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1、2021-2022年度广东省船舶水手考试全真模拟考试试卷A卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、Make ()the fore rope and lay out the embarkation ladder. A. fast B. faster C. last D. from 试题答案:A 2、Stern ()half to port! A. thrust B. push C. pull D. full 试题答案:A 3、-Slow ahead!-Slow ahead! ()! A. Engine ahead slow! B. Engine slow ahead! C. Ahead engine s

2、low! D. Yes, sir 试题答案:B 4、空船时水面到船舶最高点的垂直距离成为() A. 最大高度 B. 型高 C. 水面上最大的高度 D. 以上都错 试题答案:C 5、Ro/Ro ships have doors at the bow or stern.() A. 吊装船在船头船尾有门。 B. 滚装船在船头和船尾有门。 C. 滚装船在船头或船尾有门。 D. 吊装船在船头或船尾有门。 试题答案:C 6、winch platform() A. 起货机平台 B. 夹板 C. 千斤顶 D. 油压千斤顶 试题答案:A 7、值锚泊班的水手在下列情况下应通知值班驾驶员上驾驶台亲自值锚更班() A

3、. 风浪增强时 B. 能见度不良时 C. 以上都对 D. 以上都错 试题答案:C 8、锚马上就要出水了。() A. The anchor will be up in a moment. B. The anchor is clear of the bottom. C. The cable is clear . D. The cables are clear. 试题答案:A 9、救生圈在甲板栏杆上。() A. The lifebuoys are on the main deck. B. The lifebuoys are on the forecastle. C. The lifeboat is

4、on the deck railing. D. The lifebuoys are on the deck railing. 试题答案:D 10、Embark on the ()(登艇甲板). A. embarkation deck B. disembarkation ladder C. fender D. boat plug 试题答案:A 11、The deck from bow to stern is called the ()(主甲板). A. main deck B. tweendeck C. upper deck D. lower deck 试题答案:A 12、机舱人员应启动机舱里的

5、消防泵。() A. Engine room persons should stop their pumps in machinery space. B. Engine room persons should start their pumps in machinery space. C. Engine room persons should start their pumps in officers cabin. D. Engine room persons should start their pumps on boat deck. 试题答案:B 13、浮吊() A. gantry cran

6、e B. floating crane C. shore crane D. overhead crane 试题答案:B 14、Duty Sailors must greet visitors ()on gangway. A. polite B. politely C. impolite D. impolitely 试题答案:B 15、引航员正在下口令。 () A. The captain is giving orders. B. The pilot is giving orders. C. The quartermaster is giving orders. D. The pilot is

7、given orders. 试题答案:B 16、Keep clear of the ()! A. boy B. bitt C. buoy D. bollard 试题答案:C 17、The air is ()(有毒的). A. humid B. damp C. toxic D. mould 试题答案:C 18、灭火() A. put out fire B. put on fire C. take on fire D. take off fire 试题答案:A 19、下列那种材料用于包扎伤口() A. 三角巾 B. 麻绳 C. 绷带 D. 毛巾 试题答案:B 20、气压日出现两个最高值,是在()时

8、。 A. 04和16 B. 06和18 C. 08和20 D. 10和22 试题答案:D 21、The muster station is usually on ()(艇甲板). A. boat deck B. the bridge C. engine room D. main deck 试题答案:A 22、我们需要大量的绑扎钢丝。() A. We need plenty of clamps. B. We need plenty of lashing wires. C. We need plenty of cargo wires. D. We need plenty of lashing ba

9、rs. 试题答案:B 23、The ()(包装货) is loaded and unloaded by cargo sling. A. bagged cargo B. packed cargo C. cased cargo D. deck cargo 试题答案:B 24、The maintenance work for sailors includes cleaning , repairing, and ()(涂漆) work on board a ship. A. painting B. painter C. pain D. pair 试题答案:A 25、single up() A. 单绑

10、B. 独自 C. 单根 D. 独身 试题答案:A 26、A ()is at the end of the cargo runner for picking up the load. A. sling B. hook C. block D. tackle 试题答案:A 27、溺水中胸腔中有大量的水,并且心跳呼吸停止,此时应先进行() A. 口对口人工呼吸 B. 清理口腔和空水 C. 作心脏按摩 D. 掐人中 试题答案:B 28、腋窝及肩部动脉出血者,应用指压迫的止血点是() A. 颈动脉 B. 肱动脉 C. 锁骨下动脉 D. 上述均可适用 试题答案:C 29、For painting, the

11、surface of a ships hull is divided into ()areas. A. two B. three C. four D. five 试题答案:B 30、水手用扫帚清扫甲板。() A. Sailors use brown to clean the deck. B. Sailors use broom to clean the deck. C. Sailors use brush to clean the deck. D. Sailors use mop to clean the deck. 试题答案:B 31、手套() A. glove B. coat C. axe

12、 D. cloth 试题答案:A 32、安全水域标的标身颜色为:() A. 红黑横纹 B. 黑白横纹 C. 红白直纹 D. 黑白直纹 试题答案:C 33、“拖带长度”一词按规则要求,是指:() A. 当时使用的拖缆长度 B. 自拖船船首至被拖船船首的水平距离 C. 自拖船船尾至被拖船船尾端的水平距离 D. 以上都错 试题答案:C 34、()extinguish oil and electrical fires with water. A. Do B. Did C. Never D. Isnt 试题答案:C 35、接待来船拜访人员。() A. Receiving the person who c

13、omes on board to do their business. B. Receiving the persons who comes on board to visit. C. Receiving the persons who comes on board to do the job. D. Receiving the persons who comes on board to look around the ship. 试题答案:B 36、抛救生圈() A. release a lifebuoy B. release a life-jacket C. release a lifeboat D. release a life-raft 试题答案:A 37、It is necessary for her to ()(执行) the general day-to-day repair on board. A. work out B. look out C. wipe out D. carry out 试题答案:D 38、The()(汽车运输船) carries cars and trucks. A. LASH B. Lo/Lo C. PCC D. LNG carrier 试题答案:C


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