【单元测试】2023-2024学年初中8年级上册英语人教版Unit 8 01

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1、人教新目标版八年级上Unit 8一、单项选择1_ butter do we need for a sandwich?Two teaspoons should be enough.AHow manyBHow muchCHow longDHow far2“ exercise every day, my son. Its good for your health. ”Dad often said to him.ATakesBTakingCTakeDTo take3_ do you make fruit salad?First, cut up the apples, bananas and pears

2、. And then .AWhenBWhereCWhyDHow4There _ some bread on the plate. You can eat it for breakfast.OK, I will.AareBisCwasDwere5Lets make tomato and beef noodles. .ASounds goodBYoure welcomeCThats rightDDont worry6Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday in November.AinBonCatDfor7Tom is in good health,

3、because he often exercises and eats a lot of healthy .AfoodBwaterCpearDcarrot8 Lets make fruit salad. .ANo, I dontBYes, I willCOKDYes, we did9It _ that everyone _ to laugh.Aseems; lovesBseem; loveCso; asDsuch; like10How many people _there fifty years ago?AwillBwereCareDwill be二、完型填空Flynn McGarry, an

4、 American teenager, can easily take control of a kitchen. He 11 his cooking career(生涯) at the age of eleven and said it was something he was soon interested in.He wanted to cook as 12 as he could. After reading a lot of cookbooks and going on the Internet, he thought he could 13 that one day. McGarr

5、y said, 14 I cooked something, I tried my best to get better and better. I just 15 it.He said his mothers cooking was another 16 why he wanted to cook. He didnt quite like his mothers food, 17 he decided to learn how to cook. He started cooking for 18 and began practicing his knife skills after scho

6、ol. Then, he started cooking dishes for more people than just his family. The young man has a strong passion(酷爱) for cooking. He 19 turned his bedroom into an experimental kitchen lab. Soon after, he began to cook for famous 20 in America.The real I want to be a cook moment came when McGarry decided

7、 to create his own dishes. He said a year later, when his skills in the kitchen got better, he was able to create his way 21 most of the cookbooks. I have always been very 22 , and I wanted to create my own dishes in the future, said McGarry.McGarrys mother is 23 of him. He is progressing so fast, s

8、he said. He showed such passion for this that it was an obvious 24 to allow him to do what he loves to do. 25 your passion and work hard, McGarry said in an interview, then your dream will come true.11AstoppedBendedCbeganDfinished12AmuchBlittleCearlyDlate13AacceptBachieveCbelieveDconsider14AOn timeB

9、In timeCEvery timeDBy the time15Akept away fromBfell in love withCtook care ofDpaid attention to16AreasonBmethodCsuggestionDpart17AthoughBsoCbutDbecause18AherselfBmyselfChimselfDourselves19AneverBonlyCalwaysDeven20AlibrariesBrestaurantsCmuseumsDhospitals21AbyBinsideCthroughDwith22AoutgoingBseriousCs

10、trongDcreative23AafraidBproudCsureDcareful24AchoiceBresultCtraditionDmistake25ACelebrateBFillCServeDFollow三、阅读单选Do you know turkey? People in England and the USA enjoy eating it on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas. It tastes so delicious. Let me tell you how to cook it. Then you can have a try in your

11、kitchen.Ingredients: a big turkey, some pepper, some salt, melted butter or oil(油),some onion, some beer and honey.Cooking steps(步骤):Firstly, clean it. Wash the turkey with water and make it clean enough.Secondly, season(给调味) it. Put some salt and pepper all over it and onion and beer in it.Thirdly,

12、 steam it. Put it into a pot and stain it for at least 30 minutes.Lastly, enjoy it. Take it out of the pot. Be careful not to hurt yourself because it is too hot. Then put some butter or oil on the turkey. If you enjoy a sweet taste, you can put some honey on it. Then put some fruit around it on the

13、 plate.26Which of the following ingredients is not necessary when cooking turkey according to the passage?ASalt.BSugar.CPepper.DOnion.27We must steam the turkey for_.Ajust 30 minutesBat least 20 minutesCat least 30 minutesD20 minutes28There are _cooking steps mentioned(捉到) in the passage.AtwoBthreeC

14、fourDfive29What does the underlined word Ingredients mean in Chinese?A材料B调味品C食物D要素30The passage is mainly about _.Ahow to eat turkeyBhow to cook turkeyCwhere to find turkey Dwhen to eat turkeyA man from Bishan, Chongqing lost his dog when he was walking it at night. Then he walked around to look for the dog but then he fell into a 5meterdeep hole. When he looked back, he found that his dog was in the hole, too. The man then called 119 for help. A thief(贼) fr


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