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1、考研英语阅读题提分训练含译文重点词汇注释全套第一关读故事找生词Another fallen building.They hadnt found anyskullsorskeletonsyet, but he could see that they weresiftingthrough the dust and largeslabsof concrete towards the area where he knew they weresituated. Thesirenshad long stoppedsignifyingthe emergency but the emotions of peo

2、ple nowsittingaround the destroyedskyscraperwere starting tosimmer. But they wouldnt find anyone to blame. Knowing there would beslackfor error he had done his work well.Nowsippingcoffee in a caf across the street he smiled asinistersmile. They would never think that a computer geek fromSiliconValle

3、y had committed such a crime. They would quickly skip over the possibility of a domestic attack and blame some other country or terrorist organization. He hadsimulatedit all in his head a million times. And to make sure that no one suspected he was from out of state he had worked hard to learn to sp

4、eak in the localslang. No one would beskepticalof a local.When police and FBI begansimultaneouslyasking questions of all those still around he stood up and walked in aslantaway from the investigators. He had decided that if ever caught he wouldslashhis wrists before go to prison, but he was determin

5、ed to never be caught. And he wasnt. He watched in fascination during the following weeks as the city searched endlessly for who had destroyed their building. And they would never know the truth.译文另一幢倒塌的建筑物他们还没有找到任何颅骨和骨骼,但是他能看见他们正从灰尘和大片灰尘和大片水泥中仔细扒着往前找,他知道他们就在那里。警报器早已停止预示紧急情况,而现在坐在被毁的摩天大楼周围的人们情绪已经开始激




9、懒散slangn.俚语slantvi.倾斜,歪斜vt.1.使歪斜,使倾斜2.有倾向性地编写或报道n.1.斜面,斜线2.倾向,偏向,侧重slashvt.1.砍2.大幅度削减n.1.砍,砍痕2.斜线号第一关读故事找生词A Shepherds WifeAs she watched her husbandshove offon the ship bound for another country sheshudderedbecause she knew it would be many years before she would see him again. Now she would have t

10、oshepherdtheir sheep,shoveltheirshit, andshuttleto market every day all by herself if she wanted to survive. Her neighbors wouldshunher and she would have to beshrewdin all of her business dealings.She pulled theshawlover her head and turned to walk out of theshipyardback to her home in the fields n

11、ext to theshrineof the God they worshipped. As she passed ashipmentofshrimpthat had just come in she was tempted to ask for a job. But another womanshovedher out of the line that was just starting to form. Soon the place would be undersiegefrom other wives without husbands also looking for work. Thi

12、s was not the place for her. No, she had sheep toshearandshrubsto trim.When she reached home she removed theshroudfrom the idol in her small room and kneeled to pray. She needed ashredof hope but none came from the idol. Then she went to the kitchen to make herself a meal. As she was rinsing vegetab

13、les in asieveshe remembered that she had once learnedshorthand. Maybe someone would need help in an office. But whom was she kidding, no one would take a poorshepherdswife to work in an office. Her life was all laid out for her. This was her fate.译文牧羊人的妻子看着丈夫动身上了去国外的船,她感到一阵颤栗,因为她知道他这一去要许多年之后她才能再见到他。


15、。也许有人需要给办公室找帮手,可是她在骗谁呢?谁也不会要一个可怜的牧羊人的妻子在办公室里工作。她的生活已经早有安排,这就是她的命。第二关背单词shawln.(长)方形披巾(或披肩)shearvt.1.剪(羊毛、头发等)2.使折断,使弯曲n.pl.(剪羊毛、树枝等的)大剪刀shepherdn.牧羊人,羊倌vt.1.牧(羊)2.带领,引导shipmentn.1.装运,装船2.装载(或运输)的货物shipyardn.造船厂shitn.1.粪便,屎2.垃圾,废物3.胡说八道,蠢话4.讨厌的人,可鄙的人int.(表示厌恶,恼怒,惊奇,失望等)呸!放屁!Shorthandn.速记法,速记shovevt.1.乱推,挤2.乱塞,随意放vi.用力推,挤n.猛推shove off动身,离开shoveln.1.铲2.单斗挖掘机vi.铲vt.1.铲,铲起2.(into)把大量投入shredn.1.碎片,细条,破布2.些许,少量v.1.撕碎,切碎2.用撕毁机撕毁(文件)shrew


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