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1、【分层单元卷】人教版英语8年级上册Unit 4A基础测试一、选择填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1How are you feeling now, Jim?I am feeling _ after a good sleep. Thanks.Amore betterBmore wellCmuch betterDmuch well2There are many tools _ brushes, tape, glue for you to _ in the shop.Afor example, chooseBlike, choose fromCsuc

2、h as, chooseDfor example, choose from3The little girl _ speak English well, although she is only five.Ais able toBis similar toCis up toDis ready to4Susan is in hospital. Im sorry to hear that. I _ her tomorrow.AvisitBwould visitCam visitingDam going to visit5Look at the dark clouds! It _ rain.Awill

3、Bwas going toCis going toDis going6What is Mary going to do this holiday?She plans _ Hainan with her family this holiday.AvisitingBto visitCvisitedDvisits7My father wants _ around the world because he enjoys _ new places.Atraveling; seeingBto travel; to seeCtraveling; to seeDto travel; seeing8Miller

4、s is a very good store, isnt it?Yes, it is. We can buy clothes _ there.AcheaperBthe cheapestCcheapDthe most cheaply9 Now the air in our hometown is even _ than it was before. So we must do something to stop it.AworstBbetterCworseDmore better10The films are all wonderful. I cant decide which one to c

5、hoose.Why not see My Motherland and Me? I think its _ of all.AeducationalBthe most educationalCmore educationalDmost educational11Im worried about tomorrows talent show. Come on! If you dont believe in yourself, _ will.AeverybodyBanybodyCnobodyDsomebody12English is important to us. We should try _ i

6、t hard.AstudyBstudiesCnot to studyDto study13Paul wants _ an actor because he likes acting.Ato beBbeCbeingDto being14I plan _ a boat trip to New York next month. Thats great! Enjoy yourself.AtakeBtakingCto takeDto taking15Lei Feng was helpful. He was always ready _ others.AhelpBhelpingCto helpDto he

7、lping二、完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。I am a piano teacher. I can feel clearly how important talent and hard work are. In fact, not everyone _16_ playing the piano when they came to this world. For example, some of my students just spend two or three months learni

8、ng to play the piano well. But other students need to learn for _17_. Many of my students learn piano _18_ because they are talented. But talent doesnt always bring a good _19_ When playing the piano seems easy to a student, he or she sometimes finds it _20_ and then gives up (放弃). And talented stud

9、ents sometimes have other things they enjoy more, so they give up, too. Some of my students work very hard. But they still cant play the piano _21_ . I teach them again and again, and they _22_ for long. However, it just does not work for these students. In my eyes, it is not necessary to do everyth

10、ing very well. When you really dont have any talent for something, the best way is to give up. Then you can _23_ what youre truly interested in, and put all your heart into it. Both talent and hard work play important _24_ in learning. If you want to do the best, you need to _25_ your talents and wo

11、rk as hard as you can. Dont give up halfway.16Awas good atBwas bad forCwas angry aboutDwas tired of17AhoursBdaysCweeksDyears18AquicklyBslowlyCquietlyDdifficulty19AwayBquestionCideaDresult20AimportantBboringCpopularDnoisy21AluckilyBcarefullyCbeautifullyDcomfortable22AwaitBsingCwriteDpractice23Athink

12、aboutBtalk toCmake upDget on24AgamesBroleCjokesDtricks25AforgetBfollowCleaveDhelp三、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。AYun Siqi from Beijing is a young pianist. He was born in 2001 and started to learn the piano at the age of 4 and it has been his favorite hobby since then. Before that, he of

13、ten heard his elder sister playing the violin and he loved the classical music she played. “I wanted to beat her in something and I chose the piano,” Yun said. At 4, several minutes of practice a day was enough. As Yun grew up, at the age of 7 and 8, he had to practice for four hours a day. The time

14、 kept going up after Yan was 12. Now, he needs to practice at least seven hours every day. He sleeps for only five to six hours a day, but he is still full of energy. Yun never got tired of the piano. In fact, he had great fun playing it. “Music is my special luck, and it is a real enjoyment to be with it every day,” he said. Yun worked hard and soon he stood out. From 2013 to now, Yun appeared at different music festivals, concerts and competitions and gave excellent shows. Yun said successes or failure were not important and they would not affect his understa


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