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1、2021-2022年度吉林省船舶水手考试高分题库附精品答案一单选题(共60题)1、泡沫灭火机适用于扑救()火灾。 A. 油类 B. 精密仪器 C. 带电设备 D. 忌水物质 试题答案:A 2、We are loading dangerous cargo now.() A. 我们正在卸危险货物。 B. 我们正在检查危险货物。 C. 我们正在装危险货物。 D. 我们正在装卸危险货物。 试题答案:C 3、Stand ()engine ! A. with B. by C. in D. to 试题答案:B 4、This is ()(甲板货). A. deck cargo B. wet cargo C.

2、light cargo D. heavy cargo 试题答案:A 5、Lower the ()ladder. A. embark B. embarkation C. disembark D. B+C 试题答案:B 6、The ()(包装货) is loaded and unloaded by cargo sling. A. bagged cargo B. packed cargo C. cased cargo D. deck cargo 试题答案:B 7、The fire was ()out. A. put B. taken C. made D. had 试题答案:A 8、()is the

3、strongest and the most elastic of all the synthetic fiber ropes. A. Hemp rope B. Wire rope C. Nylon rope D. wood rope 试题答案:C 9、救生圈在甲板栏杆上。() A. The lifebuoys are on the main deck. B. The lifebuoys are on the forecastle. C. The lifeboat is on the deck railing. D. The lifebuoys are on the deck railing.

4、 试题答案:D 10、回头缆() A. aft rope B. back line C. back chain D. slip line 试题答案:D 11、船型尺度通常指() A. 操纵时所需用的尺度 B. 造船时所用尺度 C. 丈量船舶吨位时所用尺度 D. 计算港口使用费所用尺度 试题答案:B 12、我们是船上的代理。() A. We are the PSC inspectors. B. We are the ships chandler. C. We are the ships agent. D. We are the engineer of the shipyard. 试题答案:C 1

5、3、Keep to the middle of the()(航道) A. buoy B. mark C. beacon D. channel 试题答案:D 14、Stow the derricks ()before sailing. A. fore and aft B. up and down C. port and starboard D. left and right 试题答案:A 15、prolonged blast() A. 短声 B. 短笛 C. 长笛 D. 长声 试题答案:D 16、To ensure the best route for a line ,it passes thr

6、ough a fairlead at the vessels side.() A. 为了保证出缆的最佳路线,缆绳穿过导缆孔。 B. 为了延长缆绳的使用寿命,缆绳穿过导缆孔。 C. 为了保证出缆的最佳路线,缆绳从船舶一舷的导缆孔穿过。 D. 为了延长缆绳的使用寿命,缆绳从船舶一舷的导缆孔穿过。 试题答案:C 17、-Give out two head lines, one from each side!-All right. Here (). A. you go B. they go C. I go D. she go 试题答案:A 18、Fires can be divided into di

7、fferent (). A. kind B. kinds C. types D. B+C 试题答案:D 19、-Slow ahead both engines!-Slow ahead both engines! ()! A. Both engines slow ahead B. Engine slow ahead port C. Engine slow ahead starboard D. Engine both ahead 试题答案:A 20、内层漆() A. top coat B. undercoat C. primer D. topside paint 试题答案:B 21、Keep th

8、e NO1()(浮标) on the port side! A. buoy B. mark C. beacon D. channel 试题答案:A 22、() the nails with a claw hammer. A. Take out B. Pull out C. Put out D. Push out 试题答案:B 23、When the derrick changes its ()(角度), its lifting capacity changes correspondingly. A. angel B. length C. height D. angle 试题答案:D 24、My

9、 ship is in ()! A. position B. / C. location D. place 试题答案:A 25、bitumen() A. 沥青 B. 水泥 C. 漆 D. 稀释剂 试题答案:A 26、下列哪一项不是导缆装置的作用() A. 减少缆绳受力 B. 减少缆绳磨损 C. 限制系船缆导出位置 D. 变换缆绳受力方向 试题答案:A 27、When a vessel is alongside the wharf, its necessary for the ship to keep a ()hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety

10、of the ship and the cargo. A. 12 B. 8 C. 24 D. 48 试题答案:C 28、cool() A. 冷却 B. 冷藏 C. 加热 D. 制冷 试题答案:A 29、下列说法不正确的是哪个选项()。 A. 硝纤纤维溶于醇类、苯类溶剂 B. 环氧树脂可用丙酮调制 C. 油性调和漆可用松节油调制 D. 醇酸树脂的溶剂为二甲苯 试题答案:A 30、Before leaving the harbour, all derricks must be ()properly. A. tightened B. secured C. unfastened D. loaded 试

11、题答案:B 31、NO HOOK() A. 勿用手钩 B. 勿放湿处 C. 勿放顶上 D. 切勿倒置 试题答案:A 32、值班水手在操舵时,执行船长、驾驶员或引航员的舵令,当达到操舵效果后必须() A. 复诵舵令 B. 回令 C. 询问 D. 保持沉默 试题答案:B 33、空船时水面到船舶最高点的垂直距离称为:() A. 最大高度 B. 型高 C. 水面上最大高度 D. 全高 试题答案:C 34、物质的燃烧是()反应。 A. 化合反应 B. 分解反应 C. 化合、分解反应 D. 物理反应 试题答案:C 35、hacksaw() A. 钢锯 B. 钢丝钳 C. 凿子 D. 钻 试题答案:A 36

12、、Sailors should know the ()(安全工作负荷量)of derricks. A. safe working load B. safety work load C. safe work load D. safe working loading 试题答案:A 37、Port-hand buoys are painted()in colour in A area. A. green B. red C. yellow D. white 试题答案:B 38、我们一般把木材、煤炭等物质引起的火灾归类为()。 A. 甲类火 B. 乙类火 C. 丙类火 D. 丁类火 试题答案:A 39、

13、碰垫() A. tug B. fender C. rope D. tool 试题答案:B 40、You should ()the mooring lines at the same time when the wind is big. A. fasten B. slack C. fast D. slacken 试题答案:B 41、Ready for ()the boat. A. lower B. lowering C. lowered D. topped 试题答案:B 42、If he is not in his cabin, he must be (). A. astern B. ahead C. on the bridge D. midship 试题答案:C 43、Renew the ()(稳索), please. A. gooseneck B. guy C. center guy D. stay 试题答案:B 44、多松一点。() A. Give us



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