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1、2023年度辽宁省船舶水手考试题库综合试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、螺旋桨有四个桨叶。 () A. The helm has four blades. B. The propeller has forty blades. C. The windlass has four blades. D. The propeller has four blades. 试题答案:D 2、船舶强度大、功率大、稳性和浮性较好,但船体较小的船舶称为() A. 海洋开发船 B. 拖船 C. 航标船 D. 破冰船 试题答案:B 3、请调高一下吊杆。() A. Lower the derrick, please.

2、 B. Top the derrick, please. C. Swing the derrick, please. D. Adjust the derrick, please. 试题答案:B 4、空船时水面到船舶最高点的垂直距离称为:() A. 最大高度 B. 型高 C. 水面上最大高度 D. 全高 试题答案:C 5、Spread a () net under the gangway. A. safe B. safety C. danger D. dangerous 试题答案:B 6、清漆给予木制品一个光亮的保护涂层。() A. Varnish gives a clear protectiv

3、e coat to steelwork. B. Primer gives a clear protective coat to woodwork. C. Varnish gives a clear protective coat to woodwork. D. Primer gives a clear protective coat to metalwork. 试题答案:C 7、大副负责整个甲板部的维修保养工作。() A. The chief officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department. B

4、. The second officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department. C. The third officer is responsible for the overall maintenance of the deck department. D. The chief officer is responsible for the overall cleaning of the deck department. 试题答案:A 8、围油栏() A. nail B. oil fence C. spa

5、nner D. pliers 试题答案:B 9、Full speed ahead! () A. 前进三 B. 后退二 C. 后退一 D. 中速后退 试题答案:A 10、Im a ship chandler. Id like to see the () (管事). A. cook B. purser C. chief steward D. visitor 试题答案:B 11、Make a lee ()the port side. A. on B. at C. to D. in 试题答案:C 12、Bridge deck, cabin doors and hand rails are usuall

6、y coated with (). A. varnish B. white gloss paint C. bitumen D. paint 试题答案:A 13、You should release the ()(重型螺栓)on top of the cover. A. lock in B. heavy bolt C. socket D. heavy cleat 试题答案:B 14、A ()is used for lifting long heavy cargo. A. derrick B. crane C. jumbo boom D. boom 试题答案:C 15、Lower the()to

7、the tug. A. towing line B. slip line C. breast line D. spring line 试题答案:A 16、The pilot is taking my ship() the harbour now. A. into B. at C. on D. for 试题答案:A 17、()the rise and fall of the tide. A. Notice B. Note C. Attention D. Look out 试题答案:A 18、Cleaning holds are to clean hold from (). A. fore to

8、aft B. aft to fore C. left to right D. right to left 试题答案:A 19、The duty sailor on the gangway usually looks ()the ship before relieving. A. around B. up at C. at D. in 试题答案:A 20、Please have the damaged derrick (). A. painted B. repaired C. brushed D. derusted 试题答案:B 21、表示船舶适合运输货物合旅客的有效容积称为() A. 载重量

9、B. 净吨位 C. 排水量 D. 重量吨 试题答案:B 22、() the nails with a claw hammer. A. Take out B. Pull out C. Put out D. Push out 试题答案:B 23、We should give the PSC officers a good impression, or they will carry out a more detailed inspection.() A. 港口国监督检查官员给我们留了个好印象,否则他们将进行更详细的检查。 B. 我们应给港口国监督检查官员留个好印象,否则他们将进行更详细的检查。 C

10、. 港口国监督检查官员将进行更详细的检查,因为我们没给他们留下好印象。 D. 因为我们没给港口国监督检查官员留个好印象,他们将进行更详细的检查。 试题答案:B 24、艇甲板() A. lower deck B. main deck C. boat deck D. tween deck 试题答案:C 25、National flag should not be ()up. A. rolling B. rolls C. rolled D. roll 试题答案:C 26、()(解掉)the spring A. Make fast B. Let go C. Hold on D. Pay out 试题答

11、案:B 27、水泥涂料用于淡水舱和双层底舱。() A. Primer is used for sea water tanks and double bottom tanks. B. Cement wash is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks. C. Varnish is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks. D. Bitumen is used for fresh water tanks and double bottom tanks. 试题答案:B 28、

12、岁修() A. annual repair B. voyage repair C. day-to-day repair D. repairing 试题答案:A 29、Cutting pliers can cut the (). A. derrick B. bridge C. paint D. wire 试题答案:D 30、Single ()aft to breast line and stern line. A. to B. for C. with D. up 试题答案:D 31、This cargo wires has more than ten percent () wires. A. d

13、amaged B. broken C. missing D. repaired 试题答案:B 32、驾驶员() A. captain B. chief officer C. chief engineer D. deck officer 试题答案:D 33、We had lashed deck cargo before the gale came.() A. 要来大风了,我们在绑甲板货。 B. 下班前,我们绑好了甲板货。 C. 大风到来之前,我们就已经绑扎好了甲板货。 D. 大风到来之前,我们就已经绑扎好了袋装货。 试题答案:C 34、It is very important for every sailor ()the characteristics of the ropes so that they can be for right jobs. A. knowing B. know C. to know D. knew 试题答案:C 35、工班() A. work B. job C. gang D. worker 试题答案:C 36、hacksaw() A. 钢锯 B. 钢丝钳 C. 凿子 D. 钻 试题答案:A 37、下列说法不正确的是哪个选项()。 A. 硝纤纤维溶于醇类、苯类溶剂 B. 环氧树脂可用丙酮调制 C. 油性调和漆可用松节油调制



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