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1、2023年度河南省南阳市镇平县小学教师公开招聘测试卷(含答案)一单选题(共60题)1、Had he worked harder, he _ the exams.A.must have got throughB.would get throughC.would have got throughD.could get through【答案】 C2、伴随社会经济文化发展及教育思想的转变,师德内涵不断融人了( )A.B.C.D.【答案】 B3、依次填入下列横线处的词语最恰当的一组()。 A.评判 历史 校对B.评判 历程 校勘C.评价 历史 校勘D.评价 历程 校对【答案】 B4、一氧化碳引起患者中毒

2、的原因是()。A.阻碍血液中的血红素和氧结合B.将血液中的氧气夺走C.与血液中的氧气结合成二氧化碳D.破坏人体神经【答案】 A5、马王堆汉墓帛画描绘的主题思想是()。A.天地神话B.引魂升天C.墓主生沧D.仙人出行【答案】 B6、下列表述,错误的一项是( )。A.诗经是我国最早的一部诗歌总集。其内容分为“风”“雅”“颂”三类,表现手法有“赋”“比”“兴”三种。诗经是我国现实主义诗歌的源头B.李白的将进酒、白居易的琵琶行、刘禹锡的石头城是唐诗的代表作,柳永的雨霖铃、辛弃疾的永遇乐 京口北固亭怀古是宋词的代表作C.徐志摩是新月派的代表作家,其作品再别康桥春风沉醉的晚上等充分体现了他的创作特点D.等

3、待戈多是西方荒诞派戏剧的代表作之一,作者萨缪尔?贝克特于1969年获得诺贝尔文学奖【答案】 C7、十二届全国人大常委会第十一次会议决定将每年的12月4日设立为( )。A.扶贫日B.烈士纪念日C.国家宪法日D.抗日战争胜利纪念日【答案】 C8、教一学过程的三种过程是()。A.学习过程、教学过程和评价反思过程B.学习过程、教学过程和互动过程C.学习过程、教学过程和思考过程D.学习过程、教学过程和管理过程【答案】 A9、浮世绘主要通过()的形式表现出来。A.剪纸B.版画C.篆刻D.泥塑【答案】 B10、Now and again I have had horrible dreams, but not

4、 enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with, I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic, wandering into another kind of existence. As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make su

5、ch a fuss about any holiday. This still puzzles me. I am mystified by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people or at least more Western Europeans do not seem to accept drea

6、ming as part of their lives. They appear to see it as an irritating little habit, like sneezing or yawning. A.the short moments it has relieved people from the burden of lifeB.experiencing the impossible or unrealistic, even broken parts of lifeC.the refreshing power it endows people when they wake

7、up in the morningD.the mystery it brings when in dream people can predict their future【答案】 B11、加德纳认为人类的智力包括八种类型。其中()在教师、律师、推销员、公关人员、谈话节目主持人、管理者和政治家等人身上有比较突出的表现。A.自然智力B.内省智力C.空间智力D.人际交往智力【答案】 D12、学生掌握数的概念时,把数分为实数和虚数,又把实数分为有理数和无理数,有理数又可分为整数、小数和分数等,这属于( )A.思维的抽象过程B.思维的具体化过程C.思维的分类过程D.思维的概括过程【答案】 C13、廖世

8、承在( )年编写了我国第一本教育心理学教科书。A.1903B.1908C.1913D.1924【答案】 D14、They usually have less money at the end of the month than _ at the beginning.A.which isB.which wasC.they haveD.it is【答案】 C15、足球弧线球产生的主要原因是()。A.踢球的速度B.作用力通过球心C.踢球的力量D.作用力不过球心【答案】 D16、根据下面资料,回答题 A.thoughtsB.experiencesC.dilemmasD.confusions【答案】 B

9、17、第一个将巴甫洛夫的研究结果作为理论基础的人是()A.斯金纳B.桑代克C.班杜拉D.华生【答案】 D18、()是考查学生课程目标达成状况的重要方式,合理地设计和实施它有助于全面考查学生的数学学业成就,及时反馈教学成效,不断提高教学质量。A.书面测验B.教师观察C.学具制作D.学生作业【答案】 A19、数学老师在教授“直角三角形”的概念时,画出了形态各异的直角三角形,这位教师在教学中运用了( )A.变式B.定势C.反例D.正例【答案】 A20、People have smoked cigarettes for a long time now. The tobacco which is use

10、d to make cigarettes was first grown in what is now part of the United States. Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, saw the Indians smoking. Soon the dried leaves were transported to Europe. In the late 1800s, the Turks made cigarettes popular. A.To tell us the bad effects caused by smoking

11、 cigarettesB.To introduce the history of smokingC.To let us know what the cigarettes are made fromD.To tell the readers that Columbus found the Indians smoking【答案】 B21、对下列古诗句中所运用的修辞手法,表述错误的一句是()。A.“洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶”运用了比喻的手法B.“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”运用了夸张的手法C.“沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟”运用了拟人的手法D.“欲渡黄河冰塞川,将登太行雪满山”运用了对偶

12、的手法【答案】 C22、福建省中小学教师职业道德考核办法(试行)规定,教师职业道德考核结果将按一定的权重计入教师绩效考核结果。该权重不低于_。A.10%B.20%C.30%D.40%【答案】 C23、下列各组汉字,书写时起笔笔顺不同的一组是()。A.曳归冀卡晓B.未丙女焉有C.登也书习买D.丹壬长乃鸟【答案】 B24、Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. They are very busy working to 16 the family. They don t act in the 17 way

13、s that I read in books or I see on TV. 18 flowers to each other on Valentine s Day is even more 19 . One day, my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩). I 20 sat down beside her and looked at her. Mom, is there love between you and Dad? I asked her in a 21voice. A.no problemB.out of questionC.out of the questionD.in question【答案】 C25、制度化教育建立的典型表征是( )A.学校的产生B.教育实体的出现C.学制的建立D.定型的教育组织形式出现【答案】 C26、( )认为个体心理发展是人类进化过程的简单重复,个体心理发展由种系发展决定。A.格塞尔B.卢梭C.霍尔D.高尔顿【答案】 C27、Sometimes I r



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