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1、nd有关的短语:HandaroundHandbackHanddownHandgrenadeHandiowrong发生故障;出毛病goaboutwith着手做;处理;有关hold的短语:holdback阻止;犹豫不决;隐瞒holdonto坚持;holdon坚持住;别挂电话holdout坚持抵抗style时髦的,流行的20.insurprise惊奇地21.intheend=atlast=fin:高考必考常见短语归纳有关 take 的短语,take the trouble to do . 不怕麻烦做.;费力做.take away 拿走;移去;减去;削弱;夺走take along 带(某人)去;携带(

2、东西)去take back 取回;认错;收回说过的话take down 写下;记下;卸下take charge 掌管;负责take care of 小心;照料;保管take.for. 把当作;视为 ;take in 带进;领入;吸取;欺骗take on 呈现;具有;雇佣;从事take off 脱掉(衣服);起飞;事业的发展快take over 继承;接办;接管 ;接替take up 开始从事;接受;把继承下去;占用(时间;空间)take turns 轮流take the place of 取代;代替take place 发生take part in 参加;加入take advantage of

3、 利用take notice of 注意take apart 拆开有关 look 的短语有look after 照顾;照看look around 环视look at 看;思考;检查look back on sth 回忆起某事look down on/upon sb. 看不起某人look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事look into 调查look on 旁观look out 小心;放心look out for 小心;当心 ;提防 look over 检查look through 浏览look up 好转;查阅; 探访(某人)look up to sb. 钦佩某人loo

4、k ahead 展望未来有关 turn 的短语:standto准备行动;坚持;不放弃standover延期;监督;恐吓standwith和相处;astofffear摆脱恐惧castoffprejudice抛弃偏见高考必考常见短语归纳castof视;器重thinklittleof不重视;不加思索thinkmuchof重视;尊重thinknothythistime到此everytime每次foratime一度,一时forthefirsttime高考必考常见短语归纳turn against 使变得敌对turn around 转回身turn away 把拒之门外turn back 往回走turn do

5、wn 拒绝;把声音调低turn in 交还;退回;turn off 使厌烦;关掉turn on 打开;取决于turn out 产生;结果是turn over 把交给turn up 被发现;到来;把声音调大;好转turn left/right 向左/右转turn to 查字典;求助于turn a blind eye to/on sb. 对视而不见turn about 向后转turn from 对感到厌恶turn sth. over to 把交给;让出turn into 使变成;翻译成 有关 make 的短语:make the most of 充分利用make good use of 充分利用ma

6、ke full use of 充分利用make political points 提出政治观点make ends meet 使收支相抵make it 成功make out 明白;弄清楚;看出;理解make sense 讲得通make sense of 理解make up 制造;编造;打扮make up for 弥补make up of 由构成(看得出原材料)make up from 由构成(看不出原材料make into 把制成;使 转变make for 走向;朝 前进;有利于有关 keep 的短语:keep away from 不沾;避开;与保持距离;不接待keep back 隐瞒;扣留ke

7、ep in mind 记在心里keep off 勿踩; 勿踏; (雨雪)停止keep on 继续;坚持;kbackonsth回忆起某事lookdownon/uponsb.看不起某人lookforwardt不用说letdown=放下,降低;使失望letgo=放开,松开letin=让.进入,放.进来来高考必考常见短语归纳5.asawhole总体上,6.asfarasIknow据我所知,asfara然;无用allinall完全地一切的一切;最爱的(东西),最重要的(东西)头等大事;决定因素Alli高考必考常见短语归纳keep out 使不要进来keep out of 不牵涉进入keep up 继续;

8、保持keep up with 跟上;齐步前进keep at 保持;督促;备有 ;耽搁keep close 躲起来keep down 控制;使 不升起;使留级;吞下药物keep in 使继续燃烧keep ahead 领先有关 get 的短语keep abreast of/with 与保持并列;了解的新情况:get sb. through 给某人接通电话get through 用完;通过;做完;打通电话get round 消息传开get along 进展;进行get away 走开;离开get away from 摆脱;离开get down 跪下;弯腰get down to doing 开始认真做

9、;正式做get off 下班get over 克服;摆脱;get at 得到;找到;暗示get around to doing 设法找到足够时做 get sth. down 使某事被做get about 消息传播;get by 尚可;通过;设法;继续存在;过得去get hold of 找到某人get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系get on 进行;变老;上车;对付get out 出来;出版;使出现get rid of 除掉;去除有关 give 的短语get across 把信息传递给某人;横过;使被理解;使被接受:give away 送给; 分发; 泄漏give back

10、 归还; 恢复; 后退give in 投降; 屈服; 让步give off 散发出give ones life to 把生命献给give ones greeting to 向某人问好give out 分发;被用完; 宣布;发出uble处于困境中有关timeagainsttime争分夺秒的aheadoftime提前allthensononesmotives指责某人的动机castasluronsbsreputation诽谤etimesbehindtime落在时代后面betweentimes迟bythetime到什么时候bn吹倒;吹掉;真没想到blowgreatguns风刮的猛blowhotcoal

11、s暴怒blowin吹进高考必考常见短语归纳give way 妥协;屈从give up 放弃give credit 赊账give for 牺牲;交还give credit to 相信某人give birth to 产生;引起give ground 退却;让步give hell 使受罪;受惩罚;挨骂有关 set 的短语give lessons to 给上课:set on 把放在上;开始用;攻击某人set about 着手做set sb. about 使某人与众不同set aside 留取;拔出;节省set off for 动身去set in 插入;开始;到来;上涨set off 引爆set up

12、安排;资助;竖起来;站起来;创造be set in 以为背景set down 制定;使放下;下车;记下set back 花费;向后转;推迟set by 搁在一旁;留出;抛开set at 袭击有关 run 的短语:run for 竞选run up 使增长run after 追赶run away 走掉;跑掉run out 被用完run out of 用完run to 向走去;趋向 run over ( 车)撞到并碾过run through 快速浏览run about 跑来跑去run across 不期而遇; 偶然发现;开车送run against 碰及; 碰撞;同 竞选run along 走开;

13、延伸;贯穿run at 突然进攻; 目前为 run down 使虚弱;撞到; 诽谤run in 快速进入; 流入st有关的短语:castanchor抛锚高考必考常见短语归纳castonesattention集中lfonthesofa她躺在沙发上castareflectionon谴责castreflectioopinion根据某人看法16.inorderto=soastoinorderthat=sothatythroughschoolpayoutv.付出,报复paysb.backinhisowncoinp高考必考常见短语归纳run off 使留掉;减轻体重有关 burst 的短语run on 继

14、续;不停的讲;滔滔不绝:burst in 突然打断burst open 突然打开burst in on sb/sth 打乱;扰乱burst into bears 突然大哭起来burst out crying 突然 大哭起来burst out 突然喊叫burst on/onto 突然显现;突然在出现burst into flame 突然燃烧起来be bursting to do sth 急于做某事burst/break into a room 破门而入burst away 极速四散burst forth 突发;爆发;喷出burst into 匆匆进入;突然开始burst through 推开;拨开有关 fall 的短语burst with 突然发生:fall within 应列入的范围内fall off 从跌落;数量减少fall behind 落后;落在 后面fall for 上当;迷恋;对倾心fall up/upon 向进攻;由负责fall out 掉落;脱落fall in 掉入;掉进fall in love w



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