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1、绝密启用前O2022年新初二英语暑假刷讲专项讲义102020-2021学 年 北 京 市 人 大 附 中 八 年 级(上)期中英语试卷考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx学校:姓名:班级:考号:题号一二三四五总分得分O注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明选 择 题(共 35小题)评卷人得 分OO氐O与照浙1.(2021 秋博兴县期中)-What was the weather like yesterday?-It was terrible.It rained so that peopl

2、e could go o u t.()A.hardly,hard B.hardlyhardlyC.hard,hardly D.hard,hard2.(2021 春工业园区期中)It was for us to solve the math problem,few ofus could even understand i t.()A.easy enough B.enough easyC.difficult enough D.enough difficult3.(2019 秋青山 区 期 中)-What do you plan to do this weekend?-I dont having a

3、 trip.I to stay at hom e.()A.feel like;look likeB.sound like;would likeC.feel Hke;would likeD.sound like;feel like4.(2020 秋宽城 区 期 中)-I tried several ways to work out the math problem,butof them worked.-Never give up.I believe youll make i t.()A.allB.eachC.noneD.neither5.(2017 秋历下区期 中)-Oh,I have a ba

4、d tooth.I can*t eat anything.-I think you must go to t he and ask for h e lp.()A.teacher B.scientist C.dentist D.driver6.(2022 春玄武区校级期中)-do you have an English party?-Once am onth.()A.How old B.How far C.How often D.How long7.(2021 秋大化县期中)Frank enjoys doing all kinds of sports,running,swimming and p

5、laying basketball.()A.of course B.such as C.as well D.because of8.(2021 秋镇原 县 期 中)I think the best way is playing basketball withfriends.()A.relax B.to relaxingC.to relax D.relaxing9.(2021 秋运城期中)-Whats wrong with you,Eric?You look tired.-I late to study for the final exam last n ig h t.()A.picked up

6、 B.woke up C.stayed up D.put up10.(2021 秋南昌期中)Vegetables are.They are good for our.()A.health;healthy B.healthy;healthC.healthy;healthy D.health;health11.(2022 春军 B 城 县 期 中)Do you know Liu Hui finally entered a top school?-Certainly.Thats the of his hard w o rk.()A.habit B.suggestion C.result D.deci

7、sion12.(2021 秋上高县期中)The teacher asked us not too much time playing computergam es.()A.spend B.to spend C.take D.to take13.(2019 秋松滋市期中)-Can you hear me?-Sorry,I cant.Could you please speak a little mor e?()A.quietly B.quicklyC.loudly D.beautifully14.(2021 秋镇原县期中)-Why do you look so tired?-Because Mr

8、.Miller made me for 12 hours yesterday.()O.寂.O.fa-.O.堞.O.代.O.鼠世田郑11期阳豚氐理冰o.郛.o.Il.o.媒.o.o.试卷第2页,总19页A.to workB.workC.to dreamD.dreamOO15.(2021秋镇原县期中)-Frank,what do you think of physics?-I think its m ath.()A.so difficult asB.as difficult asC.so difficultly asD.as difficultly as郛16.(2020 秋李沧区期中)In a

9、soccer game,its important for the players to play togetherand.the best in each o th er.()A.make upB.bring outC.take upD.come outOO17.(2021 春 曲 阜 市 校 级 期 中)-Could you tell me why you learn English so well?-Its very simple,you study,grades you will g e t.()A.The harder;betterB.The harder;the better|n爬

10、C.Harder;betterD.Harder;the better18.(2021 秋天门期中)This examination is very important in your life.You should take itv e r y.()OOA.clearlyB.loudlyC.seriouslyD.quickly19.(2021秋吁胎县期中)Its aidea to build cabin hospitals(方舱医院)莪to receive patients during the outbreak of COVID-19(新冠肺炎).()堞彝料A.cheerfulB.class

11、icalC.creativeD.curious20.(2021 春东城区校级期中)Zhaozhou Bridge is one ofstone bridges inthe w orld.()OOA.oldB.olderC.oldestD.the oldest21.(2018秋无棣县期中)-Mr.Black always makes his classand keeps hisstudents interested in class.-What a successful teacher he is!)A.boringB.lovelyC.slowlyD.lively氐-K22.(2021 秋金川区

12、校级期末)Fm hungry,would you please give me.to eat?()A.something deliciousB.delicious somethingOOC.anything deliciousD.delicious anything23.(2021 秋岑溪市期末)It was a long journey,butof them felt bored.()A.all B.none C.both D.among24.(2021 秋幅咽区期末)-Do your parents like sports?-Yes,of them enjoy playing ping-p

13、ong on the weekend.()A.none.B.all C.both D.either25.(2021 秋泗县期末)一 I eat vegetables and meatthan I did last year.一 Thats why you are getting fatter.()A.fewer;more B.more;less C.less;more D.many;much26.(2021 秋头屯河区校级期末)Li Hua his homework last night.He watched TV allthe tim e.()A.doesn*t finish B.finis

14、hesC.didnt finish D.finished27.(2021 秋连山区期末)-How was your weekend-Pretty good!I the Science Museum with my classmates last Saturday/)A.visited B.visitC.will visit D.am visiting28.(2020 秋石景山区期末)Tina learning painting at school last year.()A.begins B.beganC.will begin D.was beginning29.(2022 春庐阳区期末)-T

15、he summer holiday is coming.Whats your plan?-Maybe I to Hong Kong.()A.go B.went C.will go D.goes30.(2021 秋四川期末)-Judy,look at the dark clouds in the sky!I think it.-Yeah.Pd better take an umbrella with m e.()A.rains B.rainedC.is raining D.is going to rain31.(2020 秋江汉区期末)-I dont know if Tom to the par

16、ty tomorrow.-He yesterday and said he couldnt make it.Dont you know that?()A.will come;called B.comes;calledC.comes;will call D.will come;will call32.(2021 秋怀柔区期末)-you come to my party on Saturday?-Im afraid not.I have the flu.()鼠世田郑11期阳豚氐理冰.o.郛.o.Il.o.媒.o.o.试卷第4页,总19页,o.夕卜.o.装.o.订.o.线.O 学校:姓名:班级:考号:,o.内 .o.装.o.订.o.线.O CanB.shoEdc.Mus-D.Need33,(2021要至冈盗流)Mike_youswim7NoyIcan-f.BU-mybrotherw二二eachmeoswim-hissummerholiday()A,shouE.Bmus_c,canD.need34,(2021类丰出冈遮洲)InEng-andyyou_sayMr.orMrs.whenyoumee



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