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1、2021-2022年度云南省教师招聘之中学教师招聘练习题(六)及答案一单选题(共60题)1、2017年2月4日,安徽省第三批援疆干部人才抵达新疆皮山县,开启了新一轮对口援疆工作。对口援疆工作()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 C2、 中学教师职业道德规范提出“尊重中学生权利,以中学生为主体,充分调动和发挥中学生的主动性”,指的是下列哪个基本理论?( )A.全面发展B.学生为本C.素质教育D.师德为先【答案】 B3、狄摩西尼指出:“植根于每个人(雅典公民)心底的原则是:人生来不仅属于父母而且属于国家倘若他视自己为国家的儿女,便会自愿赴死,而不愿看到国家沦为附庸。如果国家处于被奴役的地位,他会感到蒙受

2、的耻辱比死亡更可怕。”下列各项中,最能解释上述现象出现原因的是( )。A.雅典的小国寡民形态B.民主政治激发了公民的爱国热情C.雅典文化中的尚武精神D.雅典的爱国主义教育成效显著【答案】 B4、还原糖与斐林试剂在水浴加热的条件下反应,颜色变化为()。A.橘红色溶液B.橘黄色溶液C.紫色溶液D.砖红色沉淀【答案】 D5、根据以下材料,回答题A.To show the worry that technology mayeventually destroy our worldB.To tell the readers that as a humancreation, technology may g

3、o wrong and do harm to humanC.To emphasize the responsibility we havein ensuring human safety in a technological worldD.To stress the fact that technologyusually goes wrong if not given close examination【答案】 B6、学校的中心工作是()。A.教学B.行政C.安全D.后勤【答案】 A7、企业战略具有()特征。A.全局性B.系统性C.长远性D.风险性E.抗争性【答案】 A8、在乳糖操纵子模型中,

4、调节基因的产物是()。A.诱导物B.阻遏物C.操纵子D.调节物【答案】 B9、半期考考得好,力求得到本学期的奖学金,属于( )。A.远景的间接性动机B.近景的直接性动机C.高尚的动机D.低级的动机【答案】 B10、某项测验能鉴别学业水平高低、能力强弱,表明该测验()较高。A.难度B.信度C.效度D.区分度【答案】 D11、财产所有权是一种直接与经济利益相联系的民事权利,其权能包括()。A.占有、使用、收益、处分B.占有、利用、收益、处分C.占有、使用、赠与、转让D.控制、使用、收益、处分【答案】 A12、著名教育家马卡连柯提出的班级管理理论是()。A.民主管理B.目标管理C.平行管理D.常规管

5、理【答案】 C13、音乐是声音艺术,音乐教学的基本手段是()。A.唱歌B.聆听C.欣赏D.表演【答案】 B14、“澶渊之盟”是下列哪两个政权之间的盟约 ( )A.北宋与辽B.北宋与西夏C.南宋与金D.南宋与西夏【答案】 A15、Khalidas fathersays shes 9-or maybe 10. As much as Sayed Shah loves his 10 children, thefunctionally illiterate Afghan farmer cant keep track of all their birthdates. Khalida huddles at

6、his side, trying to hide beneath her chador andheadscarf. They both know the family cant keep her much longer. Khalidasfather has spent much of his life raising opium, as men like him have beendoing for decades in the stony hillsides of eastern Afghanistan and on thedusty southern plains. Its the on

7、ly reliable cash crop most of those farmersever had. Even so, Shah and his family barely got by: traffickers may prosper,but poor farmers like him only subsist. Now hes losing far more than money.I never imagined Id have to pay for growing opium by giving up mydaughter, says Shah. The family s heart

8、break began when shah borrowed$2000 from a local trafficker, promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos ofopium at harvest time. Late last spring, just before harvest, a governmentcrop-eradication team appeared at the familys little plot of land in Laghmanprovince and destroyed Shahs entire two and a

9、 half acres of poppies. Unable tomeet his debt, Shah fled with his family to Jalalabad, the capital ofneighboring Nangarhar province. The trafficker found them anyway and demandedhis opium. So Shah took his case before a tribal council in Laghman and beggedfor leniency. Instead, the elders unanimous

10、ly ruled that Shah would have toreimburse the trafficker by giving Khalida to him in marriage. Now the familycan only wait for the 45-year-olddrugrunner to come back for his prize. Khalidawanted to be a teacher someday, but that has become impossible. Its myfate, the child says.A.traffickers canmake

11、 great money from the poppiesB.poppies are morereliable and suitable to grow in this placeC.no governmentfunded credit was offered for small farmersD.growing poppiescan earn more money than other crops【答案】 A16、嘎达梅林描述的是一个英雄的传奇故事,表现了()人民反抗封建统治的英勇和顽强的精神,为后世很多文艺形式所引用。A.新疆B.内蒙古C.云南D.陕西【答案】 B17、 建设民生工程,既要

12、建立惠及全民的基本公共服务,叉要安排好困难群众的生产生活,还要妥善解决涉及群众利益的热点、难点、焦点问题。由此,我们可以领悟到()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B18、 -Why havent you bought any meat?A.likedB.wishedC.meantD.expected【答案】 C19、下列适用于递进分解教学法的是()A.少年拳B.广播操C.蹲距式跳远D.侧向滑步推铅球【答案】 D20、Homers Iliad, one of the greatestworks of Greek Literature, relates stories about the _War.A

13、.WaterlooB.TrojanC.IndependentD.Civil【答案】 B21、南宋与金的对峙局面形成的标志是( )。A.南宋定都临安B.宋军收复建康C.岳飞取得郾城大捷D.宋金达成和议【答案】 D22、设计教学法的创立者是( )。A.杜威B.布鲁纳C.克伯屈D.赫尔巴特【答案】 C23、一般地,偏爱合作学习的学生的认知风格是( )。A.沉思型B.冲动型C.场依存型D.场独立型【答案】 C24、周襄王七年(前645年),秦晋韩原之战后,战败的晋国为了挽回局势,把土地赏赐给人民,名日“作爰田”。“作爰田”这一措施( )。A.促进了国有土地私有化B.是为了解决民生问题C.使井田制完全瓦解D.使晋国实现人人平等【答案】 A25、古代两河流域的人们创造的文字是( )。A.象形文字B.楔形文字C.甲骨文D.拉丁文【答案】 B26、关于“奉献”的职业道德特征是( )。A.目的和态度上的非功利性B.要求上的普遍性C.人性上的本善性和社会性D.实践上的人人可为性【答案】 A27、2016年6月2日,国务院新闻办公室发布新疆的宗教信仰自由状况白皮书。白皮书指出:新



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