高考英语 复习专项训练 动词的语态基础训练80题

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《高考英语 复习专项训练 动词的语态基础训练80题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语 复习专项训练 动词的语态基础训练80题(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、动词的语态基础训练80题:1. No permission has _ for anybody to enter the building.A. been givenB. givenC. to giveD. be giving2. I _ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.A. gaveB. was givenC. was givingD. had given3. The police found that the house _ and a lot of things _.A. has broken into, h

2、ad been stolenB. had broken into, had been stolen. C. has been broken into, stolenD. had been broken into, stolen4. -Have you moved into the new house? -Not yet, the rooms _.A. are being paintedB. are paintingC. are paintedD. are being painting5. If city noises _ from increasing, people _ shout to b

3、e heard even at their dinner table 20 years from now.A. are not kept, will have toB. are not kept, have toC. do not keep, will have toD. do not keep, have to6. In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is servingB. is servedC. servesD. served7. -DO you like the material? -Yes, it _ ve

4、ry soft.A. is feelingB. feltC. feelsD. is felt8. I need one more stamp before my collection _.A. has completedB. completesC. has been completedD. is completed9. I promise that the matter will _.A. be taken careB. be taken care ofC. take careD. take care of10. Since your bicycle _, you may use mine.A

5、. has been repairedB. has been repairingC. is being repairedD. is being repairing11. When the speaker entered the hall, thousands of eyes _ her.A. fixed onB. to be fixed onC. were fixed onD. were fixing upon12. Why is the table covered _newspapers?A. onB. byC. withD. under13. Im very happy _ to you.

6、A. to be introducedB. to introduceC. that I have introducedD. introduction14. Ice can _ water by the heat and water also into vapor.A. turn toB. change intoC. be turning toD. be changed into15. Judging from what they said, they seemed _ it before.A. to hear ofB. to have been told aboutC. to have tol

7、d aboutD. to be told about16. Lucy said “My pay _ 3 times this year.”A. was raised B. has been raisedC. has risenD. was being raised17. -Where is your sweater, Jack? -Oh dear! It _ behind.A. leftB. has leftC. was leftD. has been left18. -_? -Yes, no one is using it.A. Is this seat takenB. Is this se

8、at freeC. Is anyone using the seatD. Is this seat being used19. He has an illness that can lead to total blindness if _.A. leaving untreatedB. left untreatedC. he leaves it untreating D. left untreating 20. This railway is _ in about two months.A. completedB. completingC. to be completedD. built21.

9、When _ to the English evening, Mary cant help jumping with joy.A. she is invitingB. invitedC. she was invitedD. inviting22. Your coat doesnt fit you at all. It _ made to your measure.A. may not haveB. cant have been C. mustnt have beenD. neednt have23. Take two tablets with water, followed by one ta

10、blet every eight hours as _.A. it is requiredB. requiredC. is requiringD. requiring24. He hurried to the classroom only to find his bat still _ where it _.A.lying, was laidB. lain, has been laidC. lay, had been laidD. was laid, had been laying25. As _ above, Albert Einstein is a simple man of great

11、achievements.A. is referredB. is referring toC. was referred D. referred to26. Very little use was _ the waste water in the past.A. made ofB. make fromC. made upD. make into27. Each boy and each girl in the mountain village _ to go to school.A. asksB. askC. is askedD. are asked28. After a heated dis

12、cussion an agreement _, but so far it _ to be of no use at all.A. arrived at, provesB. was arrived at, has been provedC. was arrived at, has provedD. arrived at, was proved29. Hardly _ in the theater _ the curtain went up.A. had they seated, asB. they had been seated, thanC. had they been seated, be

13、foreD. had they seated themselves, when30. Only when the line was fixed _ from floating away from the boat.A. could he keepB. he could keepC. he could be keptD. could he be kept31. Suppose the lions and tigers in the zoo should _ free, what would happen?A. have setB. be setC. setD. be give32. -Look!

14、 Everything here is under construction. -Whats the pretty small house that _ for?A. is being builtB. has been builtC. is builtD. is building33. -Can he get the first prize for running? -Impossible now. He _ to do so, but he has just had his leg broken.A. would expectB. was expectedC. has expectedD. is expected34. -How about the book on the most famous musicians of that age? -Oh, Mozarts story _ well.A. has readB. has been readC. readsD. was read35. -Are we about to have dinner? -Yes, it _ in the dinning-room.A. is servingB. is being servedC. has been servingD. serves36.


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