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1、2022年江苏各市中考题型还原句子【常州】还原句子(共4小题;每小题1.5分,满分6分)阅读下面短文从短文后所给的六个选项中选出四个可以填人空白处的最佳选项。Life is full of choices and decisions. Here are some steps to help you make wise decisions.First, its better to make a decision quickly than avoid it for a month because youre afraid of choosing. 37 Also, some choices usu

2、ally have time limits. So to keep our brains from getting too tired. we neednt think about the cost of every single choice.Narrow down the list and try comparing only the best two or three.Next, think about the value and cost of each choice. 38 Or better yet, create a scorecard,on which you give out

3、 bigger point values to what you think is more important .This way you can tell if one huge advantage is more important than a group of little disadvantages.Then,stay calm and give yourself some space. You dont want to delay(延迟) for weeks,but if youre about to make a hasty(仓促的) decision,you may end

4、up picking something you regret. 39 And it might take you a few days for major choices, like choosing your ideal high school.40 Why?Because its good to get a fresh way of thinking from others who are not as worried as you.Consider their opinions(观点) even if they are not what you want to hear .You ne

5、ed to take different opinions into consideration so that you will make a wise decision.A. Youll need at least one night to“sleep on it. B. And you dont have to make a decision alone.C.They are the best chances to show your personality.D. These ways of letting out what you are feeling are helpful. E.

6、 Its very tiring to think things over but fail to decide in time.F.To do that, you can make a list of advantages and disadvantages.答案:37-40AFEB【连云港】阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺连贯,其中有两项是多余选项。Gifts are a way for people to show love. _46_ The gift can be anything, your favourite CD, a book, c

7、lothes, delicious food and so on. Getting a gift can make you feel the love. A handmade gift is the best way to show your love. And on the day of making a gift, you can share that love with someone you care about.Make a Gift Day is on December 3._47_ The day is coming. If you dont know what to buy,

8、why not make a gift on this day?_48_ There was time, not all that long ago, when a handmade gift was the only kind of gift you could give. In the past, gift-givers would spend time making gifts for their friends. Whether its a simple handmade wallet, a new skirt, or a baby bed for a soon-to-be baby,

9、 everything is handmade with love.You may wonder how to celebrate Make a Gift Day. It is an easy one! Make handmade gifts on this day! Try your hand at making a gift, no matter what it is. _49_ DIY some gifts with your friends.Dont have a DIY skill? Start learning from today. You can start making ha

10、ndmade gifts for your family and friends in the New Year. You all have the ability to make gifts for people you care about. _50_ And write some sentences on it to express your love.There are so many kinds of gifts you can make and you need to think and create for yourself. People who get your gifts

11、will know how much you love them.A. I like this nice gift very much.B. For example, you can make a card.C. But do you know about its history?D. You can refuse the gift if you dont like it.E. Its fun to get a gift and think about whats in it.F. Also, you can have a gift-making party to celebrate it.G

12、. It encourages people to make handmade gifts for their loved ones on this day.【答案】46. E 47. G 48. C 49. F 50. B【解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了“礼物制作节”。【46题详解】由后句“The gift can be anything, your favourite CD, a book, clothes, delicious food and so on”可知,此句是说收到的礼物可能会是什么,E项“收到一份礼物,想想里面有什么是很有趣的。”符合语境,故选E。【47题详解】由前句“Make

13、 a Gift Day is on December 3”可知,此处介绍“礼物制作节”,G项“它鼓励人们在这一天为他们的爱人手工制作礼物”符合语境,故选G。【48题详解】由后句“There was time, not all that long ago, when a handmade gift was the only kind of gift you could give”可知,此句与“礼物制作节”的历史有关,C项“但是你了解它的历史吗”符合语境,故选C。【49题详解】由后句“DIY some gifts with your friends”可知,此句是在说如何庆祝“礼物制作节”,F项“另

14、外,你也可以举办一个礼物制作派对来庆祝”符合语境,故选F。【50题详解】由后句“And write some sentences on it to express your love”可知,此句应该是说制作一张类似卡片的礼物,B项“例如,你可以制作一张卡片”符合语境,故选B。【苏州】信息还原(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Every year, millions of birds are killed or hurt when they fly into buildings. Why does this

15、happen? _26_ Birds are flying into windows and tall buildings that are all covered by glass. Many birds fly from one place to another. Most of the time, they live in the wild, such as forests and wetlands. _27_ They might see small trees and flowers inside a window and want to rest on these plants.

16、The birds do not know there is glass between them and the plants. _28_ Some birds fly at night. They use the moon and stars to help guide them in the right direction. Tall buildings with lights on at night can confuse (迷惑) the birds. _29_ The birds see the light, but they cannot tell that the light is coming from inside a buildi


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