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1、2021-2022年度广西壮族自治区船舶水手考试练习题(十)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、水手应该知道船上吊杆的安全工作负荷。() A. Sailors should know the SWL of cranes on board their ship. B. Sailors should know the SWL of derricks on board their ship. C. Officers should know the SWL of derricks on board their ship. D. Officers should know the SWL of cranes o

2、n board their ship. 试题答案:B 2、Apply two coats of ()(红丹漆) and topside paint to the forecastle deck. A. primer B. red lead paint C. undercoat D. top coat 试题答案:B 3、发警报() A. sound alarm B. make alarm C. send alarm D. receive alarm 试题答案:A 4、值班水手在操舵时() A. 不应被认为是了望人员 B. 可以同时执行了望任务 C. 没有任何协助了望的任务 D. 以上都不对 试题

3、答案:A 5、货舱污水井一般设置在() A. 货舱的前部 B. 货舱的后部 C. 货舱的左,右中部 D. 以上都错 试题答案:B 6、The rusty plates should be scrapped and brushed to ()(出白金属). A. clean B. smooth surface C. bare metal D. clear 试题答案:C 7、Welcome aboard. Our master is expecting you in his cabin. Come (). A. all the ways B. every way C. this way D. on

4、 the way 试题答案:C 8、The captain has gone ()(上岸). Hell be back this afternoon. A. shore B. land C. ashore D. port 试题答案:C 9、Get me some ()to mend the canvas ventilators. A. sail makers tools B. repair tools C. splicing tools D. saws 试题答案:A 10、船籍港一般刻写在() A. 船首的两侧 B. 船尾部 C. 驾驶台两侧 D. 任意部位 试题答案:B 11、Rubbish

5、 can be thrown into the water (). A. in a harbour B. in any place C. 25 miles off the land D. 10 miles off the land 试题答案:C 12、挖泥边界浮标设置时,其标位应离挖槽边线:() A. 30米以内 B. 30米以上 C. 30米 D. 50米 试题答案:C 13、这个鹅颈头弯了。() A. This gooseneck is bent. B. This derrick is bent. C. This winch is in trouble. D. This block is

6、worn out. 试题答案:A 14、When the derrick changes its ()(角度), its lifting capacity changes correspondingly. A. angel B. length C. height D. angle 试题答案:D 15、安全帽() A. safety belt/harness B. safety cap C. safety cloches D. safety measure 试题答案:B 16、表示船舶适合运输货物合旅客的有效容积称为() A. 载重量 B. 净吨位 C. 排水量 D. 重量吨 试题答案:B 17

7、、You should slack the mooring lines ()when the wind is big. A. at the same time B. on time C. in time D. at times 试题答案:A 18、缆索绞车的检查养护周期为()个月 A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12 试题答案:B 19、Our heavy derrick has been ()(不用)for a long time. A. out of order B. out of date C. out of danger D. out of use 试题答案:D 20、Before

8、 ()the harbour, all derricks must be secured properly. A. leave B. leaved C. to leave D. leaving 试题答案:D 21、救生艇下水每隔三个月进行一次。() A. Lifeboat launching is operated at intervals of three months. B. Lifeboat launching is operated at intervals for three months. C. Fire drill is carried out once a month. D.

9、Dont operate two or more hatch covers at the same time. 试题答案:A 22、If there is another line already on the bollard ,the eye of the second line should be()before placing it over the bollard. A. taken up through the eye of the first line B. taken up over the eye of the first line C. made fast to the fi

10、rst line D. taken up from the eye of the first line 试题答案:A 23、螺旋桨有四个桨叶。 () A. The helm has four blades. B. The propeller has forty blades. C. The windlass has four blades. D. The propeller has four blades. 试题答案:D 24、The blocks and gooseneck of the jumbo need (). A. dismantling and inspecting B. dism

11、antled and inspected C. to dismantle and inspect D. dismantle and inspect 试题答案:A 25、这些舱盖通常是用电力或液压驱动的。() A. These hatches are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power. B. These hatch covers are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power. C. These hatch covers are usually driven by electric. D

12、. These hatch covers are usually driven by hydraulic power. 试题答案:B 26、甲板(),依次叫二层甲板、三层甲板 A. 由下而上 B. 由上而下 C. 由里往外 D. 随便指称 试题答案:A 27、-()!-Both engines stopped! A. Stop engine B. Stop both engines C. Stop port D. Stop them 试题答案:B 28、通常设有信号灯、探照灯和罗经的甲板为() A. 艇甲板 B. 顶甲板 C. 驾驶台甲板 D. 上层建筑甲板 试题答案:B 29、下列哪一项不是

13、导缆装置的作用() A. 减少缆绳受力 B. 减少缆绳磨损 C. 限制系船缆导出位置 D. 变换缆绳受力方向 试题答案:A 30、The ship is to ()to buoys. A. moor B. berth C. anchor D. dock 试题答案:A 31、Put forward spring on the ()(系缆桩). A. wharf B. bollard C. nut D. port 试题答案:B 32、()two seven five! A. Work B. Steer C. Handle D. Operate 试题答案:B 33、Saw dust is used

14、to (). A. absorb the oil B. repair the derrick C. adjust the boom D. fill the ballast water 试题答案:A 34、We are() for PSC inspection. A. prepares B. preparing C. prepared D. prepare 试题答案:B 35、甲板部由大副负责。() A. The captain is the head of a ship. B. The master is the head of a ship. C. The deck department is under the command of the ch


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