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1、2021-2022年度山西省船舶水手考试练习题(五)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、表示船舶适合运输货物合旅客的有效容积称为() A. 载重量 B. 净吨位 C. 排水量 D. 重量吨 试题答案:B 2、cool() A. 冷却 B. 冷藏 C. 加热 D. 制冷 试题答案:A 3、公制水尺字高为()厘米。 A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 试题答案:B 4、The captain is his cabin.() A. 大副在他的房间里。 B. 二副在他的房间里。 C. 船长在他的房间里。 D. 三副在他的房间里。 试题答案:C 5、()(班轮)sail on regular rou

2、tes. A. Light ships B. Lift crafts C. Liners D. Tramps 试题答案:C 6、Proceed to your ()(集合地点). A. muster list B. muster C. muster station D. price list 试题答案:C 7、Pay more attention to () . A. the ride and fall of the tide B. ride with fall of the tide C. riding and falling of the tide D. riding with falli

3、ng of the tide 试题答案:A 8、look around the ship() A. 巡视全船 B. 参观船 C. 寻找船 D. 世界各地 试题答案:A 9、() should be removed and disposed of first. A. Dirty B. Garbage C. Paint D. Water 试题答案:B 10、Please lend me two ()(羊角锤). A. claw hammers B. electric pressures C. screw drivers D. chipping hammers 试题答案:A 11、The ()(应变

4、部署表)is posted in public places in different parts of the ship. A. muster list B. cargo list C. price list D. repair list 试题答案:A 12、I shall keep the,保安巡逻)() . A. coast patrol B. inshore patrol C. patrol service D. security patrol 试题答案:D 13、环形绷带包扎法多用于() A. 粗细不等的肢体包扎 B. 四肢关节的包扎 C. 各种绷带包扎法的开始和终末 D. 上述均可

5、适用 试题答案:C 14、()port anchor, one shackle in water. A. Heave in B. Cast off C. Let go D. Heave away 试题答案:C 15、下列那项不属于纤维缆在养护周期内的检查要点() A. 外表磨损情况 B. 外表是否有灰尘 C. 测量粗细 D. 断股情况 试题答案:B 16、我们经常保养甲板机械。() A. We often maintain deck machinery. B. We often repair deck machinery. C. We often clean and paint deck. D

6、. We often adjust deck machinery. 试题答案:A 17、spanner() A. 锯 B. 斧头 C. 锤 D. 扳手 试题答案:D 18、起锚,留一节在水里。() A. Heave up the cable and leave one shackle in water. B. Weigh anchor and leave one shackle in water. C. Lower the cable and leave one shackle in water. D. Drop anchor and leave one shackle in water. 试

7、题答案:B 19、The duty () should do the cleaning work every morning. A. officer B. motorman C. sailor D. engineer 试题答案:C 20、()(尾) thrust half to part! A. Bow B. Stern C. Tail D. After 试题答案:B 21、Something has gone wrong ()the winch. A. for B. with C. in D. to 试题答案:B 22、()is the strongest and the most elas

8、tic of all the synthetic fiber ropes. A. Hemp rope B. Wire rope C. Nylon rope D. wood rope 试题答案:C 23、-Dead slow ahead!-Dead slow ahead! () A. Engine dead slow ahead! B. Engine dead ahead slow! C. Engine slow dead ahead! D. I do it right now 试题答案:A 24、舵() A. rudder B. rubber C. rubbish D. ring 试题答案:A

9、 25、()属于乙类火灾 A. 棉花火灾 B. 酒精火灾 C. 液化气火灾 D. 可燃金属火灾 试题答案:B 26、The after part of a ship is called ()(船尾). A. head B. bow C. stern D. quarter 试题答案:C 27、Start the ()(艇机), drive the boat from the ship quickly. A. boat engine B. davit motor C. main engine D. fire boat 试题答案:A 28、Come()with me. A. to B. long C

10、. up D. along 试题答案:D 29、()the rise and fall of the tide. A. Notice B. Note C. Attention D. Look out 试题答案:A 30、The third officer is () (负责)the fire-fighting equipment. A. responsible B. take charge of C. in charge of D. control 试题答案:C 31、把防鼠挡装在系泊缆上。() A. Put rat guard on the deck. B. Put rat guards o

11、n the moorings. C. Put rat guard under the moorings. D. Put rat guards under the moorings. 试题答案:B 32、compass() A. 舵角指示器 B. 舵机 C. 吃水指示器 D. 罗经 试题答案:D 33、The stern line is ()(紧的). A. tight B. high C. slack D. low 试题答案:A 34、You should adjust the mooring lines according to the changes of()(吃水). A. water

12、B. draft C. tide D. sea 试题答案:B 35、接待来船办理业务的人员。() A. Receive the PSC inspector who wants to see our captain. B. Receive the visitors who come on board to look around the ship. C. Receive the persons who come on board to do their business. D. Receive the ship chandler who wants to come to our ship. 试题

13、答案:C 36、葫芦吊() A. derrick B. chain C. chain block D. bridge 试题答案:C 37、Welcome aboard. Our master is expecting you in his cabin. Come (). A. all the ways B. every way C. this way D. on the way 试题答案:C 38、Sorry, the ladder is() my reach. A. out B. out off C. out of D. out to 试题答案:C 39、()is used in bilges and peak tanks. A. Bitumen B. Cement wash C. Paint D. Varnish 试题答案:A 40、The nut is loose. Lend me (), please. A. an oil can B. a hammer C. cargo runner D. a screwdriver 试题答案:D 41、起锚时,下列那项特征不能用来判断锚离底() A. 锚


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