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1、2021-2022年度天津市船舶水手考试自测模拟预测题库(名校卷)一单选题(共60题)1、舵() A. rudder B. rubber C. rubbish D. ring 试题答案:A 2、船舶强度大、功率大、稳性和浮性较好,但船体较小的船舶称为() A. 海洋开发船 B. 拖船 C. 航标船 D. 破冰船 试题答案:B 3、有时风大流急,船舶靠码头时必须掉头顶流。() A. A ship has to turn to stem the tide because the wind is strong when she is getting alongside a wharf. B. Som

2、etimes the wind is strong and the current is rough, so a ship has to turn to stem the tide when she is getting alongside a wharf. C. The wind is big, a ship must get alongside a wharf so she has to turn to stem the tide. D. A ship has to turn to stem the tide so she can get alongside a wharf. 试题答案:B

3、 4、检查救生衣和个人物品。() A. Check your life-jackets and belongings. B. The cable is leading straight ahead. C. I have given it a thorough clean. D. Steer the wheel carefully and pay attention to keeping a sharp lookout. 试题答案:A 5、There is no power for the ()(起货机). A. winch B. crane C. derrick D. boom 试题答案:A

4、6、环照灯的颜色没有()。 A. 红色 B. 绿色 C. 黄色 D. 白色 试题答案:C 7、下列那项不属于纤维缆在养护周期内的检查要点() A. 外表磨损情况 B. 外表是否有灰尘 C. 测量粗细 D. 断股情况 试题答案:B 8、船员安全守则中规定,值班前()小时不准喝酒,酒后严禁操作。 A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 试题答案:B 9、It is the job of ()to take the pilot aboard. A. the duty sailor B. the 2nd officer C. the captain D. the chief officer 试题答案:

5、A 10、The draft is less than 5 meters.() A. 干舷小于5米。 B. 干舷大于5米。 C. 吃水小于5米。 D. 吃水大于5米。 试题答案:C 11、rise() A. 上涨 B. 下降 C. 大米 D. 稻谷 试题答案:A 12、()用于将小锚的锚缆连接于锚环,也用于将绳缆固定在圆木、眼环或圆柱上。 A. 单套结 B. 双套结 C. 平结 D. 渔人结 试题答案:D 13、燎望人员和舵工的职责是:() A. 分开的 B. 不分的 C. 可分可不分 D. 以上都错 试题答案:D 14、贝() A. bay B. tier C. row D. buoy 试题

6、答案:A 15、Our ship is ()with automatic hatch covers. A. equipped B. equip C. equipping D. to equip 试题答案:A 16、引航员的房间在驾驶台隔壁。() A. The pilot room is next to the chart room. B. The pilot room is next to the wheelhouse . C. The pilot room next to the captains cabin. D. The pilot room next to the wheelhouse

7、 . 试题答案:B 17、The fire is spreading. Do not attempt to extinguish it.() A. 火势得到了控制,不要试图扑灭它。 B. 火势得到了控制,请试图扑灭它。 C. 火势正在蔓延,不要试图扑灭它。 D. 火势正在蔓延,请尝试扑灭它。 试题答案:C 18、我国海图上水深起算面采用:() A. 理论深度基准面 B. 平均海面 C. 大潮高潮面 D. 当时水面 试题答案:A 19、clamp() A. 扭锁 B. 链钩 C. 夹子 D. 螺钉 试题答案:C 20、某船正在装卸或载运危险货物时,应悬挂单字母信号旗()旗。 A. “A” B.

8、“Q” C. “B” D. “Y” 试题答案:C 21、尾推停车。() A. Stern thrust stop. B. Stern stop. C. Bow thrust stop. 试题答案:A 22、能见度按目力能见距离可分为十个等级,即从0到9级,其中能见距离达到12海里时,属于:() A. 4级 B. 5级 C. 6级 D. 7级 试题答案:B 23、The()(非包装货) is loaded and discharged by belt conveyer. A. non-packed cargo B. packed cargo C. cased cargo D. inboard c

9、argo 试题答案:A 24、旗() A. flight B. fly C. fire D. flag 试题答案:D 25、After seeing that the gears are free to engage ,put the windlass() . A. into gear B. for gear C. on D. gearing 试题答案:A 26、RPM() A. revolutions per minute B. revolutions per mile C. revolutions per month D. very personal matter 试题答案:A 27、Lo

10、wer the ladder two steps() ,please ! A. too B. more C. little D. few 试题答案:B 28、露天甲板() A. main deck B. weather deck C. lower deck D. bridge deck 试题答案:B 29、引航员正在下口令。 () A. The captain is giving orders. B. The pilot is giving orders. C. The quartermaster is giving orders. D. The pilot is given orders.

11、试题答案:B 30、船舷侧与船底交接的弯曲部位称为() A. 舭部 B. 舷墙 C. 舷边 D. 龙骨 试题答案:A 31、The after part of a ship is called()(船尾) . A. head B. tail C. stern D. quarter 试题答案:C 32、总吨位是() A. 船舶的排水量 B. 船舶满载时的最大载重能力 C. 夏季载重线时的最大载货量 D. 以上都错 试题答案:D 33、()is used in bilges and peak tanks. A. Bitumen B. Cement wash C. Paint D. Varnish

12、试题答案:A 34、白棕绳沾有海水和泥沙后应:() A. 烘干入库存放 B. 用海水将泥沙冲洗干净,晒干 C. 用淡水洗净后晒干收存 D. 直接存放 试题答案:C 35、“In no time” means(). A. have no time B. in a minute C. a long time D. on time 试题答案:B 36、救生衣() A. life-jacket B. lifeboat C. life-raft D. lifebuoy 试题答案:A 37、Keep the NO1()(浮标) on the port side! A. buoy B. mark C. be

13、acon D. channel 试题答案:A 38、Cutting pliers can cut the (). A. derrick B. bridge C. paint D. wire 试题答案:D 39、在船舶最宽处,由一舷肋骨外缘量至另一舷肋骨外缘之间的水平距离成为() A. 全宽 B. 型宽 C. 最大宽度 D. 以上都对 试题答案:B 40、Weigh anchor and()(留)one shackle in water. A. stay B. keep C. leave D. have 试题答案:C 41、The structures vary in ships types.() A. 有各种各样的船舶结构。 B. 船舶的结构和型号不统一。 C. 船舶结构因船型而异。 D. 船舶大小因船型而异。 试题答案:C 42、Stores in Deck Department are: common tools, ropes, working protection gears, all kinds of paint and so on.() A. 甲板部的物料有


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