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1、破碎的小提琴励志故事集锦三篇 破碎故事之心 篇1 破碎故事之心经典语录/名句 有人认为爱是性,是婚姻,是清晨六点的吻,是一堆孩子,也许真是这样的,莱斯特小姐。但你知道我怎么想吗,我觉得爱是想触碰又收回手。 塞林格破碎故事之心 Love is a touch and yet not a touch. 爱是想触碰却又收回手。 J D塞林格破碎故事之心 爱你是我唯一重要的事,莱斯特小姐。有人认为爱是性是婚姻是清晨六点的吻是一堆孩子,也许真是这样的,莱斯特小姐。但你知道我怎么想吗我觉得爱是想触碰又收回手。 塞林格破碎故事之心 In a boy-meets-girl story ,the boy sho

2、uld always meet the girl. 在一个 当男孩遇上女孩 的故事里,总是该男孩主动出击的。 塞林格破碎故事之心 In a boy-meets-girl story the boy should always meet the girl 在一个 当男孩遇上女孩 的故事里,那个男孩偏偏只遇见了那个女孩。 塞林格破碎故事之心 有人认为爱是性,是婚姻、是清晨六点半的吻、是一堆孩子,你知道我是怎么想的吗我觉得是想要触碰却又收回手。 塞林格破碎故事之心 Miss Lester. But do you know what I think i think love is a touch an

3、d yet not a touch。 莱斯特小姐。但你知道我怎么想吗我觉得爱是想触碰又收回手。 塞林格破碎故事之心 破碎故事之心 篇2 J. D. Salinger The Heart of a Broken Story Esquire XVI, September 1941, Page 32, 131-133 EVERY day Justin Horgenschlag, thirty-dollar-a-week printer s assistant, saw at close quarters approximately sixty women whom he had never seen

4、 before. Thus in the few years he had lived in New York, Horgenschlag had seen at close quarters about 75,120 different women. Of these 75,120 women, roughly 25,000 were under thirty years of age and over fifteen years of age. Of the 25,000 only 5,000 weighed between one hundred five and one hundred

5、 twenty-five pounds. Of these 5,000 only 1,000 were not ugly. Only 500 were reasonably attractive; only 100 of these were quite attractive; only 25 could have inspired a long, slow whistle. And with only 1 did Horgenschlag fall in love at first sight. Now, there are two kinds of femme fatale. There

6、is the femme fatale who is a femme fatale in every sense of the word, and there is the femme fatale who is not a femme fatale in every sense of the word. Her name was Shirley Lester. She was twenty years old (eleven years younger than Horgenschlag), was five-foot-four (bringing her head to the level

7、 of Horgenschlag s eyes), weighed 117 pounds (light as a feather to carry). Shirley was a stenographer, lived with and supported her mother, Agnes Lester, an old Nelson Eddy fan. In reference to Shirley s looks people often put it this way: Shirley s as pretty as a picture. And in the Third Avenue b

8、us early one morning, Horgenschlag stood over Shirley Lester, and was a dead duck. All because Shirley s mouth was open in a peculiar way. Shirley was reading a cosmetic advertisement in the wall panel of the bus; and when Shirley read, Shirley relaxed slightly at the jaw. And in that short moment w

9、hile Shirley s mouth was open, lips were parted, Shirley was probably the most fatal one in all Manhattan. Horgenschlag saw in her a positive cure-all for a gigantic monster of loneliness which had been stalking around his heart since he had come to New York. Oh, the agony of it! The agony of standi

10、ng over Shirley Lester and not being able to bend down and kiss Shirley s parted lips. The inexpressible agony of it! * * * That was the beginning of the story I started to write for Collier s. I was going to write a lovely tender boy-meets-girl story. What could be finer, I thought. The world needs

11、 boy-meets-girl stories. But to write one, unfortunately, the writer must go about the business of having the boy meet the girl. I couldn t do it with this one. Not and have it make sense. I couldn t get Horgenschlag and Shirley together properly. And here are the reasons: Certainly it was impossibl

12、e for Horgenschlag to bend over and say in all sincerity: I beg your pardon. I love you very much. I m nuts about you. I know it. I could love you all my life. I m a printer s assistant and I make thirty dollars a week. Gosh, how I love you. Are you busy tonight This Horgenschlag may be a goof, but

13、not that big a goof. He may have been born yesterday, but not today. You can t expect Collier s readers to swallow that kind of bilge. A nickel s a nickel, after all. I couldn t, of course, all of a sudden give Horgenschlag a suave serum, mixed from William Powell s old cigarette case and Fred Astai

14、re s old top hat. Please don t misunderstand me, Miss. I m a magazine illustrator. My card. I d like to sketch you more than I ve ever wanted to sketch anyone in my life. Perhaps such an undertaking would be to a mutual advantage. May I telephone you this evening, or in the very near future (Short,

15、debonair laugh.) I hope I don t sound too desperate. (Another one.) I suppose I am, really. Oh, boy. Those lines delivered with a weary, yet gay, yet reckless smile. If only Horgenschlag had delivered them. Shirley, of course, was an old Nelson Eddy fan herself, and an active member of the Keystone Circulating Library. Maybe you re beginning to see what I was up against. True, Horgenschlag might have said the following: Excuse me, but aren t you Wilma Pritchard To which Shirley would have replied coldly, and seeking a neutral point on the other side of the bus: No. Tha


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