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1、备考2023甘肃省船舶水手考试通关试题库(有答案)一单选题(共60题)1、水手经常保养锚机。() A. Sailors often maintain the derrick. B. Sailors often maintain the winch. C. Sailors often maintain the windlass. D. Sailors often maintain the machine. 试题答案:C 2、If there is another line already on the bollard ,the eye of the second line should be()

2、before placing it over the bollard. A. taken up through the eye of the first line B. taken up over the eye of the first line C. made fast to the first line D. taken up from the eye of the first line 试题答案:A 3、During loading and discharging, the equipment works with all kinds of cargo sling, net, wire

3、, tray, plate clamp, etc.() A. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货索环、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货托盘、吊板夹等。 B. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货托盘、吊板夹、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货盘等。 C. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货辅助设备等一起使用。 D. 在卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货索环、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货托盘、吊板夹等。 试题答案:A 4、There is no power for the ()(起货机). A. winch B. crane C. derrick D. boom 试题答案:A 5、使用自动舵航行,当发现自动舵出现异常情况时,应(

4、) A. 立即用手操舵 B. 立即关闭自动舵并检查 C. 立即改用手操舵并报告驾驶员 D. 立即改用应急舵 试题答案:C 6、“Single up forward to headline and spring!” means “ ()”. A. Unmoor all lines except the headline and forward spring. B. Moor all lines except the headline and forward spring. C. Hold on all lines except the headline and forward spring. D

5、. Let go the headline and forward spring. 试题答案:A 7、A bare metal surface should be applied with the ()(防腐漆). A. anti-corrosive paint B. anti-fouling paint C. heat-resistant paint D. non-slip paint 试题答案:A 8、()the rise and fall of the tide. A. Notice B. Note C. Attention D. Look out 试题答案:A 9、We must()(

6、后移)one metre. A. shift aft B. shift astern C. move aft D. move back 试题答案:B 10、()(尾尖舱) are at the aft part of the ship. A. Aft peak tanks B. Pilot ladder C. Fore peak tank D. Peak tanks aft 试题答案:A 11、When the weather becomes bad, the hatch covers will be (). A. closed B. opened C. handled D. stopped

7、试题答案:A 12、()is in charge of the common tools of the deck department. A. The chief officer B. The duty sailor C. The bosun D. Captain 试题答案:C 13、Adjusting the mooring lines in time.() A. 迅速地调整缆绳。 B. 慢慢地调整缆绳。 C. 按时调整缆绳。 D. 及时调整缆绳。 试题答案:D 14、值班水手操舵时,对船长/驾驶员或引航员所下的舵令,必须立即() A. 回令并执行 B. 复诵并执行 C. 询问 D. 不回复

8、 试题答案:B 15、夜间发现前方一船操纵号灯三闪,则表示来船()。 A. 正在停车 B. 正在向后推进 C. 正在向左转向 D. 正在向右转向 试题答案:B 16、载重线标志的主要作用是确定() A. 船舶吨位 B. 船舶吃水 C. 载重量 D. 船舶干舷 试题答案:D 17、汽笛长声“”历时:() A. 12秒 B. 46秒 C. 810秒 D. 不限时 试题答案:B 18、沥青用于污水舱和尖舱。() A. Bitumen is used in bilges and peak tanks. B. Paint is used in bilges and peak tanks. C. Bitu

9、men is used in bilges and double bottom tanks D. . Varnish is used in bilges and peak tanks. 试题答案:A 19、sextant() A. 望远镜 B. 步话机 C. 六分仪 D. 舵机 试题答案:C 20、()of the ladder! A. Get hold B. Hold C. Get D. Hold on 试题答案:A 21、防污漆() A. anti-fouling paint B. non-slip paint C. boottopping paint D. topside paint 试

10、题答案:A 22、下列观点那种是正确的()。 A. 能见度不良的时候,白天也应显示号灯 B. 从日出道日没,认为必要时也应显示号灯 C. A、B都对 D. A、B都不对 试题答案:C 23、Please have the damaged derrick (). A. painted B. repaired C. brushed D. derusted 试题答案:B 24、蒲福氏风级表中,当风级3级时,其对应平均风速是:() A. 2.5m/s B. 4.4m/s C. 6.7m/s D. 9.4m/s 试题答案:B 25、Please swing the derricks to (). A.

11、bridge B. shore side C. deck D. engine room 试题答案:B 26、Please wash from the fore end of the hold to the aft end of the hold. () A. 从大舱的左部冲洗到右部。 B. 从大舱的后部冲洗到前部。 C. 从大舱的前部冲洗到后部。 D. 从大舱的右部冲洗到左部。 试题答案:C 27、用手指压迫肱动脉进行止血,可止住同侧() A. 手、前臂和上臂出血 B. 上臂出血 C. 手、前臂出血 D. 手、上臂出血 试题答案:C 28、白棕绳沾有海水和泥沙后应:() A. 烘干入库存放 B

12、. 用海水将泥沙冲洗干净,晒干 C. 用淡水洗净后晒干收存 D. 直接存放 试题答案:C 29、右舵有点慢。() A. Starboard a bit sluggish. B. Port a bit sluggish. C. Port ten. D. Starboard slow. 试题答案:A 30、Sailors use mops to clean the bridge.() A. 水手使用拖把来清扫驾驶台。 B. 水手使用扫帚来清扫驾驶台。 C. 驾驶员使用拖把来清扫驾驶台。 D. 驾驶员使用扫帚来清扫驾驶台。 试题答案:A 31、The ships centerline is the

13、()(龙骨). A. frame B. bulwark C. keel D. bulkhead 试题答案:C 32、Its going to rain. Dont forget ()the hatches. A. to close B. to open C. to close and open D. closing 试题答案:A 33、高速和野蛮操作舱盖均是危险的。() A. High-speed operation and rough handling of hatches are dangerous. B. Low-speed operation and rough handling of

14、 hatches are dangerous. C. Low-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous. D. High-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous. 试题答案:D 34、锚灯() A. anchor ball B. anchorage C. anchor shape D. anchor light 试题答案:D 35、他们应该明白不同报警信号的意义。() A. They should be clear about all fire-fighting equipm


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