的思想品德是在( )中形成和表现出来的。A.上课B.读书和作业C.活动和交往D.谈话和讨论【答案】 C15、学校是社会为实现教育目的而设立的专门教育机构,所以教育目的首先是()的目的。A.学校教育B.全民教育C.家庭教

6、育D.社区教育【答案】 A16、根据以下材料,回答A.preventB.searchC.predictD.regularize【答案】 C17、教材的主体部分是()。A.教科书和参考书B.教科书和讲义C.讲授提纲和讲义D.参考书和讲义【答案】 B18、I remember being a student teacher in1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. H

7、er lessons flowed 16from beginning to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-graders and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.anywhereB.everywhereC.somewhereD.nowhere【答案】 C19、B If I could have your attention, Id like to

8、talk to you about young peoples screen time. Its a tempting habit for them to glance at their smartphone or tablet rather than make eye contacts with someone and make conversations! There is so much to look at: photographs, social media feeds messages and emails; its no wonder they are glued to thei

9、r screens. But is it good for them? There have been many claims about the damage looking at screens does to our eyesight. Some people feared staring at a small bright box could make us short-sighted or lead to headaches. This is a particular concern for children and young people, who spend a higher

10、percentage of time using electronic gadgets. BBC technology corespondent, Rory Cellan-jones, says: “There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that no matter how long teenagers are spending looking at screens. they are encountering material about issues such as anorexia (厌食症) and self-harm that could pro

11、ve damaging to their mental health.” But a new study says time in front of computers and phones might not be as bad for young people as many think. Research by the Oxford Internet Institute examined data from more than 17.000 teenagers in the UK. Ireland and the United States. Their study concluded

12、that most links between life satisfaction and social media use were trivial accounting for less than 1% of a teenagers health. Professor Przybylski, director of the research at the institute, said: 99.75 of a persons life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social media. The research fo

13、und that family, friends and school life all had a greater impact on well-being. Perhaps for now, deciding what the right amount of screen time is has to be up to personal judgments. 35. The first paragraph is designed to _. A.lead in the topicB.introduce a new type of screenC.promote a phoneD.show

14、the finding of a stud【答案】 A20、根据以下材料,回答A.MathematicsB.EnglishC.Technical DrawingD.History【答案】 D21、Hello. Blue Sky Company. Can I help you A.IB.meC.sheD.her【答案】 C22、将正常成年猫放在-8环境中40min,可能出现()。A.血中甲状腺激素浓度升高,体温明显升高,耗氧量升高B.血中甲状腺激素浓度升高,体温明显下降,耗氧量下降C.血中甲状腺激素浓度升高,体温相对稳定,耗氧量升高D.血中甲状腺激素浓度升高,体温相对稳定,耗氧量不变【答案】 C23、把课程计划付诸实践,并达到预期的课程目标的基本途径是()。A.课程实施B.教学过程



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