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1、备考2024上海市教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力通关试题库(有答案)一单选题(共60题)1、To develop the skill of listening, the teacher asks the students to learn several new words that will appear in the listening passage and predict what the listening is about. Which stage is it at in listening class now?A.Warming upB.Pre-listeningC.Whi

2、le-listeningD.Post-listening【答案】 B2、The policeman ran after the man and _ him by the arm.A.stoppedB.reachedC.shotD.caught【答案】 D3、请阅读短文。A.an excuse for lazinessB.the result of poor study habitsC.a real problemD.something that cannot be changed【答案】 C4、This passage suggests that an individuals I.Q. _.A

3、.can be predicted at birthB.stays the same throughout his lifeC.can be increased by educationD.is determined by his childhood【答案】 C5、There are many different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Among them, three are most frequently used and discussed. Which one does not be|ong to them?A.The

4、 deductive methodB.The inductive methodC.The guided discovery methodD.The productive method【答案】 D6、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.Because the pressure of work may make people sufferB.Because many blocks in city are dirty, noisy and impersonalC.Because its hard to tlnd a good job in cityD.Because living in a city is n

5、ot safe【答案】 B7、The number of children being home educated_in Britain has increased by 65 percent over the six years.A.being recordedB.to be recordedC.recordedD.recording【答案】 C8、The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a

6、 medical school to a student cheating in an examination.A.Extensive research has been done about this phenomenonB.We have sufficient data to prove that prevention is feasibleC.We are safe to conclude that this phenomenon exists on a grand scaleD.Reliable data about the extent, prevention and managem

7、ent of the phenomenon is lacking【答案】 D9、The Law to Keep the Oil Industry under ControlA.they form such a large part of Norwegian idealB.their lives and values represent the Norwegian idealC.their work is so useful to the rest of Norwegian societyD.they regard as a threat to the Norwegian way of life

8、【答案】 B10、What should the teacher try to avoid when selecting listening materials?A.The text scripted and recorded in the studioB.The text with implicated concepts beyond the comprehension of studentsC.The text with local accents in pronunciationD.The text with some difficult words for students【答案】 B

9、11、The meaning of the sentence is_.A.related to its syntactic structureB.independent of its structureC.the sum total of the words used in itD.unrelated to the context【答案】 A12、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.RepetitionsB.MiseryC.ComplaintsD.Setbacks【答案】 D13、The _ approach to writing teaching pays attention to not only

10、what to write, but also how to write.A.product-orientedB.process-orienteDC.form-focusedD.meaning-focuseD【答案】 B14、_there is fresh air, there is oxygen.A.WhereverB.WheneverC.UnlessD.Whether【答案】 A15、Hoping to preserve natural habitats, conservationists lobbied for legislation that would_ commercial dev

11、elopment in these areas.A.accommodateB.diversifyC.promoteD.arrest【答案】 D16、T: You GO to the theatre last night?A.Correcting the students mistake.?B.Hinting that there is a mistakeC.Encouraging peer correctionD.Asking the Student whether he really went to the theatre【答案】 B17、Which of the following act

12、ivities hasa focus on grammar?A.Read a story and act it out in groupB.Read a story and answer comprehenC.Read a story and underline the mostdifficult sentencesD.Read a story and analyze how past events are described【答案】 D18、As expected, the boy who shows great _ in playing badminton has been admitte

13、d to the sport university for his talent.A.requestB.respectC.additionD.promise【答案】 D19、Passage 1A.a supplement to the social cureB.a stimulus to group dynamicsC.an obstacle to social progressD.a cause of undesirable behaviors【答案】 D20、Mr. Woods, I am here just in case anything out of the ordinary _.A

14、.happensB.happenC.would happenD.will happen【答案】 A21、请阅读Passage l,完成第小题。A.gives meaning to readers lifeB.makes readers blessed with wisdomC.puts readers in a peaceful state of mindD.enables readers to have a sense of belonging【答案】 C22、There are many different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Among them, three are most frequently used and discu



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