【单元测试】2023-2024学年初中8年级上册英语人教版Unit 7 02

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1、人教新目标版八年级上Unit7 一、单项选择1Where is Mary,Kate?She _ went shopping with her parents.AmaybeBpossibleCprobablyDprobable2At first I watched the soap opera every day but later I _ bored with it.AappearedBmadeCgotDstayed3There are many visitors _ at the top of the mountain to enjoy the sunrise.Ato waitBwaitCw

2、aitingDwaited4Everyone is busy with their own things. People today seem to have _ time for each other.AlessBfewerCmoreDmuch5There _ a soccer game next Saturday. Would you like to watch it?Ais going to haveBis going to beChasDwas6I cant believe _ a little dog can eat _ much food.Aso; soBsuch; suchCsu

3、ch; soDso; such7People around the world should keep the _ between countries.ArelationshipBpeaceCdiscussionDrole8Its careless(粗心) _ the same mistake again in your composition.Afor you to makeBfor you makingCof you to makeDof you making9Is there _ in todays magazine? No,there isnt.Aanything specialBso

4、mething specialCspecial anythingDspecial something10 It will be difficult for a robot _ the same things _ a person.Adoing; likeBdo; fromCto do ; likeDdoes; as11Now _ is very serious. Some rivers and lakes are _ .Apollution;polluteBpolluted;pollutionCpollution;pollutedDpollute;polluted12(题文)I think t

5、here will be_ pollution in the future because of the new law.Amore Bless Cfewer Dlower13How many people came to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?Its hard to say. _ people,I think.AMillion ofBMillions ofCTwo million ofDTwo millions of二、完型填空Naresh joined Google in Bangalore. You may ask, whats so

6、 14 about this young boy? Why is he able to 15 in a big company?Naresh is really special. He has no 16 and moves around in his wheel chair (轮椅) because an accident on January 11, 1993. On that day, Nareshs mother took 17 and his sister to see his grandmother. When he was in the bus, he opened the do

7、or a little and wanted the wind to come in. 18 , the door was opened so wide that it threw him out (甩出去). He 19 the bus and hurt (使受伤) his legs. In the end, the doctors had to 20 his legs. After a month, he went back to his home. Without (没有) his legs, he was worried about his future, 21 he didnt le

8、t himself to lose heart. He studied even 22 than before. He 23 believes that God must have other plans for him.14AprimaryBdifficultCcomfortableDspecial15AworkBstudyCsleepDact16AarmsBearsClegsDhands17AhimBherCmeDthem18AReallyBCarefullyCHoweverDLuckily19Afell offBgot upCdressed upDfound out20AsetBcutC

9、takeDput21AandBbutCsoDor22AharderBslowerCworseDearlier23AsometimesBeverCalwaysDnever三、阅读单选The filmDinosaur Island? I went with my younger brother Dave to see it last Friday. I had a great time, but he didnt. He closed (闭上) his eyes in many parts because the dinosaurs (恐龙) looked so real and he didnt

10、 laugh once. I thought the story was really exciting. Id like to buy the DVD and watch it at home again. The beginning and the ending were excellent! GeorgeI saw the advertisement (广告) for the filmDinosaur Islandon TV. It looked great but it wasnt as good as I hoped. I loved the beginning but the se

11、cond half was boring, I think. I wouldnt go and see it again. I like films about teenagers (青少年) and their lives much more. I think those are funnier. I also like reading books about teenagers. Id like to be a writer and write for teenagers one day. RobertI didnt want the filmDinosaur Islandto end b

12、ecause I liked it so much! I read this story before I saw the film. I usually enjoy the books more, but this time was “_”. I really loved the film! I enjoyed feeling afraid and I laughed a lot in some parts of the film too. I read all about how they made the dinosaurs on the Internet after I went to

13、 see it. I think most young people will love seeing this film! Andrew根据材料内容选择最佳答案。24What might Dave think of the filmDinosaur Island?ABoring.BFunny.CExciting.DScary.25What does Robert want to be in the future?AA writer.BA scientist.CA film maker.DA TV reporter.26The best word for “ ” is “_”.Aserious

14、BcommonCpopularDdifferent27Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?AGeorge often watches films at home.BRobert is interested in films about teenagers.CDave went to see the filmDinosaur Islandyesterday.DAndrew didnt laugh once when he saw the filmDinosaur Island.28What question might the three boys answer?AWhere do you usually watch films?BWhat kind of films do you like most?CWhy did you go to see the filmDinosaur Island?DWhat did you think of the filmDinosaur Island?


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