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1、.词汇运用A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。millionpersonsweepseldomtourist1The two brothers live so far apart. They _ get a chance to meet.2As the guide was showing us around the museum, two or three foreign _ joined us.3He learned this lesson the hard wayfrom his own _ experience.4Mary draws strength from _ of

2、women who have faced this challenge successfully.5The owner of the store was _ the floor when I walked in.B)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Kristen Powers grew up on a farm with 30 animals, so it is no surprise that she and her family are pet lovers! Her father works in an animal hospital and her

3、 mother is the founder of . “My dad has taught me the 6._(重要性) of respecting animals in the same kind way I would do with humans,” Kristen said.In middle school, her mother offered her a 7._(兼职的) job for . The website 8._(允许) families to find the perfect adoptable(可领养的) pet. Soon enough, Kristen was

4、 asked by her current producer 9._(是否) she would like to host her own radio show.Kristens radio show is a kids and teens pet show. Since hosting her radio show, Kristen has 10._(邀请) many teens who care about animals. Her favorite part about being the host of the show is talking with people from all

5、over the country. “Its always amazing to hear what other teens are doing to 11._(提高) the welfare(福利) of animals,” Kristen said.Even with her hands tied with caring for her animals and making time for her radio show, Kristen also pays 12._(注意) to helping the environment! In middle school, Kristen sta

6、rted an environmental club. As she entered high school, her club grew into a large 13._(组织). “My high school is over sixty years old and has many inefficiencies,” Kristen 14._(解释). “I started this club in order to make my school a more sustainable(可持续的) place.” Kristens work with the club and the en

7、vironment has won her many amazing prizes.“15._(无论什么) you are interested in,” Kristen offers advice on how you can make a difference in your life, “you dont need to wait to grow up to take action. Start by asking people questions, especially experts in the field you are interested in. Then take acti

8、on immediately to solve them.”.语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。World temperature could increase by 2 by the year 2040. However, the increase could be three times as great in the worlds 16._(cold) areas. This could cause the icebergs to melt and raise the level of the ocean by one

9、 or two meters. Many cities near the sea 17._(be) under water.Why is this 18._(happen)? Because there is too much CO2 in the air. When oil, gas and wood 19._(burn), they produce tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. The CO2 lets sunlight enter the earths atmosphere and heat the earth. 20._, it

10、 does not let as much heat leave the atmosphere and enter space. It is like a blanket. The heat from the sun can pass through the blanket to warm the earth. But it cannot 21._(easy) go out through the blanket again.Scientists call this the greenhouse effect. They say we must start 22._(plan) now. We

11、 mustnt burn too much oil, gas or wood.However, other scientists disagree. They say there is no reason 23._(worry) because we have 23 years to plan. They believe there is some way 24._ the world to slow this down or stop it.These scientists also say 25._ the greenhouse effect is not the only cause o

12、f the change in the worlds weather conditions. Other gases, dust in the air and changes in the clouds also contribute to the weather conditions of the earth.书面表达如今,大多数学生都是独生子女,备受家人宠爱,常以自我为中心,很少懂得尊重、关爱父母。为此,你们学校开展了一次征文活动,要求学生们写倡议书,倡导发扬尊重、关爱父母这一中华民族的优良传统。请以“How to respect our parents”为题,写一篇不少于80词的短文。_

13、93词汇运用语法填空书面表达.A)1.seldom2.tourists3.personal4millions5.sweepingB)6.importance7.parttime8allows9.if/whether10invited11.improve12attention13.organization14explained15.Whatever.16.coldest17.would be18.happening19burn20.However21.easily22planning23.to worry24.for25that.One possible version:How to respe

14、ct our parentsNowadays, many students are the only child in their family. They care only about themselves and have little understanding of their parents. Whenever they are faced with setbacks, they will blame their parents for their mistakes, even if sometimes their parents have nothing to do with the incident.Parents are the ones who provide us with love, wish us great success and devote most of their lives to our growth and education. To pay back their invaluable devotion, we will let each student tell a moving story which happened between him/her and his/her


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