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1、2021-2022年度黑龙江省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识精选试题及答案十一单选题(共60题)1、既有风险损失又可能有风险收益的商业银行风险是()。 A.信用风险B.投机风险C.流动性风险D.经营风险【答案】 B2、资料:Directions : There is 1 passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices , You should decide on the best choi

2、ce.A.PromisingB.SkepticalC.SupportiveD.Neutral【答案】 B3、下列账务处理程序中,适合规模较小,经济业务较少类型使用的是()。A.记账凭证汇总表账务处理程序B.汇总记账凭证账务处理程序C.科目汇总表账务处理程序D.记账凭证账务处理程序【答案】 D4、I have to admit that, although I still find him rather arrogant, he has gone up _ my estimation recently.A.toB.inC.forD.at【答案】 B5、Luo Jingyu,19,has four

3、 years of experience of running business.He is also a freshman in the arts department of Hubei University.A.abcdB.abdcC.bacdD.cbad【答案】 B6、Passage 1A.It reflected the existing big gap between the two economiesB.It neglected many important indicators of peoples welfareC.It covered up the differences b

4、etween individual citizensD.It failed to count in their difference in natural resources【答案】 B7、我国习惯上将年息、月息、日息都以“厘”作单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息8厘,月息 6厘,日息3厘,则分别是指( )A.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为B.年利率为8%,月利率为6%,日利率为3C.年利率为8%。,月利率为6,日利率为3D.年利率为8%,月利率为3,日利率为0. 33【答案】 D8、洋务运动始于()。A.19世纪30年代B.19世纪50年代C.19世纪60年代D.19世纪90年代【答案】

5、C9、孔子思想的核心是( )。A.仁B.义C.孝D.信【答案】 A10、资料:A high-precision NASA radar instrument left a NASA airport in Southern California for Iceland on January 28 to create detailed maps of how glaciers move in the dead of winter. This will help scientists around the world better understand some of the most basic p

6、rocesses involved in melting glaciers, which are major contributors to rising sea levels.A.Freeze easilyB.Move quicklyC.Long-lastingD.Extremely cold【答案】 C11、资料:Some companies are more creative in their use of history than others. HSBCs History Wall, a striking art installation at the banks London he

7、adquarters, is made up of 3,743 images drawn from the banks archives and arranged in chronological order.A.Activities did by HSBC are better than those of Coca -colaB.New designs inspired by old products are not goodC.Young companies do better than old companies in using historyD.Consumers often tru

8、st old-aged companies more【答案】 D12、商标权的有效期为10年,自( )起计算。A.商标使用之日B.商标注册申请之日C.商标核准注册之日D.公告之日【答案】 C13、These small companies now have their own _ identity.A.discreetB.discreteC.separatedD.isolated【答案】 B14、Passage 7A.When they take decision shortcutsB.When they help others to make decisionsC.When they hav

9、e major decisions to makeD.When they have advisers to turn to【答案】 B15、下列各项中,关于无形资产摊销表述不正确的是()。A.使用寿命不确定的无形资产不应摊销B.出租无形资产的摊销额应计入管理费用C.使用寿命有限的无形资产处置当月不再摊销D.无形资产的摊销方法主要有直线法和生产总量法【答案】 B16、It is said that this job is open to all,_previous experience.A.regardless ofB.prior toC.because ofD.in case of【答案】 A

10、17、The car industry has expanded at a()rate over the past ten years.A.rapidnessB.rapidlyC.rapidityD.rapid【答案】 D18、资料:Many people think of internal control as a means of safeguarding cash and preventing fraud. Although internal control is an important factor in protecting assets and preventing fraud,

11、 this is only a part of its roles. Remember that business decisions are based on accounting data and the system of internal control provides assurance of the dependability of the accounting data used in making decisions.A.The means of communicationB.The level of performance in all divisions of the c

12、ompanyC.The effectiveness of company policiesD.The financial reports【答案】 C19、针对社会关切,20日提请全国人大常委会会议审议的教育法修正草案拟进一步明确()相关行为的法律责任。A.校园安全B.冒名顶替入学C.校园暴力D.未成年人保护【答案】 B20、资料:October 20,2013A.He was impressed with its menuB.The hotel is located close to the companyC.He has special ties with the hotel staffD.

13、It has become a tradition of the company【答案】 A21、资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession. What are the prospects for economic recovery?A.can help towards overcoming this problem about the ratio of debt to incomeB.may lead Germanys importance as Europes largest export market to declineC.may br

14、ing some relief to other members of the European Exchange Rate MechanismD.None of above【答案】 D22、下列中央银行的行为和服务中,体现其“银行的银行”的职能的是()。A.代理国库B.对政府提供信贷C.集中保管商业银行现金准备D.发行货币【答案】 C23、计算机的指令包括操作码和( )。A.地址码B.运算码C.编译码D.机器码【答案】 A24、资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People


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