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1、2021-2022年度广东省船舶水手考试通关提分题库(考点梳理)一单选题(共60题)1、That is the ()(易碎的) cargo. A. flammable B. dangerous C. fragile D. poisonous 试题答案:C 2、海图上水面部份空白处,表示:() A. 水深足够,不必标示水深 B. 没有航行危险 C. 未经准确测量,应视为不可靠航区 D. 水深一致,所以空白 试题答案:C 3、接待() A. reception B. visit C. require D. return 试题答案:A 4、把防鼠挡装在系泊缆上。() A. Put rat guard

2、 on the deck. B. Put rat guards on the moorings. C. Put rat guard under the moorings. D. Put rat guards under the moorings. 试题答案:B 5、()are used for lifesaving . A. Life-jacket and lifebuoy B. Freeboard C. Telemeter D. Draft 试题答案:A 6、overside light() A. 探照灯 B. 闪光灯 C. 舷侧照明灯 D. 环照灯 试题答案:C 7、饮用水注入管() A.

3、 fresh water filling pipe B. bilge water filling pipe C. drinking water filling pipe D. sea water filling pipe 试题答案:C 8、Take the tug towing line to (),then heave away easy. A. captain B. windlass C. carpenter D. capstan 试题答案:D 9、货钩() A. cargo chain B. cargo tray C. cargo hook D. can hook 试题答案:C 10、D

4、uty officer and ()keep navigational watches on the bridge at sea. A. seaman B. sailor C. duty sailor D. OS 试题答案:C 11、Paint the hull with white gloss exterior, buff cream paint. () A. 油漆船体用船壳白漆、奶黄漆。 B. 油漆船体用船壳红漆、奶黄漆。 C. 油漆船体用船壳绿漆、奶黄漆。 D. 油漆船体用船壳黑漆、奶黄漆。 试题答案:A 12、右舵有点慢。() A. Starboard a bit sluggish.

5、B. Port a bit sluggish. C. Port ten. D. Starboard slow. 试题答案:A 13、floating crane() A. 岸吊 B. 起重机 C. 浮吊 D. 龙门吊 试题答案:C 14、pipe wrench() A. 斜口钳 B. 凿子 C. 管钳 D. 台钳 试题答案:C 15、船舶必备的灭火系统是() A. 水灭火系统 B. 泡沫灭火系统 C. 蒸汽灭火系统 D. 二氧化碳灭火系统 试题答案:A 16、Cutting pliers can cut the (). A. derrick B. bridge C. paint D. wire

6、 试题答案:D 17、Before leaving the harbour, all derricks must be ()properly. A. tightened B. secured C. unfastened D. loaded 试题答案:B 18、()(降下)the derrick, please. A. Lower B. Top C. Hoist D. Take down 试题答案:A 19、The conventional cargo handling equipment is the union purchase.() A. 传统的装卸货设备是双杆联吊。 B. 传统的装卸货设

7、备是重吊杆。 C. 传统的装卸货设备是克令吊。 D. 传统的装卸货设备是吊杆。 试题答案:A 20、()(降一点儿)the gangway, please. A. Hoist B. Lower a little C. Steady D. Take down 试题答案:B 21、Sometimes chemicals are carried in drums in (). A. chemical carriers B. bulk carriers C. general cargo ships D. LNG carriers 试题答案:C 22、Ease helm!() A. 回舵 B. 满舵 C

8、. 压舵 D. 反转 试题答案:A 23、锚链连接链环上涂白漆或红漆,其目的是:() A. 防锈 B. 表明易损处 C. 指示锚链长度 D. 美观 试题答案:C 24、Fire drill is carried out once a (). A. year B. day C. week D. month 试题答案:D 25、They should take care of(锚)()to ensure that they are in normal condition. A. anchors B. anchor ball C. anchor gear D. anchor ring 试题答案:A

9、26、We must ()to inspect the problems about the safety of fire prevention. A. prepares B. preparing C. prepared D. prepare 试题答案:D 27、Please wash from the fore end of the hold to the aft end of the hold. () A. 从大舱的左部冲洗到右部。 B. 从大舱的后部冲洗到前部。 C. 从大舱的前部冲洗到后部。 D. 从大舱的右部冲洗到左部。 试题答案:C 28、-Midship!-Reply: ()-R

10、eport: Wheel midship. A. OK ! B. Yes! C. Midship! D. Got it! 试题答案:C 29、浮筒() A. boy B. buoy C. bow D. drum 试题答案:B 30、The blocks and gooseneck of the jumbo need (). A. dismantling and inspecting B. dismantled and inspected C. to dismantle and inspect D. dismantle and inspect 试题答案:A 31、Pay more attenti

11、on to the rising and falling of (). A. tide B. water C. sea D. wave 试题答案:A 32、()refers to the repair the ship every year. A. Voyage repair B. Annual repair C. Periodical repair D. Survey check 试题答案:B 33、我们经常保养甲板机械。() A. We often maintain deck machinery. B. We often repair deck machinery. C. We often

12、 clean and paint deck. D. We often adjust deck machinery. 试题答案:A 34、()(绞)port anchor A. Let go B. Heave away C. Pay out D. Hoist 试题答案:B 35、The hawser should be (). A. take great care of B. take great careful of C. taken great care of D. taking great care of 试题答案:C 36、船体被划分为一系列水密隔舱。() A. The hull is

13、divided into a number of watertight compartments. B. The hull is divided into a number of gastight compartments. C. The hull is divided into a number of water compartments. D. The hull is divided into a number of tight compartments. 试题答案:A 37、现在天晴了。我们开始装货吧。() A. Its raining! Lets stop discharging . B. Its clear up! Lets start discharging . C. Its clear up! Lets start loading . D. Its raining! Lets stop loading . 试题答案:C 38、Half astern() A. 微速后退 B. 半速后退 C. 全速后退 D. 全速前进 试题答案:B 39、A ()can give power to hoist or lower cargo. A. cargo wi



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