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1、备考2023山西省船舶水手考试押题练习试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、It is ()higher. A. a little B. a C. many D. more 试题答案:A 2、A ()leads aft from the forecastle to the shore. A. head line B. fore breast line C. fore spring D. stern line 试题答案:C 3、We have to wait at the roadstead till(). A. there is a free berth B. there are office

2、rs and the sailors C. there are motormen and the sailors D. A、B and C 试题答案:A 4、航行电传接受机() A. clock B. telegraph C. NAVTEX receiver D. course recorder 试题答案:C 5、高速和野蛮操作舱盖均是危险的。() A. High-speed operation and rough handling of hatches are dangerous. B. Low-speed operation and rough handling of hatches ar

3、e dangerous. C. Low-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous. D. High-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous. 试题答案:D 6、The pilot is taking my ship() the harbour now. A. into B. at C. on D. for 试题答案:A 7、A deck above the main deck at the bow is the ()(

4、首楼) deck. A. bow B. forecastle C. stern D. poop 试题答案:B 8、We must()(后移)one metre. A. shift aft B. shift astern C. move aft D. move back 试题答案:B 9、No steering () A. 不要用舵 B. 无舵效 C. 没有舵 D. 勿偏右 试题答案:B 10、Please have the damaged derrick (). A. painted B. repaired C. brushed D. derusted 试题答案:B 11、消防船() A. r

5、escue boat B. garbage boat C. patrol boat D. fire boat 试题答案:D 12、() should be removed and disposed of first. A. Dirty B. Garbage C. Paint D. Water 试题答案:B 13、-Starboard 10!-()! A. Wheel starboard ten B. Starboard 10 C. Starboard is10 D. Here it goes 试题答案:B 14、消防泵() A. fire hose box B. fire hydrant C.

6、 fire axe D. fire pump 试题答案:D 15、shore crane () A. 龙门吊 B. 浮吊 C. 岸吊 D. 起重机 试题答案:C 16、压舵() A. Meet her! B. Meet him! C. Meet the rudder! D. Hard over! 试题答案:A 17、工头() A. stevedore B. docker C. foreman D. motorman 试题答案:C 18、Cement wash is a mixture of cement powder and (). A. fresh water B. steel C. pai

7、nt D. wood 试题答案:A 19、环形绷带包扎法多用于() A. 粗细不等的肢体包扎 B. 四肢关节的包扎 C. 各种绷带包扎法的开始和终末 D. 上述均可适用 试题答案:C 20、The tug can tow and push()(超级油轮 )into position. A. barge B. ULCC C. dredger D. LNG carrier 试题答案:B 21、sextant() A. 望远镜 B. 步话机 C. 六分仪 D. 舵机 试题答案:C 22、A ()can give power to hoist or lower cargo. A. cargo winc

8、h B. lift winch C. derrick D. crane 试题答案:A 23、The ()(吊杆托架) supports the derrick. A. derrick boom rest B. derrick head C. derrick mast D. derrick guy 试题答案:A 24、值班水手在操舵时,执行船长、驾驶员或引航员的舵令,当达到操舵效果后必须() A. 复诵舵令 B. 回令 C. 询问 D. 保持沉默 试题答案:B 25、During loading and discharging, the equipment works with all kind

9、s of cargo sling, net, wire, tray, plate clamp, etc.() A. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货索环、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货托盘、吊板夹等。 B. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货托盘、吊板夹、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货盘等。 C. 在装卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货辅助设备等一起使用。 D. 在卸货期间,这些设备配有各种吊货索环、吊货网、吊货钢丝、吊货托盘、吊板夹等。 试题答案:A 26、Water is used to put out ()(普通火). A. common fire B. electric fire C. oil fire

10、 D. fire 试题答案:A 27、巡视() A. go around B. have a look C. look around D. look over 试题答案:C 28、船底塞拧紧后,应采取:() A. 用水泥封妥 B. 电焊封牢 C. 涂两度沥青漆 D. 不必处理 试题答案:A 29、The telegraph is the()(设备)that connects the engine room and the bridge. A. gear B. equipment C. engine D. sextant 试题答案:B 30、底漆用于出白金属表面, 防止其生锈。() A. Top

11、side paint is applied to a bare surface to give protective against rust. B. Undercoat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust. C. Primer coat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust. D. Topcoat is applied to a bare surface to give protection against rust. 试题

12、答案:C 31、引航员() A. pilot B. captain C. chief officer D. third officer 试题答案:A 32、The function of ()is to prevent sailors from overboarding. A. bulwark B. bulkhead C. bitumen D. waterline 试题答案:A 33、The ()(应变部署表)is posted in public places in different parts of the ship. A. muster list B. cargo list C. pr

13、ice list D. repair list 试题答案:A 34、我们需要大量的绑扎钢丝。() A. We need plenty of clamps. B. We need plenty of lashing wires. C. We need plenty of cargo wires. D. We need plenty of lashing bars. 试题答案:B 35、The pilot boat takes a pilot to an/a()(远洋船). A. container ship B. oil ship C. ocean-going ship D. barge 试题答案:C 36、A ()is at the end of the cargo runner for picking up the load. A. sling B. hook C. block D. tackle 试题答案:A 37、Saw dust is used to (). A. absorb the oil B. repair the derrick C. adjust the boom D. fill the ballast water 试题答案:A 38、DO NOT CRUSH() A. 切勿倾倒 B. 切勿坠落


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