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1、备考2023山东省船舶水手考试精选试题及答案三一单选题(共60题)1、Mind your head .I am dropping the() now! A. heavy line B. heaving line C. head line D. wire rope 试题答案:B 2、The work of Cleaning holds is finished.() A. 清舱工作结束。 B. 清舱工作开始。 C. 装货工作开始。 D. 卸货工作结束。 试题答案:A 3、救火警报发出后,所有船员(航行值班情况者除外)应按照部署规定,在()分钟内赶赴现场。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 试

2、题答案:B 4、We are() for PSC inspection. A. prepares B. preparing C. prepared D. prepare 试题答案:B 5、DO NOT CRUSH() A. 切勿倾倒 B. 切勿坠落 C. 切勿挤压 D. 切勿受潮 试题答案:C 6、When the derrick is topped, the guy must be ()(放松). A. slacked off B. sent away C. sent out D. taken in 试题答案:A 7、All the crew must know the locations

3、as well as the ()of the life-saving and fire-fighting appliances. A. operate B. operating C. operations D. operated 试题答案:C 8、最适合于码头岸壁的疏浚,以及过江管道、电缆的深沟等特殊工程施工的挖泥船是:() A. 抓斗挖泥船 B. 铲斗挖泥船 C. 链斗挖泥船 D. 绞吸式挖泥 试题答案:C 9、发生油污及违章排油污后,如必须使用化学消油剂时,应:() A. 立即使用 B. 海事局有关部门申请 C. 向单位安监部门申请 D. D、C均可 试题答案:B 10、()is fou

4、ling. A. Chain B. Cable C. Anchor D. Shackle 试题答案:C 11、The()(侧滚式舱盖) runs along the guide rail. A. rolling type hatch cover B. side-rolling hatch cover C. folding type hatch cover D. automatic hatch cover 试题答案:B 12、Adjusting the mooring lines in time.() A. 迅速地调整缆绳。 B. 慢慢地调整缆绳。 C. 按时调整缆绳。 D. 及时调整缆绳。 试

5、题答案:D 13、block() A. 稳索 B. 滑轮 C. 索具 D. 千斤索 试题答案:B 14、从船首最前端到船尾最后端的水平距离称为() A. 垂线间长 B. 船长 C. 总长 D. 型长 试题答案:C 15、耙吸挖泥船施工时的挖泥航速与土质有关,对淤泥或软土,其对地速度一般维持在()左右。 A. 2节 B. 3节 C. 34节 D. 45节 试题答案:A 16、机舱人员应启动机舱里的消防泵。() A. Engine room persons should stop their pumps in machinery space. B. Engine room persons shou

6、ld start their pumps in machinery space. C. Engine room persons should start their pumps in officers cabin. D. Engine room persons should start their pumps on boat deck. 试题答案:B 17、The rubbish should be collected on ()and disposed of 25 miles off the land. A. the poop deck B. the main deck C. the for

7、ecastle deck D. lower deck 试题答案:A 18、Anchor is (). A. aweigh B. to weight C. weight D. weigh 试题答案:A 19、货钩() A. cargo chain B. cargo tray C. cargo hook D. can hook 试题答案:C 20、Containers are carried in container ships. They are stowed ()deck. A. only above B. only below C. both above and below D. only

8、under 试题答案:C 21、空船时水面到船舶最高点的垂直距离称为:() A. 最大高度 B. 型高 C. 水面上最大高度 D. 全高 试题答案:C 22、The muster list may be supplemented by individual cards issued to each member of the crew.() A. 它可以由分发给一些船员的个人卡作出补充。 B. 它可以由分发给每一个船员的个人卡作出补充。 C. 它可以由分发给所有船员的个人卡共同组成。 D. 它是由分发给每一个船员的个人卡共同组成。 试题答案:B 23、Slow ahead() A. 微速前进

9、B. 前进一 C. 前进二 D. 半速后退 试题答案:B 24、The ()(鹅颈头)is bent. A. gooseneck B. block C. lockpin D. grab 试题答案:A 25、收紧尾缆 。() A. Take in stern line . B. Pay out stern line . C. Heave in stern line . D. Take in the slack on stern line . 试题答案:D 26、海图上水面部份空白处,表示:() A. 水深足够,不必标示水深 B. 没有航行危险 C. 未经准确测量,应视为不可靠航区 D. 水深一致

10、,所以空白 试题答案:C 27、从水线到船底是“吃水”。() A. “From the centerline to the ships bottom” is “draft”. B. “From the keel to the ships bottom” is “draft”. C. The maximum distance from the waterline to the ships bottom is “draft”. D. “From the centerline to the ships main deck” is “draft”. 试题答案:C 28、()(尾尖舱) are at t

11、he aft part of the ship. A. Aft peak tanks B. Pilot ladder C. Fore peak tank D. Peak tanks aft 试题答案:A 29、Pick up ()on the forward spring ! A. the slack B. slacking C. a slack 试题答案:A 30、National flag should not be(卷叠)(). A. rolling up B. rolls up C. rolled up D. roll up 试题答案:C 31、船用纤维绳按其材料不同可分为:() A.

12、 化纤绳 B. 白棕绳 C. 棉麻绳 D. A+B+C 试题答案:D 32、The ()(吊杆托架) supports the derrick. A. derrick boom rest B. derrick head C. derrick mast D. derrick guy 试题答案:A 33、electric hand saw() A. 梅花扳手 B. 锤子 C. 电动手锯 D. 套筒扳手 试题答案:C 34、The pilot asks the quartermaster to change the steering mode from autopilot to manual.()

13、A. 引航员叫舵工手动操舵。 B. 舵工问引水员是否将操舵方式由自动舵改为手操舵。 C. 引航员叫舵工将操舵方式由自动舵改为手动舵。 D. 引航员叫舵工将操舵方式由手动舵改为自动舵。 试题答案:C 35、()the gangway, please. A. Lower B. Higher C. Lowered D. High 试题答案:A 36、Cargo in hold No.2 is on() . A. water B. oil C. fire D. A+B 试题答案:C 37、下列哪一项不是导缆装置的作用() A. 减少缆绳受力 B. 减少缆绳磨损 C. 限制系船缆导出位置 D. 变换缆绳受力方向 试题答案:A 38、“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means“()”. A. The anchor was clear of the water B. The anchor was let go C. The anchor was foul D. The anchor was clear of the bottom 试题答案:D 39、The third officer is () (负责)the fire-fighting equipment. A.


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