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1、2021-2022年度山西省船舶水手考试练习题(八)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、()extinguish oil and electrical fires with water. A. Do B. Did C. Never D. Isnt 试题答案:C 2、NO TURNING OVER() A. 切勿倾倒 B. 切勿坠落 C. 切勿挤压 D. 切勿倒置 试题答案:D 3、Cast sea anchor to ()the speed of drifting raft. A. control B. controlling C. controlled D. controls 试题答案:A 4、这

2、些舱盖通常是用电力或液压驱动的。() A. These hatches are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power. B. These hatch covers are usually driven by electric or hydraulic power. C. These hatch covers are usually driven by electric. D. These hatch covers are usually driven by hydraulic power. 试题答案:B 5、The ()(左尾舷) is t

3、he port stern. A. port quarter B. quarter C. starboard quarter D. freeboard 试题答案:A 6、Nothing to port() A. 勿偏左 B. 勿偏右 C. 无舵效 D. 右满舵 试题答案:A 7、Our ship is ()with automatic hatch covers. A. equipped B. equip C. equipping D. to equip 试题答案:A 8、船上堵漏器材配备的种类,数量规格是根据()确定的。 A. 船舶的大小 B. 船舶的类型 C. 航行区域 D. A+B+C 试

4、题答案:D 9、燃烧时,如果空气含氧量降至()以下,物质燃烧就会熄灭。 A. 8% B. 9% C. 10% D. 11% 试题答案:D 10、()is used to absorb the water. A. Paper B. Glass C. Sponge D. Stow 试题答案:C 11、()the rise and fall of the tide. A. Notice B. Note C. Attention D. Look out 试题答案:A 12、All hands, assemble for ()(点名) . A. name-call B. name C. namecall

5、 D. roll-call 试题答案:D 13、The duty () should do the cleaning work every morning. A. officer B. motorman C. sailor D. engineer 试题答案:C 14、Second Officer, give one ()(长声). A. blast B. short blast C. prolonged blast D. prolonged blasts 试题答案:C 15、waterline() A. 甲板线 B. 水线 C. 吃水 D. 干线 试题答案:B 16、cargo list ()

6、 A. 配载图 B. 仓单 C. 收据 D. 货物清单 试题答案:D 17、扔给他救生圈,并帮他上船。() A. Release a life-jacket and help him come on board. B. Releasing lifebuoy and help him come on board. C. Throw him a lifebuoy and help him come on board. D. Release a life-raft and help him come on board. 试题答案:C 18、我想见轮机长。() A. I would like to s

7、ee the chief officer. B. I would like to see the captain. C. I would like to see the second officer. D. I would like to see the chief engineer. 试题答案:D 19、A ()is used for lifting long heavy cargo. A. derrick B. crane C. jumbo boom D. boom 试题答案:C 20、The captain has ()ashore. A. go B. going C. gone D.

8、went 试题答案:C 21、不要随意地移动稳索。() A. Dont shift the guy as you like. B. Dont shift the stay as you like. C. Dont move the derrick as you like. D. Dont move the crane as you like. 试题答案:A 22、甲板部由大副负责。() A. The captain is the head of a ship. B. The master is the head of a ship. C. The deck department is unde

9、r the command of the chief officer. D. The pilot is the head of a ship. 试题答案:C 23、安全帽() A. safety belt/harness B. safety cap C. safety cloches D. safety measure 试题答案:B 24、The()(渡船 carries people, cargo, car or truck for short passages. A. oil barge B. oil ship C. ferry D. barge 试题答案:C 25、灭火机的主要特点是()

10、。 A. 人人可以操作使用,应用范围广 B. 手提使用,灭火及时,效率搞 C. 使用轻便喷射距离较远,对小范围火灾有效 D. 防火必备 试题答案:C 26、Ease helm!() A. 回舵 B. 满舵 C. 压舵 D. 反转 试题答案:A 27、环形绷带包扎法多用于() A. 粗细不等的肢体包扎 B. 四肢关节的包扎 C. 各种绷带包扎法的开始和终末 D. 上述均可适用 试题答案:C 28、船舶在狭水道或港内安全移动时,必须掌握的船舶长度是:() A. 登记尺度 B. 舶型尺度 C. 最大尺度 D. 垂线尺度 试题答案:C 29、()(拉响) the alarm immediately.

11、A. Sound B. Ring C. Release D. B+C 试题答案:A 30、二氧化碳灭火器一般()个月检查一次重量 A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 6 试题答案:C 31、登记船长() A. registered length overall B. realistic length overall C. registered depth overall D. registered height overall 试题答案:A 32、在油轮上下列()可兼作隔离空舱。 A. 泵舱 B. 压载舱 C. 燃油舱 D. 泵舱或压载舱或燃油舱 试题答案:D 33、Cleaning is a

12、 frequent ()on board a ship. A. duty B. responsibility C. job D. work 试题答案:C 34、Half astern() A. 微速后退 B. 半速后退 C. 全速后退 D. 全速前进 试题答案:B 35、Full speed ahead! () A. 前进三 B. 后退二 C. 后退一 D. 中速后退 试题答案:A 36、()使用广乏,可用作缆绳的临时眼环,还可用于绳和绳、绳和眼环的连接。 A. 单套结 B. 双套结 C. 大绳接结 D. 缩绳结 试题答案:A 37、在抛锚操作中,当锚链松出()倍水深链长时,应刹住锚链,利用船

13、的拉力使锚抓底 A. 1.5,2 B. 2.5,3 C. 4 D. 5 试题答案:A 38、That is the ()(污水井). A. bilge well B. ballast water C. fresh water D. sea water 试题答案:A 39、桅灯() A. search light B. signal light C. side light D. mast light 试题答案:D 40、夜间发现前方一船操纵号灯三闪,则表示来船()。 A. 正在停车 B. 正在向后推进 C. 正在向左转向 D. 正在向右转向 试题答案:B 41、The ship is to ()to buoys. A. moor B. berth C. anchor D. dock 试题答案:A 42、At each drill a different person should be in ()(负责)of an extinguisher. A. charge B. load C. discharge D.


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