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1、2021-2022年度安徽省船舶水手考试精选试题及答案九一单选题(共60题)1、Please close all the hatches.() A. 请把所有的舱关闭 B. 关舱 C. 请打开舱 D. 请把所有的舱打开 试题答案:A 2、The rusty plates should be scrapped and brushed to ()(出白金属). A. clean B. smooth surface C. bare metal D. clear 试题答案:C 3、下列那项不是围油栏的作用()。 A. 用于水域防止溢油扩散 B. 使溢油乳化分散形成小颗粒 C. 缩小溢油面积 D. 转移

2、溢油和保护水域环境 试题答案:B 4、When the derrick changes its ()(角度), its lifting capacity changes correspondingly. A. angel B. length C. height D. angle 试题答案:D 5、It is necessary for her to ()(执行) the general day-to-day repair on board. A. work out B. look out C. wipe out D. carry out 试题答案:D 6、The meaning of Flag

3、 H is “I have a pilot on board”.() A. H旗的意思是“我船上有引航员”。 B. H旗的意思是“我船需要引航员”。 C. 字母H的意思是“我船已通过检疫”。 D. 字母H的意思是“我船上有引航员”。 试题答案:A 7、We use TEU as the unit of the standard containers. Its length is(). A. 40ft B. 20ft C. 20m D. 40m 试题答案:B 8、下列那项不属于纤维缆在养护周期内的检查要点() A. 外表磨损情况 B. 外表是否有灰尘 C. 测量粗细 D. 断股情况 试题答案:B

4、 9、Please fill in this visitors (). A. registry book B. exercise book C. seamans book D. record book 试题答案:A 10、船型尺度通常指() A. 操纵时所需用的尺度 B. 造船时所用尺度 C. 丈量船舶吨位时所用尺度 D. 计算港口使用费所用尺度 试题答案:B 11、欢迎你再到我们船上来。() A. You are welcome to look around our ship. B. You are welcome to have a look our ship. C. You are we

5、lcome to come on board our ship again. D. You are welcome to visit our ship. 试题答案:C 12、在一个太阴日内出现两次低潮中较低的低潮的潮汐叫:() A. 高低潮 B. 低高潮 C. 高高潮 D. 低低潮 试题答案:D 13、()is used in bilges and peak tanks. A. Bitumen B. Paint C. Cement wash D. Varnish 试题答案:A 14、Please lend me two ()(羊角锤). A. claw hammers B. electric

6、pressures C. screw drivers D. chipping hammers 试题答案:A 15、()are not included in the common tools. A. Screwdrivers B. Derricks C. Chipping hammers D. Saws 试题答案:B 16、船上的船员属于三个部门:甲板部、轮机部和事务部。() A. Seamen on board the ship are in two departments: Deck Department, Engine Department. B. Seaman on board the

7、 ship are in two department: Deck Department, Engine Department and Service Department. C. The Deck Department and the Engine Department are the two departments. D. Seamen on board the ship are in three departments: the Deck Department, the Engine Department and the Service Department. 试题答案:D 17、In

8、anchor orders, “Up and down” means “()”. A. The chain is not upright B. The chain is upright C. The chain is slack D. The chain is not slack 试题答案:B 18、Proceed to your ()(集合地点). A. muster list B. muster C. muster station D. price list 试题答案:C 19、Post two lookouts with binoculars.() A. 安排两名瞭头,带上六分仪。 B.

9、 安排两名瞭头,带上罗盘经。 C. 安排两名瞭头,带上雷达。 D. 安排两名瞭头,带上望远镜。 试题答案:D 20、自然的定义是() A. 在一定温度下,易燃液体遇明火源产生一闪即灭的燃烧现象 B. 在一定温度下,可燃物遇明火源而产生持续燃烧的现象 C. 在一定温度下,可燃物在空气中未接触明火源而发生的燃烧现象 D. 发生瞬间的燃烧,同时生成大量的热和气体,并以很大的压力向周围扩散的现象 试题答案:C 21、Let me show you to the(甲板)(). A. bridge B. saloon C. galley D. deck 试题答案:D 22、The air is ()(有毒

10、的). A. humid B. damp C. toxic D. mould 试题答案:C 23、把引航员梯装在下风舷。() A. Fit the rope ladder in the lee side. B. Rig the rope ladder in the lee side. C. Rig the pilot ladder on the lee side. 试题答案:D 24、Please have the damaged derrick (). A. painted B. repaired C. brushed D. derusted 试题答案:B 25、下列哪一项不是导缆装置的作用

11、() A. 减少缆绳受力 B. 减少缆绳磨损 C. 限制系船缆导出位置 D. 变换缆绳受力方向 试题答案:A 26、()(放低) the embarkation ladder. A. Lower B. Hoist C. Put on D. Put down 试题答案:A 27、()不仅在物体表面燃烧,且深入内部,主要用水来施救。 A. 甲类火 B. 乙类火 C. 丙类火 D. 丁类火 试题答案:A 28、Weigh anchor and()(留)one shackle in water. A. stay B. keep C. leave D. have 试题答案:C 29、扔给他救生圈,并帮他

12、上船。() A. Release a life-jacket and help him come on board. B. Releasing lifebuoy and help him come on board. C. Throw him a lifebuoy and help him come on board. D. Release a life-raft and help him come on board. 试题答案:C 30、耐火分隔中的B级分隔共分为()个等级。 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 试题答案:B 31、()(降一点儿)the gangway, please.

13、 A. Hoist B. Lower a little C. Steady D. Take down 试题答案:B 32、The muster list may be supplemented by individual cards issued to each member of the crew.() A. 它可以由分发给一些船员的个人卡作出补充。 B. 它可以由分发给每一个船员的个人卡作出补充。 C. 它可以由分发给所有船员的个人卡共同组成。 D. 它是由分发给每一个船员的个人卡共同组成。 试题答案:B 33、If he is not in his cabin, he must be (

14、). A. astern B. ahead C. on the bridge D. midship 试题答案:C 34、Dont operate two or more hatch ()at the same time. A. caps B. levers C. covers D. coamings 试题答案:C 35、每月一次() A. once a month B. once a week C. once a day D. once a year 试题答案:A 36、broom() A. 扫帚 B. 钳子 C. 塑料桶 D. 棉纱 试题答案:A 37、开关舱的工作通常是由船员来做。() A


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