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1、2022辽宁省铁岭市长发中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、选择题1.-There will be a TV broadcast of the singing competition The Voice ofChina tonight.-Thats great.I adore all of the singers.A.lively B.living C.liveD.alive参考答案:C2.The girl didnt help you last time.you dont want to talk to her.A.No wonder B.No doubtC.Above all D.After a

2、ll参考答案:A略3.you have questions,please contact our customer service representatives hotlineright now.A.Should B.Would C.Could D.Might参考答案:A4.In the meantime,the question facing business is whether such research is thecosts.A.worth B.worth ofC.worthy D.worthwhile参考答案:答案:A考查beworth+m(值得.)的用法。句意:与此同时,商业面

3、临的问题是这样的研究是否值得付出代价。5.Although she is _ to me by two years,she has more workingexperience.A.younger B.junior C.senior D.older参考答案:B6.Who would you like to have the letter?A.to post B.post C.posted D.posting参考答案:B7.一The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before sheretu

4、rned.Oh,dear!She a lot of difficulties!A.may go through B.might go throughC.ought to have gone through D.must have gone through参考答案:D8.We are now enjoying the cool air in the room the farmers are harvestingcropsin the hot sun.A.when B.while C.because D.if参考答案:B略9.Did you have any trouble his house?A

5、.finding B.to find C.found D.to finding参考答案:A10.Do you mind if I leave my car here for a minute?A.Great!I love cars B.Of course not.Its not allowed hereC.No,you cant D.ld rather you didnt,actually参考答案:D11.of her dog,the kid didnt dare to go to her house.A.Being frightened B.Frightened C.Frightening

6、D.To be frightened参考答案:B12.It is quite obvious that the aging population in China will cause_heavy pressureonwhole society in the near future.A.a;a B.a;the C.the;a D the,参考答案:B13.Do you know art in the 18th century played more important partin peoples lives than it does today?A.a,the B./,a C.the,a D

7、.the,the参考答案:C14.-Why did you buy so small a car?-1 dont mind whether it is big or small it is friendly to the environment.It is aneco-friendly one.A.unless B.even if C.so long as D.as though参考答案:C15.Interest is as to learning as the ability to understand,even more so.A.accurate B.temporary C.demand

8、ingD.vital参考答案:D16.Did you enjoy yourself on your vacation in Hainan?Yes.Ive never taken one before.A.the more relaxed B.a most relaxedC.the most relaxing D.a more relaxing参考答案:D答句的意思是 我从来没有度过这么放松的假日(即我在海南过的假期是最放松的厂。17.We are constantly introducing novel schemes and options designed to suit individu

9、alcircumstances and the current financial climate.A.consistent B.relevant C.beneficial D.flexible参考答案:D18.He went home in a h u r r y,t h e door.A.left.unlocking B.leaving.unlockedC.left.unlocked D.leaving.unlocking参考答案:B二、完型填空19.Its a sad reality that many of us find ourselves just too busy to cont

10、ribute to ourcommunities.For a long time,I,too,believed it cost too much in time,money and 41 tomake a real difference.But all that changed when I 42 my good-deed-a-day project.My daughter,Emily,was my primary 43.I wanted to show her we could do littlethings to help others,and be 44.The first week,I

11、 wasnt sure if I could 45 it.I surfed the Internet for ideas.One day,I46 a blind man in the subway station.He 47 as he thanked me.Another day,Ibrought flowers from my garden to a 48 nursing homel could only hope I was arousing49 in others.After just a few days,50 I found it easier than Id expected.I

12、 knew I was makinga/an 51.Every evening at the dinner table,I 52 that days good deed to Emily.Emily began53 what Id started.On a walk home from school,she 54 to a neighbours pot ofgeraniums(天竺葵),which had toppled(摇晃)in the wind,and set it right.Z/That was my gooddeed for the day!she yelled.Another d

13、ay,she helped me collect 55 from ourneighbours for the food bank.We dropped off the food and,56 we drove away,Emilyannounced 57 that she wanted to work there one day.By the last week,I knew Id changed.At first,I hadn/t been entirely 58 that I coulddo a good deed every day.Now it was practically seco

14、nd 59.I felt a greater responsibilityto take action when I saw a need,60 looking the other way.I felt as though Id awakened,somehow.41.A.energyB.spaceC.wisdomD.salary42.A.stoppedB.startedC.forgotD.remembered43.A.donation B.expectationC.celebrationD.inspiration44.A.luckyB.cleverC.happyD.merciful45.A.

15、getB.manageC.put D.appreciate46.A.watched B.waitedC.guidedD.ordered47.A.smiledB.sighedC.frownedD.jumped48.A.popularB.distantC.desertedD.local49.A.interestB.mercyC.awarenessD.praise50.A.thoughB.besidesC.thereforeD.also51.A.discovery B.differenceC.mistakeD.fortune52.A.reminded B.pointedC.recalledD.des

16、cribed53.A.criticizing B.sharingC.laughingD.praising54.A.marched over B.pulled over C.turned over D.fell over55.A.moneyB.vegetablesC.donationsD.clothes56.A.beforeB.since C.until D.as57.A.proudlyB.eagerlyC.anxiouslyD.casually58.A.concerned B.convinced C.expected D.persuaded59.A.scene B.language C.nature D.skill60.A.by means of B.regardless of C.as well as D.instead of参考答案:41.A 42.B 43.D 44.C 45.B 46.C 47.A 48.D 49.C 50.A 51.B 52.D 53.B 54,A 55.C 56.D 57.A 58.B 59.C 60.D本文为记叙文。作者长期以来认为自己只是太忙,无法花费太


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