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1、lways,usually,often,sometimes使作文生动连贯OnSaturdays/Suing,如Tomisnotplayingfootballnow.2)一般疑问句:把am/is/areheyarent.IsTomplayingfootballnow?Yes,heis./No,heianyoutakehimtothepark?你能带他去公园吗?Yes,ofcourse.当然可以。81. 询问作息时间: do you do morning exercises/?2. 询问周末活动: What do you do on the weekend?At2019 年新版 PEP 五年级英语

2、下册知识点归纳五年级下册知识点归纳Unit 1重点单词1. 吃早饭 eat/ have breakfast2. 上课 haveclass3. 进行体育运动 play/ do sports4. 做早操 do morning exercises5. 吃晚饭 eat/ have dinner6. 打扫我的房间 clean my room7. 散步 go for a walk8. 去买东西、购物 go shopping9. 上舞蹈课 take a dancing class10. 听起来好像 sound like重点句子11. 吃午饭 eat/ have lunch12. 去游泳 go swimmin

3、g13. 午前,上午 a.m.14. 午后,下午 p.m.15. 通常 usually16. 西班牙 Spain17. 起床 get up18. 吃早饭 eat/have breakfast19. 上床睡觉 go to bed20. 有时 sometimes21. 昨晚 last night22. 打乒乓球 play ping-pong23. 许多 a lot of/ lots of24. 经常 often25. 做作业 do homework26. 看电视 watch TV27. 洗衣服 wash my clothes28. 在周末 on the weekend29. 善于,擅长 be go

4、od at1. When do you finish class in the morning? 你们上午的课到几点结束? We finish class at 1 o clock . 我们一点钟结束。2. When do you usually eat dinner in Spain ? 在西班牙你们通常什么时候吃晚饭? Usually at 9:30 or 10 o clock. 通常在九点三十或十点钟。3. Why are you shopping today? 今天为什么是你购物?My mum worked last night . So Im shopping today. 我妈妈昨

5、晚上班了。所以今天我购物。4. What do you do on the weekend ? 你周末干什么?I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. 我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸打乒乓球。5. That sounds like a lot of fun . 那听起来好像很有趣。6. But I also hard-working. I usually wash my clothes. Sometimes I cook dinner. 但我也很勤劳的。我通常洗衣服,有时我做晚饭。7. Here is a letter from him

6、. 这是一封来自他的信。(倒装句)8. I live on an island. 我住在一座岛上。9. I always get up early every day. 我每天总是很早起床。10. Friday is good at sports. 星期五擅长体育活动。语 音辅音字母组合 cl, pl 的发音: kl pl 重点知识及语法When7 oclock/.I always/usually/often/sometimes (频率副词) 频率副词的用法:频率副词 always usuallyoftensometimes意思总是通常经常,时常 有时频率100%约 80%约 60%约 30%

7、位置一般位于实义动词之前, be 动词之后句首或实义动词之前, be 动词之后一般位于实义动词之前, be 动词之后 句首,句末或实义动词之前, be 动词之后重点作文1、描写周末活动: My weekends 思路导引( 1)开头: 自我介绍并概况周末情况 I am I am very busy on the weekend.(2)中间:具体介绍自己的周末活动, 可适当运用频率副词 always, usually, often, sometimes 使作文生动连贯On Saturdays/Sundays, I often in the morning/afternoon.(3)结尾:简单陈述

8、自己的感受 I am busy but happy/ 2、范文: My weekendsI am Lin Ping. I am very busy on the weekend. On Saturdays, I often take a dancing class in the morning. In the afternoon, I often do my homework and help my mother clean the house. On Sundays, I always play ping-pong with my father in the morning and go s

9、hopping in the afternoon.I am busy but happy on the weekends. How about yours?1otandthedaysarelong.Autumnisgoldenandfarmersarebusnoises23.日记diary24.开着的beopen25.煮面条cooknoodles26.两者春天我们有一些趣事。辅音字母组合ch,sh的发音:t。课外补充:询问活动或节日在几月份:Whenihday6.第十二(的)twelfth(12th)15.爸爸的生日dadsbirthday7.第二spring summer autumn/ f

10、all winter seasongo on a picnic pick apples make a snowman10. 因为 because11. 做得好 good job12. 哪一个 which13. 暑 summer vacation/ holiday14. 落下 fall15. 可爱的;美丽的 lovely16. 孩子们(复数) children17. 最;最高程度地 best18. 看 look at孩子们,你们喜欢这首音乐吗? 你最喜欢那个季节?Unit 2重点单词1. 春天2. 夏天3. 秋天4. 冬天5. 季节6. 去野餐7. 摘苹果8. 堆雪人9. 去游泳 go swim

11、ming重点句子1. Do you like the music, children ?2. Which season do you like best?19. 天气 weather20. 在雪中玩 play in the snow21. 种花 plant flowers22. 吃雪糕 eat ice cream23. 许多 lots of/ a lot of24. 家庭 family25. 到处 everywhere26. 热的 hotI like spring best. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. 我最喜欢春天。 (因为)到处都有美丽的

12、花。3. Spring is green with flowers and songs. Summer is hot and the days are long. Autumn is golden and farmersare busy. Winter is white and the year is gone. 春天火红柳绿歌声扬。夏天炎热白昼长。秋天金色农民忙。冬天白色年已终。 (歌谣句子可选用于写作)4. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful! 天气很好,色彩很美丽!5. I like summer, but I can ts

13、wim. 我喜欢夏天,但是我不会游泳。6. What lovely colours ! 多美丽的颜色啊! (感叹句)7. I want to paint a picture, too! 我想画画!8. There is lots of snow . It is white everywhere.9. I like winter because I can play in the snow.有许多雪。到处都是白的。我喜欢冬天因为我可以在雪中玩。10. I like summer best because of Children sDay. 我最喜欢夏天因为(有)儿童节。 语 音辅音字母组合 br

14、, gr 的发音: br , gr 重点知识及语法1. 询问喜欢那个季节的问与答: Which season do you like best? ( I like ) spring best.2. 询问喜欢某个季节的原因的问与答: Why (do you like summer/ )? Because I like summer vacation.3. because 和 because of 的区别: because+ 从句, because of+ 名词(词组) /V-ing 重点作文1、描写自己最喜欢的季节: My favourite season 思路导引( 1)开头:说明一年有四季, 自己最喜欢哪个季节 There are four seasons in a year. But I like spring/ best.(2)中间: 1)说明该季节的气候特点 Itssunny/warm/cold/cool/rai



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