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1、2021-2022年度河北省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试题A卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、 银行会计记账的依据是( )。A.会计凭证B.会计科目C.会计账户D.会计账簿【答案】 A2、中国人相互见面和离别时,最常见的礼仪是()。A.微笑B.拥抱C.握手D.挥手【答案】 C3、Land is a major social and political issue, very explosive and very much inclined to _ a lot of conflict in different parts of the country.A.provokeB.irritat

2、eC.inspireD.hoist【答案】 A4、资料:We never thought wed say this, but wed welcome back some chilly weather.A.Temperatures in the U.S. fell into negative territoryB.People welcomed cool breezes in the U.SC.Harsh winter struck in some cities of the U.SD.Arctic air hit the U.S. for a few times【答案】 C5、The_goal

3、 of the project is to expand the scientific knowledge relevant to improving health outcomes for women and children in low income countries.A.entireB.totalC.targetD.overall【答案】 D6、Passage 3A.They have to cancel their vacations in New EnglandB.They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restauran

4、tsC.They have to spend more money when buying imported goodsD.They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems【答案】 C7、1984年之前我国的中央银行制度类型属于()。A.复合式B.单一式C.二元式D.准中央银行【答案】 A8、A master of watercolor was John Marin,_used the medium to portray the city as a mighty organism.A.heB.whoC.hisD.whic

5、h【答案】 B9、下列贷款中至少归为次级类的是()。A.借款人利用合并、分立等形式恶意逃废银行债务,本金或者利息已经逾期B.本金和利息虽尚未逾期,但借款人有利用兼并、重组、分立等形式恶意逃废银行债务的嫌疑C.同一借款人对本行或其他银行的部分债务已经不良D.本金或者利息逾期【答案】 A10、资料:Directions : There is 1 passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choice

6、s , You should decide on the best choice.A.It is a whole new technique Apple Inc. applied on iPhone XB.It has started a revolution in computer-vision industryC.It has a problem of revocationD.It has embedded security mechanisms to secure the data on the phone【答案】 B11、 转让固定资产使用权取得的收入应计入( )。A.手续费收入B.其

7、他业务收人C.营业外收入D.主营业务成本【答案】 B12、近年来,我国影子银行快速发展,成为弥补实体经济融资缺口的重要渠道,但其隐匿着巨大风险,对此,下列说法不正确的是()。A.资金回报要求过低,绕过国家的货币政策B.资金使用不匹配,现金流稳定性差C.缺少风险防范措施,难以做到事先预警D.保护机制先天不足,风险容易扩散【答案】 A13、He felt so cold that he kept trembling ( ) unable to endure it any more.A.as forB.as wellC.as ifD.as long as【答案】 C14、资料:You can not

8、 go forward by going backward. Take the current debate about trade and globalization, for instance, while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years, it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity.A.The participation in the trad

9、e globalization is not broad enoughB.Job losses are often under-estimatedC.Domestic firms are problematic with productivityD.Globalization hinders growth of small and medium-size firms【答案】 A15、提出“复杂人”假设的是()。A.哈罗德孔茨B.亨利法约尔C.埃德加沙因D.弗雷德里克泰勒【答案】 C16、2020年3月31日,教育部发布关于2020年全国高考时间安排的公告。经党中央、国务院同意,2020年全国普

10、通高等学校招生统一考试延期到()。A.06月27日至28日B.7月7日至8日C.8月7日至8日D.7月27日至28日【答案】 B17、人性自私”观点的错误在于( )。A.不符合“人之初,性本善”的看法B.违背人有追求自由、平等、幸福的天性C.把人的自然属性当做人的根本属性D.违背了“人的本质在其现实性上是一切社会关系的总和”的科学论断【答案】 D18、Your suggestion could only make things worse_.A.if anythingB.if everythingC.if nothingD.if something【答案】 A19、 证券公司为客户融券交易属于

11、()。A.内幕交易B.操纵市场C.欺诈客户D.信用交易【答案】 D20、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the worlds middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction, according to a United Nations report published on Thursday.A.To explain the recent achievement of poverty reductionB

12、.To conclude that the world has changed so dramaticallyC.To criticize developed countriesD.To predict that things can be better【答案】 A21、 在( )前提下,会计确认、计量和报告应当以企业持续、正常的生产经营活动为前提。A.会计分期B.会计核算C.会计监督D.会计主体【答案】 D22、下列各项中,哪一项是最能衡量股东利润最大化的指标?()A.资本利润率B.资产利润率C.销售利润率D.股权分红率【答案】 D23、资料:Seeking to end a stalema

13、te in negotiations over her countrys withdrawal from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain offered Friday substantial payments to the bloc during a two-year transition period immediately after the countrys exit.A.To demonstrate her resolve to divorce Britain from EUB.To pave the way for dialogues and negotiations with EU on BrexitC.To comfort the sentiment of British peopleD.To end the division between her cabinet and the Conservative Party【答案】 B24、资料:From: Iris WuA.on May 3B.on May 14C.on May 15D.on May 26【答案】 D25、资料:This exhibition brings toget


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