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1、2021-2022年度辽宁省教师招聘之小学教师招聘通关题库(附带答案)一单选题(共60题)1、为发展学生的兴趣、爱好和特长而开设的、可供学生自由选择的课程是( )A.综合课程B.选修课程C.学科课程D.活动课程【答案】 B2、Consider these situations: You have just read an excellent book and want to tell a friend about it. You have seen an exciting movie and want to _11_ your instructor to go to see it. You h

2、ave heard an inspiring lecture, and want to _12_ your newly found knowledge with a roommate who didnt attend the lecture.A.knowledgeB.informationC.instructionD.technology【答案】 B3、 李某系初二的学生,在学校组织的考试中提前交卷离开考场,擅自离校,与其他同学相约到离学校一公里处的池塘游泳,因体力不支溺水身亡,根据学生伤害事故处理办法,认定学校_。A.承担全部责任B.承担大部分责任C.承担过错责任D.不承担法律责任【答案】

3、C4、一个人看到某一物体的惯常用途之后,就很难看出它的其他用途,这种现象为()A.抽象思维B.原型启发C.功能固着D.创造思维【答案】 C5、不能遵守公认的正常儿童行为规范和道德标准,不能正常与人交往和参与学习的行为叫做()。A.心理障碍行为B.逆反行为C.问题行为D.差生行为【答案】 C6、为人格的发展提供现实性的是( )A.个人主观因素B.遗传因素C.成熟因素D.环境【答案】 D7、在性格结构中具有核心意义的性格特征是( )A.理智B.意志C.态度D.情绪【答案】 C8、 同时抛掷两枚1元的硬币,正面都朝上的概率是()。A.1/2B.1/3C.1/4D.1/5【答案】 C9、作品被后人列为

4、逸品的画家是()。A.倪瓒B.王羲之C.吴道子D.范宽【答案】 A10、人们感知过的事物,体验过的情感都可能会在人脑中留下痕迹,以后见到的时候能认出来或者不见的时候能回忆起来,这是属于( )A.想象B.表象C.回忆D.记忆【答案】 D11、根据下面资料,回答题 A.SufficientlyB.CompletelyC.AbsolutelyD.Really【答案】 C12、将学习过程视为“闻见知行”的学者是( )。A.老子B.荀子C.孔子D.奥苏贝尔【答案】 C13、He works ten hours a day, makes more than US $ 98000 a year, doesn

5、t 16 to take holidays, dresses 17 he pleases. Hes 18 been happier and is looking for another job. This 33-year-old white, university-educated person is the typical Internet worker, according to a study by the Industry Standard, a San Francisco-based news magazine. A.agreeB.allowC.refuseD.order【答案】 B

6、14、根据下面资料,回答A.apart fromB.as well asC.instead ofD.better than【答案】 C15、_the singer, a crowd of fans entered the hall.A.FollowingB.FollowedC.To followD.To be followed【答案】 A16、以下关于义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)第一学段教学目标的说法不正确的一项是( )。A.根据表达的需要,学习使用问号、感叹号B.听故事、看音像作品,能复述大意和自己感兴趣的情节C.积极参加讨论。敢于发表自己的意见D.对周围事物有好奇心,能就感兴趣的内

7、容提出问题【答案】 C17、It was the afternoon of December 24, but I had to work. The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree and a gifta dozen long-stemmed red _21_. As I was cleaning my office,a lady urgently needed to talk to me. I noticed a young,_22_ woman with a baby

8、 in her arms nervously,she explained that her husband, a prisoner,was my next patient. She told me she wasnt _23_to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. She wished to let the boys father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible _24_ I called him for his appoint

9、ment. Since my timetable wasnt full,I agreed. _25_ , it was Christmas Eve. A short time later, her husband arrived. The womans tired face _26_ like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. I kept peeling(偷看) out to watch them laugh, cry, and share their child.A.lit upB.chee

10、red upC.turned upD.made up【答案】 A18、随着STEAM教育和创客教育理念深入人心,不正确的是()。A.主板上有处理器B.可以连接多种传感器C.通过引脚只能接收数字信号D.可执行计算机中编好的程序【答案】 C19、在技能形成过程中,练习中期出现进步的暂时停顿现象在心理学上称为()。A.挫折现象B.抑制现象C.低谷现象D.高原现象【答案】 D20、Now and again I have had horrible dreams, but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin

11、with, I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic, wandering into another kind of existence. As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday. This still puzzles me. I am mystif

12、ied by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people or at least more Western Europeans do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives. They appear to see it as an irrita

13、ting little habit, like sneezing or yawning. A.the short moments it has relieved people from the burden of lifeB.experiencing the impossible or unrealistic, even broken parts of lifeC.the refreshing power it endows people when they wake up in the morningD.the mystery it brings when in dream people can predict their future【答案】 B21、小明小学时候成绩名列前茅,为人谦虚。升上中学后吸烟喝酒,打架群殴。面对这种情况,作为老师的你该如何处置?( )A.任之不管,青少年叛逆期是正常的。B.对其不正确的行为直接进行批评教育。C.紧密注意该同学的一言一行,以免他犯事。D.和该同学的家长、同学沟通,找到他变化的原因,进行相关的心理辅导。【答案】 D22、德育的永恒主题是( )A.理想教育B.爱国主义教育C.劳动教育D.自觉纪律教育【答案】 B23、以8分音符为一拍,两个四分音符的时值是()。A.2B.3C.1.5D.4【答案】 D24、 “勤能补拙”


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