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1、2014河北省栾城县高考英语阅读理解训练(9)及答案阅读理解Most Americans get what money they have from their work; that is, they earn an income from wages or salaries. The richest Americans, however, get most of their money from what they own their stocks, bonds, real estate, and other forms of property, or wealth. Although th

2、ere are few accurate statistics to go by, wealth in American society appears to be concentrated in very few hands. More than 20 percent of everything that can be privately owned is held by less than one percent of the adult population and more than 75 percent of all wealth is owned by 20 percent of

3、American adults. The plain fact is that most Americans have no wealth at all aside from their homes, automobiles, and a small amount of savings. Income in the United States is not as highly concentrated as wealth. In 1917 the richest 10 percent of American families received 26.1 percent of all incom

4、e, while the poorest 10 percent received 17 percent, mainly from Social Security and other government payments. The most striking aspect of income distribution is that it has not changed significantly since the end of World War II. Although economic growth has roughly doubled real disposable (可自由使用的

5、) family income (the money left after taxes and adjusted for inflation) over the last generation, the size of the shares given to the rich and the poor is about the same. By any measure economic inequality is great in the United States. The reality behind these statistics is that a large number of A

6、mericans are poor. In 1918, 14 percent of the population was living below the federal governments poverty line, which at that time was an annual income of $ 9 287 for a nonfarm family of two adults and two children. In other words, about one out of seven Americans over 31 million people was official

7、ly considered unable to buy the basic necessities of food, clothes, and shelter. The suggested poverty line in 1981 would have been an income of about $11, 200 for a family of four. By this relative definition, about 20 percent of the population or more than 45 million Americans are poor. 11What doe

8、s the majority of the Americans have in terms of wealth? ATheir income and savings. BTheir house, cars and small amounts of savings. CEverything they own in their homes. DActually, they have no wealth at all.12What is the percentage of wealth that is in the hands of most Americans? ALess than 25%. B

9、More than 25%. CMore than 75%. DLess than 20%. 13Why is economic inequality still great in the US in spite of the economic growth? ABecause the economic growth has widened the gap of the family income between the rich and the poor. BBecause income in the US is still concentrated in the hands of the

10、richest 10% of American families.CBecause the proportion of income received by the rich and the poor remains almost the same as in 1917. DBecause some Americans made great fortunes during the Second World War. 14What can we learn from comparison of the two poverty lines in the last paragraph? A. The

11、 poverty line of 1918 is more favorable to the poor than that of 1981. B. The 1981 line didnt leave much to the poor. C. There were more Americans who were officially poor by the 1918 line. D. There were more Americans who were officially poor by the 1981 line. 15From the last two sentences we can s

12、ee that 1981 governments poverty line _. Awas of no good for the poor Bwas officially approved Cwas not helpful to the poor Dwas not put into operation then 【参考答案】1115、BACDD 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAlmost anyone who has read a travel brochure about Afric

13、a has heard of elephants getting drunk from the fruit of the marula tree. It is said that elephants can get drunk by eating the fermented (发酵) fruit rotting on the ground. Books have even been written to prove the truth of the phenomenon. But a study published in the journal Physiological and Bioche

14、mical Zoology tells a very different story. Steve Morris, a biologist at the University of Bristol in England and an author of the study, says there is nothing in the biology of either the African elephant or the marula fruit to support the stories. Morris says, “ people just want to believe in drun

15、ken elephants.”The marula tree, a member of the same family as the mango, grows widely in Africa. Its sweet, yellow fruit is used for making jam, wine and beer. “The first mistake of the drunken-elephant theory is that its unlikely that an elephant would eat the fruit if it were rotten, ” Morris say

16、s. “Elephants eat the fruit right off the tree, not when its rotten on the ground, ” he explains. Other experts add that if an elephant were to eat the fruit on the ground, it wouldnt wait for the fruit to ferment. Michelle Gadd, an African wildlife specialist, says that elephants and many other animals, including birds



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