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1、U3 Sports and Fitness -Reading and Thinking1.Analysis of teaching material2.Analysis of students3.Analysis of teaching aims4.Analysis of teaching important and difficult points5.Teaching methods and learning ways6.Teaching process7.Blackboard design一一.教材分析教材分析 (Analysis of teaching material)(Analysi

2、s of teaching material)根据普通高中新教材应学习的根据普通高中新教材应学习的“全民运动全民运动”内容,本次说课内容选自新教材高中英语必内容,本次说课内容选自新教材高中英语必修修一一第第三三单元的单元的Reading and Thinking.本本单元的话题是单元的话题是Sports and Fitness,从不同方从不同方面说明运动除了竞赛目的,更多的还是为了面说明运动除了竞赛目的,更多的还是为了身心的健康。本篇文章的话题是身心的健康。本篇文章的话题是“Choose your favourite athlete”,要求学生在理解语要求学生在理解语篇的基础上,总结评选标准,

3、选出自己心目篇的基础上,总结评选标准,选出自己心目中的中的“Living legends of sports”,并给出推并给出推荐理由。培养学生理性思考和客观评判的思荐理由。培养学生理性思考和客观评判的思维品质。维品质。二二.学情分析(学情分析(Analysis of students)Analysis of students)Grade:Senior 1 Students lack of expression and reading skills.Be interested in and curious about the topic;and willing to express and p

4、articipatePsychological characteristics:(心理特点)Language proficiency:(语言能力)三三.教学目标分析(教学目标分析(Analysis of teaching aims)Analysis of teaching aims)After class,students will be able toKnowledgeAbilityAffectiveStrategypredict the content and type of the text by looking through the pictures and titles.三三.教学

5、目标分析(教学目标分析(Analysis of teaching aims)Analysis of teaching aims)After class,students will be able toKnowledgeAbilityAffectiveStrategylearn about the stories and good qualities or sportsmanship of the sports masters;三三.教学目标分析(教学目标分析(Analysis of teaching aims)Analysis of teaching aims)After class,stud

6、ents will be able toKnowledgeAbilityAffectiveStrategy By analyzing the spirit of athletes,students form a sense of collective honor,national pride,and patriotism,and correct values.三三.教学目标分析(教学目标分析(Analysis of teaching aims)Analysis of teaching aims)After class,students will be able toKnowledgeAbili

7、tyAffectiveStrategyCooperate with classmates.四四.教学重,难点分析教学重,难点分析(Analysis of teaching important(Analysis of teaching important and difficult points)and difficult points)Predict the theme of the text based on the title,subtitles,pictures.重点Analyze the quality and sportsmanship of the two legends and

8、think about their impact on students development.难点五五.教学方法(教学方法(Teaching methods and learning ways)Teaching methods and learning ways)教学方法:教学方法:“任务型教学法”分层次教学学习方法:学习方法:合作学习 小组讨论 探究学习六六.Teaching process.Teaching process010302041.Leading-in2.Pre-reading3.While-reading4.Post-reading5.Summary6.Homework1.

9、Can you name some famous athletes?Step 1.Lead-inMake predictionsLook at the pictures and think about the content before reading.This helps you to relate what you read to what you already know and to understand the new text.5min1.Look at the titles and pictures on the book.What do you think the text

10、is about?It is about two living legends of Sports:Lang Ping and Michael Jordan 2.Where is the text probably taken from?A.A tour brochure B.A story book C.A sports magazine D.A science report3.How do you understand the word“legend”?A legendA story from ancient times about people and events.A famous p

11、erson admired by many peopleIn British,someone does good to others might be called a legend1.Match the main ideas with each paragraph.A.Jordans achievement inbasketball and his belief.BFaced with big challenges,Lang Ping led her volleyball team to succeed.Para.1Para.2Step 2.While-Reading15minSummary

12、/lead paragraphTitle Body Additional informationSubtitle 2.Analyse the Structure of the text3.Read the text and decide what is stated in the text S,what can be inferred I.and what you know to be true from experience E._ Lang Ping won several championships before she became a coach._ Lang Ping believ

13、ed that her young players could win._ Many people in China and the US love Coach Lang._ Michael Jordan is loved by basketball fans around the world._ Before people saw Michael Jordan play,they did not know that basketball culd be played that way_Michael Jordan believes that it is important to help o

14、thers.IIIIsE4.Scan the text and choose the best choice.1.How was Lang Pings determination tested in the 2015 World Cup?A.One of the best players had been injured.B.The team captain had to leave because of the heart problems.C.The volleyball team she had built was falling apart.D.Lang Ping lost her h

15、eart.2.It can be inferred from the passage that Lang Ping is a(n)_ person.A.Stubborn B.determined C.easy-going D.careful 3.What did Lang Ping and Michael Jordan have in common?A.They are both living legends of sports.B.They both faced difficulties or failures with courage,confidence and determinatio

16、n.C.They both have achieved great success in sports.D.All the above is true.4.The following about Jordan is right Except _.A.He accepts failures B.He can not accept not tryingC.He believes that the secret to success is learning from failuresD.He doesnt like to share his success with others.5.Read the text again and answer the questions.1.How was Lang Pings determination tested in the 2015 World Cup?2.What examples does the writer use to describe Lang Ping?3.What does the first sentence in the pa


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