冲刺2024年高中英语学业水平考试必备考点专题01 冠词(原卷版)(新教材专用)

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1、专题01 冠词Part 基础知识点讲义Part 会考真题精练Part 最新试题测试Part 基础知识点讲义考点一不定冠词1.不定冠词有a和an 两种形式。a用在以辅音音素开头的名词前,an用在以元音音素开头的词前。In a university,a European and a one-eyed man walked along a one-way road with a useful tool. This is a usual thing. 在一所大学里,一个欧洲人和一个一只眼的人拿着一件有用的工具沿着一条单行道走着。这是一件平常之事。2.不定冠词a/an用在单数可数名词前表示泛指,泛指某一

2、人或某一物。The Chinese Dream is a dream to improve peoples well-being and a dream of harmony,peace and development.中国梦是一个改善民生的梦,是一个和谐、和平和发展的梦。3.表示某种身份、职业、地位、国籍。When the Ashleys tried to make her return,Mumbet consulted a lawyer,Theodore Sedgewick.当 Ashleys一家试图让她回来时,Mumbet咨询了一个叫西奥多塞奇威克的律师。4.用在人名或时间名词前表示不确

3、定的某个人或某个时间;用在人名前还可表示与某人有类似性质的人。Excuse me,is there a Mr Tailor living in the neighborhood?There is a parcel for him.Sorry,but there is no such person here.劳驾,这个居民点住着一位名叫Tailor的先生吗?这里有他的包裹。对不起,这儿没有这么一个人。5.不定冠词用在序数词前不表示排序,而表示再一,又一。She didnt like the color of the two bags and asked for a third one.她不喜欢这

4、两个包的颜色,又要了一个。6.表示单位时间内的频度,含有每的概念。The medicine is to be taken three times a day.这药每天吃三次。7.具有动作意义的名词在与have,take,make等构成短语表示一种短暂性的动作时,前面要加不定冠词。如:take a look看一看;have a try试一试。You had better go to the factory and have a look.你最好到厂里去看一看。8.不定冠词常用在一些固定搭配中。如:a waste of浪费;all of a sudden突然地;as a rule通常。It hit

5、 me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday.我突然想起,我把她的生日给忘了。考点二定冠词1.用在名词前表示特指。Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?Yes,as you know,the party went on in a pleasant atmosphere.你昨天玩得开心吗?是的,正如你所知,晚会是在愉快的气氛中进行的。2.用在世界上独一无二的人或物、自然现象、发明物之前。Do you know who invented the telephone?你知道是谁发明了电话吗?3.用在序数词、比较

6、级(两者相比较,表示特指的时候)和最高级前。Do you know which story is the more interesting of the two?你认为这两个故事中哪个更有趣?4.用于集合名词、物质名词和某些专有名词前。Marco Polo is said to have sailed on the Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in the thirteenth century.(2013陕西)据说在十三世纪马可波罗去爪哇岛途中曾航行经过太平洋。5.定冠词the和形容词、过去分词连用,表示一类人或事物。Many of the injured

7、 are still in danger.许多受伤者仍处于危险中。6.用在表示计量的名词前如by the hour,by the dozen等,但若名词为抽象名词则不加冠词如by weight,by height等。Its said John will be in a job paying over $ 60,000 a year.Right,he will also get paid by the week.据说约翰将拥有一份年收入超过60 000美元的工作。是的,而且会按周获得报酬。7.定冠词the用在表示姓氏的复数名词前,表示全家人或夫妻俩。The Whites settled down

8、 in Canada last year.去年怀特一家在加拿大定居。8.用在方位名词和西洋乐器名词前。the east 东部play the piano 弹钢琴考点三零冠词1.不可数名词、复数名词表泛指,用零冠词。Teachers are badly needed in the remote districts. 偏远地区非常需要教师。2.称呼语及表示独一无二的头衔、职务的名词作表语、补足语或同位语时,不加冠词。Dr. Peter Spence,headmaster of the school,told us,A fifth of pupils here go on to study at O

9、xford and Cambridge.这所学校的校长Peter Spence博士告诉我们,这里五分之一的学生将继续到牛津或剑桥大学深造。3.月、季、星期、节假、洲前;三餐、球类、惯用语前;学科、棋类名词前,用零冠词。A year can be divided into four seasons spring,summer,autumn and winter.一年可以分为四季春、夏、秋、冬。4.no与such连用时应放在such之前,such后的名词不用冠词。There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world.天下没有免费的午餐。5.在tur

10、n(变成)作表语的名词前不用冠词,但become后的可数名词作表语时前要加冠词。He became a doctor while his brother turned teacher.他成了一名医生而他弟弟当了教师。考点四 冠词的位置 1. 不定冠词位置不定冠词常位于名词或名词修饰语前。注意:a. 位于下列形容词之后: such,what,many,half, I have never seen such an animal. Many a man is fit for the job.b. 当名词前的形容词被副词as, so, too, how, however, enough修饰时,不定冠

11、词应放在形容词之后: It is as pleasant a day as I have ever spent. So short a time. Too long a distance.c. quite,rather与单数名词连用,冠词放在其后。但当rather,quite 前仍有形容词,不定冠词放其前后均可。如:quite a lot d. 在as,though 引导的让步状语从句中,当标语为形容词修饰的名词时,不定冠词放形容词后: Brave a man though he is,he trembles at the sight of snakes. 他尽管勇敢,可见到蛇还是发抖。 当名

12、词被比较级形容词修饰时,不定冠词通常置于比较级形容词之后。2.定冠词位置定冠词通常位于名词或名词修饰语前,但放在all, both,double,half,twice,three times等词之后,名词之前。All the students in the class went out.班里的所有学生都出去了。 Part 会考真题精练一、单项选择1(2022内蒙古高二统考学业考试)Inner Mongolia is one of _ most beautiful places in _ China.Athe; theBa; /Ca; theDthe; /2(2022山西晋中高二校考学业考试)W

13、hat do you think of_ Christmas party?It was great.AaBtheC不填Dan3(2021秋湖南株洲高一株洲市南方中学校考学业考试)I am going to make_ special house for my pet pig this weekend.AanBaCthe4(2023山西高二统考学业考试)It is _ useful suggestion. I like it.A/BaCtheDan5(2023春河北高二统考学业考试)Amy only had egg and some milk for breakfast today.AaBanC

14、theD不填6(2022内蒙古高二统考学业考试)Would you like to take _walk in_ park after supper?Athe; aBa; theCthe; theDa; a7(2022春甘肃天水高二天水市第一中学校考学业考试)Are you free on weekends?Yes, I am going to have picnic on Sunday.Athe; anBa; the:Ca;/Dan;/8(2022春甘肃天水高二天水市第一中学校考学业考试)Li Hua has _ good knowledge of many foreign language

15、s, and one of them is English which is _ language spoken by many people in the world.Athe; aBa; theCa; aDthe; the9(2021秋广西高二统考学业考试)What were you doing at 2 oclock yesterday afternoon?I was playing _ football.AaBtheCanD/10(2021秋吉林高二学业考试)Its _ fun to walk_ dog after a whole days work.Aa; aBa; theCthe; theD/; the11(202



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