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1、2021-2022年度年福建省船舶水手考试押题练习试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、了望() A. lookout B. outlook C. lookup D. uplook 试题答案:A 2、艇甲板() A. lower deck B. main deck C. boat deck D. tween deck 试题答案:C 3、下列自燃因素中,那种存在本身自燃的情况() A. 油舱腐蚀生成的硫化铁 B. 烟囱 C. 机器轴承缠绕纤维物质 D. 电热器 试题答案:A 4、If there is another line already on the bollard ,the eye of

2、 the second line should be()before placing it over the bollard. A. taken up through the eye of the first line B. taken up over the eye of the first line C. made fast to the first line D. taken up from the eye of the first line 试题答案:A 5、锚马上就要出水了。() A. The anchor will be up in a moment. B. The anchor

3、is clear of the bottom. C. The cable is clear . D. The cables are clear. 试题答案:A 6、Radar is of great help to ship in poor()(能见度). A. visibility B. VHF C. visible D. compass 试题答案:C 7、The sailors do cleaning and repair work ()the bosun. A. under the supervision of B. with the help of C. in charge of D.

4、 in the charge of 试题答案:A 8、nail() A. 钉子 B. 螺丝 C. 钢丝 D. 锤子 试题答案:A 9、The after part of a ship is called ()(船尾). A. head B. bow C. stern D. quarter 试题答案:C 10、Steer the wheel carefully and keep a sharp lookout () . A. look out B. look around C. look at 试题答案:A 11、When the derrick is topped, the guy must

5、be ()(放松). A. slacked off B. sent away C. sent out D. taken in 试题答案:A 12、“Stand by the gangway” means “()”. A. Stand at the gangway B. Wait at the gangway C. Get the gangway ready D. Keep on the gangway 试题答案:C 13、Dont stand ()the derrick. A. above B. top C. side D. under 试题答案:D 14、Officers observe s

6、hips with a pair of ()(望远镜). A. sextant B. binoculars C. compass D. radar 试题答案:B 15、自然的定义是() A. 在一定温度下,易燃液体遇明火源产生一闪即灭的燃烧现象 B. 在一定温度下,可燃物遇明火源而产生持续燃烧的现象 C. 在一定温度下,可燃物在空气中未接触明火源而发生的燃烧现象 D. 发生瞬间的燃烧,同时生成大量的热和气体,并以很大的压力向周围扩散的现象 试题答案:C 16、The pilot boat takes a pilot to an/a()(远洋船). A. container ship B. oi

7、l ship C. ocean-going ship D. barge 试题答案:C 17、The blocks and gooseneck of the jumbo need (). A. dismantling and inspecting B. dismantled and inspected C. to dismantle and inspect D. dismantle and inspect 试题答案:A 18、-Ring off engine!-Ring off engine! () A. Finished with engine! B. Engine rung off! C.

8、Engine stand by! D. Got it. 试题答案:B 19、I would like to see the ()(轮机长). A. chief officer B. captain C. chief engineer D. bosun 试题答案:C 20、Watch your ()! A. wheel B. steering C. helm D. rudder 试题答案:B 21、The work of Cleaning holds is finished.() A. 清舱工作结束。 B. 清舱工作开始。 C. 装货工作开始。 D. 卸货工作结束。 试题答案:A 22、值班水手

9、操舵时,对船长/驾驶员或引航员所下的舵令,必须立即() A. 回令并执行 B. 复诵并执行 C. 询问 D. 不回复 试题答案:B 23、上止血带前先将伤肢抬高片刻的目的是() A. 使动脉血回流 B. 使血管舒展 C. 使静脉血回流 D. 使受伤皮肤放松 试题答案:C 24、在甲板常用索具中用来收紧钢丝绳和链索的是()。 A. 紧索夹 B. 索头环 C. 松紧器 D. 卸扣 试题答案:C 25、I shall keep the security patrol.() A. 我将进行应急检查。 B. 我将进行保安巡逻。 C. 我将进行全面的检查。 D. 我将进行详细的检查。 试题答案:B 26、

10、艏楼甲板位于船艏部。() A. Forecastle deck is located at the ships stern. B. Poop deck is located at the ships bow. C. Forecastle deck at located in the ships bow. D. Poop deck is located at the ships stern. 试题答案:C 27、首推半速向右() A. Bow stern full to port! B. Bow stern half to port! C. Bow thrust half to starboar

11、d ! D. Bow thrust full to port! 试题答案:C 28、腹股沟有较大的出血,最好的止血法是() A. 加压包扎 B. 止血带 C. 指压止血 D. 止血钳 试题答案:A 29、“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means“()”. A. The anchor was clear of the water B. The anchor was let go C. The anchor was foul D. The anchor was clear of the bottom 试题答案:D 30、大副告诉装卸工人不要用钩子装袋装货。() A.

12、 The chief officer told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the deck cargo. B. The bosun told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the bagged cargo. C. The chief officer told the stevedores not to use hooks to load the bagged cargo. D. The bosun told the stevedores not to use hooks to load th

13、e deck cargo. 试题答案:C 31、block() A. 稳索 B. 滑轮 C. 索具 D. 千斤索 试题答案:B 32、灯船() A. ferry B. life-raft C. lightship D. lamp ship 试题答案:C 33、Please fill in this visitors (). A. registry book B. exercise book C. seamans book D. record book 试题答案:A 34、回头缆() A. aft rope B. back line C. back chain D. slip line 试题答案

14、:D 35、液体散货用泵装卸的。() A. Liquid cargo is loaded and discharged by pumps. B. Liquid cargo is loaded and discharged by tubes. C. Liquid bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by tubes. D. Liquid bulk cargo is loaded and discharged by pumps. 试题答案:D 36、大副负责整个甲板部的维修保养工作。() A. The chief officer is responsible for the overal


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