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1、e(结构复杂)andcontradictorycompositexpressionofShakespeareshuma的光彩中SonnetonChillon咏锡雍Childthorstheworldspre5.创作阶段:comea strikingly brilliant and-.-Thomas Moreeminent dramatist2 One of the first founders of realismUtopia in 1516Part I The Middle AgeChapter 1 the Anglo -Saxon period (449 -1066)1. Beowulf:

2、 Englands national epic.2. artistic feature: using alliteration using metaphor and understatementChapter 3 Geoffrey Chaucer (ca1343 -1400)1.Geoffrey Chauceirs the father of English poetryand one of the most greatest narrative (叙事)poetsof England.2.首创双韵体. tonico -syllabic verse. 运用 London dialect.3.

3、writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.4.代表作: The Canterbury Tale-s-I-this book, Chaucer createdpicturesque panorama of his time and his counrIyn this poem Chaucers realism, trenchantirony and freedomof views reached such a high level of power that it had no equal in all theth century. But Chaucer w

4、as not entirely devoid English literature up to the 16of medievalprejudices. 乔叟为他那个时代和国家勾勒出一幅生机勃勃而又充满诗情画意的社会百态图。在他 的这部现实主义诗歌中,他将自己的讽刺艺术和宽广视野展现的淋漓尽致,使该作品在 16 世纪前的英国独树一帜。但是没能脱离中世纪的偏见。Part II The Renaissanc(e文艺复兴)th .2.国家: Greek and Roman. Also England in drama.3.定义: The term Renaissancriginally indica

5、ted a revivalof classical artsand scienceafter thedark ages of medieval obscurantism.4.类型: drama and canto (诗章) .5.key work: humanism -dmire human beauty and human achievement. Francis Baco-n- he great English scientist and philosopher. Christopher Marlowe -he greatest of the pioneers of English dra

6、ma Edmund Spenser( 埃德蒙斯宾塞)-he Faerie Queene (仙后)Chapter 5 William Shakespeare (1564 -1616), .3. A master hand at realistic portrayal of human characters and relations.4.四大悲剧: Hamlet Othello King LearThe Tragedy oMfacbeth.century( 1550-1-642)161 时期: during the1 He isthe greatestof English authors the

7、 worlds pre5.创作阶段: comedy:1590 -1600tragedy:1601 -1608tragicomedies:1609 -161222 年写了 37plays,2 narrative poems,154sonnets.6. Hamlet:It is the profoundest expression of Shakespeares humanismand criticismofbookmainlytellsofthelovestorybceofBeingEarnest(1895)认真的重要.ChitwasoneoftheforerunnersoftheEldinga

8、ndTobiasGeorgeSmollet-“ DenmarkHe is too-the advancement of learningessaysis the Bacons worldly wise philosophyprevent the exaggeration of the “metaphysical”poets(玄学派)Poetry took newcontemporary world.The character ofHamlet. 1. A humanist, free from prejudices and superstitions.-Loving the world ins

9、tead of the heaven. 2. Treat people with love. Disgusted with unclesdrunkenness. Shocked by mothers shallowness. 3. Intellectual genius. Close observer.is a prison ”. 4. The melancholy of Hamlet the key note of Hamlets character.sophisticated to degrade his nature to the conventional role of a stage

10、 revenger.generallyare plays Shakespeares Hamlet. in principle structural important an is Contrastwell-organized, with harmony and order disbalanced at the beginning, social conflicts sharpenedin the middle and harmony and order restored at the end. Themes: Hypocrisy, treachery ofthe royal court and

11、 of the society as a whole. Revenge theme (Justice by violence) Lack of faith v.love The doom of ambition The tragedy of Hamlet: An individual v. mighty evil force of thewhole society7. The merchant of Venice is not tragedy.8. sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee( 你) to a summers day?1-4 起, 5-8 承, 9-12 转,

12、 13-14 合.simile, rhetoric question, alliteration, personification, couplet( 对偶).The message is that in this world no beauty (in Nature) can stay except poetry or art; and yourbeauty can only last if I write it down in my poetry. Also notice the love play. Apparently the poet isaddressing a man of hi

13、s heart, the wooing sounds more like a game play than anything real andsincere. The love here is too conditional to be genuine. Structure: Proposal (line1 -2) Argument (line3 -12) Conclusion (line13-14)Chapter 6 Francis Bacon-e-ssayist1. Bacons works may be divided into three classes. The most impor

14、tant are the Essays. the professional work-axims of the law and reading on the statute of uses.2. The essays of Bacon are so highly esteemed. .4. Of Studies main idea: the text is that of 1;.652 editions.uses and benefits of study and different ways adopted by differentpeople to pursue studies.5. writing style: brevity, compactness, powerfulness, well -arranged.Part III The period of Revolution and Restoratio(n资产阶级革命



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