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1、2021-2022年度四川省银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识真题精选附答案一单选题(共60题)1、揭示事物发展具有前进性和曲折性相统一的规律是( )。A.联系和发展的规律B.对立统一规律C.质量互变规律D.否定之否定规律【答案】 D2、中国革命和建设的基本立足点是()。A.艰苦奋斗B.实事求是C.独立自主D.争取外援【答案】 C3、资料:Its so common to hear people say, “Im stressed out,” almost as a badge of honor, as if this is a symptom only of our fast-paced moder

2、n life. But in her book, “Exhaustion: A History,”Anna Katharina Schaffner writes that the syndrome of mental exhaustion has existed almost since the beginning of human history.A.the fast-paced modern lifeB.the significant events in human historyC.increasing consumption of the energy reservesD.less h

3、armonious life with nature and the seasons【答案】 C4、Artists at the Zadone Gallery are able to create reproductions of famous paintings that are _ authentic looking.A.remarkB.remarkablenessC.remarkableD.remarkably【答案】 D5、工厂有5条效率不同的生产线。某个生产项目如果任选3条生产线一起加工,最快需要6天整,最慢需要12天整;5条生产线一起加工,则需要5天整。问如果所有生产线的产能都扩大

4、一倍,任选2条生产线一起加工最多需要多少天完成?()A.11B.13C.15D.30【答案】 C6、In low and middle income countries, heart disease and cancer get much of the attention given to_diseases.A.contagiousB.transparentC.chronicD.immune【答案】 C7、资料:Actually, any sale is a gift until you get paid. But exporters are especially concerned, sin

5、ce their buyers might be 10,000 miles away!A.Descriptive CompositionB.Expositive CompositionC.Narrative CompositionD.Argumentative Composition【答案】 B8、资料:From Coins to Credit Banking Throughout the Ages is a concise history of banks and the banking industry from ancient times to the present. James Ga

6、llagher, who has made a career of covering financial news for several newspapers, has done a careful job of investigating his subject. Although he presents the facts carefully, Mr. Gallagher has made what could have been a dry book into one that is interesting and enjoyable. By telling amusing anecd

7、otes about historical figures, he makes them come alive. Even people who are not particularly attracted to the subject matter will find this book engrossing.A.dullB.vacantC.aridD.humors【答案】 A9、下列叙述中,正确的是( )。A.高级语言编写的程序的可移植性差B.机器语言就是汇编语言,无非是名称不同而巳C.指令是由一串二进制数(0和1)组成的D.由机器语言编写的程序可读性好【答案】 C10、资料:Its so

8、 common to hear people say, “Im stressed out,” almost as a badge of honor, as if this is a symptom only of our fast-paced modern life. But in her book, “Exhaustion: A History,”Anna Katharina Schaffner writes that the syndrome of mental exhaustion has existed almost since the beginning of human histo

9、ry.A.Some mental ailments throughout time were caused by civil rights movement of women in 19th centuryB.Neurasthenia might be caused by late 20th centurys life when electricity and telegraphy came into beingC.Chronic fatigue syndrome caused by Spiritual failings might be popular in Medieval timesD.

10、Other mental ailments in 18th century were attributed to the new psycho-social pressures of neo-liberal capitalism【答案】 C11、某融资公司以经营不善为由拖欠张某的工资长达半年,根据商业银行法规定,若张某要求该公司的开户银行对该公司的存款进行()的操作时,开户银行有权拒绝张某。A.查询B.冻结C.他选项全部D.扣划【答案】 C12、 某银行对外提出了“误您一分钟,陪您一元钱”的储蓄服务承诺,从合同法角度看,与此号不同的是()。A.假一罚十B.二人临柜,复核为准C.不“火”不要钱D

11、.童叟无欺【答案】 B13、资料:Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life. They seem real while they are takingplace. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others

12、are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams.A.Dream involves events that always happen in real lifeB.Dream is an imaginary story wh

13、ich seems real while taking placeC.Dream is related to the dreamers real lifeD.Dream is a confusing story which involves little logic thought【答案】 A14、 Whenever I try to_up what innovation looks like, the same slideshow of images clicks across my mind.A.comeB.figureC.conjureD.set【答案】 C15、资料:Dream is

14、a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life. They seem real while they are takingplace. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone

15、dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams.A.Dream involves events that always happen in real lifeB.Dream is an imaginary story which seems real while taking place



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