参考学习 5年级英语上册【补充练习】31Read and write

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《参考学习 5年级英语上册【补充练习】31Read and write》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《参考学习 5年级英语上册【补充练习】31Read and write(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

百分百教育 ARead and write一、读读写写。二、读句子,根据图片写出所缺单词。 What would you like for breakfast?Id like some _,some _,two _s and a glass of _三、根据图片判断下列句子正()误()。1I like ice-ream ( )2Show me the hamburger ( )3I would like two eggs ( )4Can I have some rice,please? ( )四、选择正确的译文,将其序号填在括号里。( )1你午餐想要吃什么? AWhat would you like for breakfast? BWhat would you like for lunch? CWhat do you have for dinner?( )2哇!多么丰盛的一顿早餐啊! AWow! What a big breakfast! BWow! What a big lunch! CWow! What a big desk!参考答案一、略二、milk bread egg water三、1 2 3 4四、1B 2A百分百教育


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