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1、2021-2022年度山东省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库综合试卷B卷附答案一单选题(共60题)1、2012年是中国银行成立( )周年。A.90B.100C.110D.80【答案】 B2、Passage2A.adjustableB.comfortableC.self-evidentD.self-righting【答案】 D3、()的基本内容是:只要财产权是明确的,并且交易成本为零或很小,则无论在开始时将财产权赋予谁,市场均衡的最终结果都是有效率的。A.帕累托定理B.欧拉定理C.恩格尔定理D.科斯定理【答案】 D4、Dorothy was always speaking highly of he

2、r role in the play,_,of course,madethe others unhappy.A.whoB.whichC.thisD.what【答案】 B5、1984年之前我国的中央银行制度类型属于()。A.复合式B.单一式C.二元式D.准中央银行【答案】 A6、资料:The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some

3、 to the local manager of the supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. A.It tells you what to produceB.It tells you how to grow tomatoesC.It provides you with everyth

4、ing you needD.It helps you save money【答案】 A7、内存(主存储器)比外存(辅助存储器)()。A.读写速度快B.存储容量大C.可靠性高D.价格便宜【答案】 A8、资料:Word of Mouth promotion is based on the principle of pull marketing.A.because it helps to generate momentumB.because the events are funny enough to be transmittedC.because it helps to create brand

5、awareness and grow salesD.both A and C【答案】 D9、资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession. What are the prospects for economic recovery?A.can help towards overcoming this problem about the ratio of debt to incomeB.may lead Germanys importance as Europes largest export market to declineC.may bring

6、 some relief to other members of the European Exchange Rate MechanismD.None of above【答案】 D10、I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my sincere _ for your help.A.regulationB.recreationC.appreciationD.guarantee【答案】 C11、公文的权威性和行政约束力,来自()的权威和合法地位。A.收文机关B.印发机关C.审核机关D.制发机关【答案】 D12、C

7、hinese table cloth is _for its fine quality, exquisite workmanship and compelling style.A.distinctiveB.nominatedC.notableD.deviated【答案】 C13、Human survival has been based on unrivaled adaptation to the environment,but plants and animals will and are inevitably succumbing()subtle changes in the climat

8、e.A.inB.withoutC.withD.To【答案】 D14、资料:The business announced that revenues had grown by 10.2 percent year-on-year to RMB 18.264 billion ($2.748billion). However, profit fell to RMB 2.866 billion ($431.3 billion), a 17.4 percent decrease from the same period in 2015.A.Expanding its business to foreign

9、 countriesB.Taking a leading role in the industryC.Developing high-tech productsD.Offering consumers good user experience【答案】 A15、May is as()as a peacock and always wants to be the center.A.beautifulB.smartC.slenderD.vain【答案】 D16、用支出法核算GDP正确的公式是()。A.GDP=消费支出投资政府购买(出口-进口)B.GDP=消费支出投资政府购买(出口-进口)转移支付C.

10、GDP=工资利息利润租金间接税和企业转移支付折旧D.GDP=工资利息利润租金直接税和企业转移支付折旧【答案】 A17、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers?A.Entire faces of urban areas are changing fastB.Metropolitan areas are more pedestrian-friendly and richerC.Educated people prefer to live in walkable placesD.Walkable places attract educated people【答案】 B

11、18、剩余价值率反映的是()。A.不变资本的价值增值程度B.资本家对工人的剥削程度C.固定资本的价值增值程度D.预付资本的价值增值程度【答案】 B19、Many English boys go to boarding school at the age of seven.They usually ( )quickly and are very happy.A.get alongB.carry onC.bring upD.settle down【答案】 D20、关于总需求曲线,以下表述错误的是()。A.总需求曲线反映的是产品市场和货币市场同时处于均衡时,价格水平和总需求量的关系B.扩张性的财政政

12、策使总需求曲线向右移动C.扩张性的货币政策使总需求曲线向右移动D.总需求曲线向右上方倾斜【答案】 D21、Tony stops him with news that a plane has _ over the Mojave Desert.A.blown offB.blown inC.blown downD.blown up【答案】 D22、 下列不属于银行流动负债的是( )。A.向中央银行借款B.同业拆入C.系统内款项存放D.发行的银行次级债券【答案】 D23、在表示存储器的容量时,1MB的准确含义是()。A.1024GB.1024KC.1024字节D.1024【答案】 B24、The le

13、aves have been swept into huge_.A.pyramidsB.layersC.heapsD.loads【答案】 C25、.注册会计师对存货抽査时发现了差异,下列处理中不恰当的是( )。A.应査明原因,及时提请被审计单位更正B.不管是什么差异,应当提请被审计单位先挂账“待处理财产损溢待处理流动资产损溢”后再作处理C.注册会计师应当考虑错误的潜在范围和重大程度,在可能的情况下,增加抽查范围以减少错误的发生D.注册会计师根据抽查的结果如果认为盘点记录中错误程度非常严重,应当要求被审计单位重新进行盘点【答案】 B26、第三届进口博览会首个网上海外路演推介会于2020年4月9日举行。借力网络,中国国际进口博览局和国家会展中心(上海)向()海外商会组织的多家行业协会、上百家企业介绍了第三届进口博览会参展情况。A.英国B.德国C.美国D.法国【答案】 B27、Israeli officials blame the settlers, saying they have refused to _with the government.A.directB.coop


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