一个忙乱的夏天+读后续写精析讲义 高三英语一轮复习

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1、新阵地教育联盟第二次联考英语读后续写题目:阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.I knew I would have a beyond-busy summer. I would be a junior teacher for the Little Dragons Karate(空手道)Camp. And I had to do summer swim team. And Ollie and I already had two customers for our dog-walking business.“You might be biting off mo

2、re than you can chew,” my mom said with a warning glimpse when I talked to her about it and announced, “I want to do everything!”“Dont worry.” I grinned. “I have strong teeth!”My mom smiled back. “In this case, its your organizational skills, not your teeth, that need to be strong.”I didnt take it t

3、o my heart.And the first week really was no problem. My friend Ollie was out of town and karate camp hadnt started, so my swim stuff was all I needed to worry about. The next week was great too. I swam, and a Little Dragon at karate camp told me I was his favorite teacher ever!I did learn, though, t

4、hat staying organized with two activities was harder. My backpack was already stuffed with a towel and swim things, so I needed another for my karate clothing. Riding my bike from karate camp to the pool with two backpacks was a challenge. But I still had it under control until Ollie got back.“Were

5、late getting our business together!” he said. “Well have to spend every spare minute preparing.“But I dont have any spare minutes!” I said.“Did you forget we agreed to walk Alfie every Saturday? And Muffin on Tuesdays at 4:00?”Ollie asked. I couldnt let Ollie down, so I took out a third backpack and

6、 filled it with dog toys, treats, and plastic bags. I thought I was all set.But I was wrong! It didnt take long for my dog-walking stuff and karate stuff and swim stuff to get all mixed up, forgotten, or lost. One day, I forgot my karate backpack and had to borrow Emmas extra outfit, which was too t

7、ight. The next day, I remembered my karate stuff but forgot my swimsuit, so I had to help out in the snack shop and stay out of the pool all afternoon. And another time, when I reached into my dog-walking pack for plastic bags, all I could find were swim goggles(护目镜) and sunscreen.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2

8、.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.Worse still, I had to keep track of all the special times.Luckily, I, with my parents, came up with a solution to get organized.文本分析:我: 打算过一个无比忙碌的夏天,既要做空手道教练,又要参加游泳队,还要和朋友一起做遛狗服务,没有把妈妈的警告放在心上。一开始一切顺利,甚至是最受喜欢的空手道老师。但 Ollie 回来之后增加上了遛狗业务,让我开始有点手忙脚乱。Ollie: 我的朋友,和我一起做遛狗服务。Alfie and Muf

9、fin: 遛的两条小狗根据原文、分析和段首提示,答下列问题给定句 1里面有什么需要注意呼应的部分?怎么呼应呢?需要解释 the special times,具体的特殊时间有哪些需要列出来第一段结尾怎样接到第二段“我”和父母一起解决问题?可能性 1: 我主动向父母求助,可能性 2: 父母察觉到了我的情况,主动提供帮助原文中有什么有关“我”父母的描写可以在续写中呼应?怎么呼应?母亲对我的警告、母亲提醒我要重视 organizational skills;可能是在“我”陷人混乱崩溃的时候,终于想起和懂得了母亲的警告和组织能力的重要性问题的解决方法可能是怎样的?1.需要一个清晰的日程表,标注每日事项;

10、2.要解决三个背包的问题,需要整理清楚各自的东西,然后做好标记,避免再次拿错第二段写出解决方法之后,还需要呼应写原文的什么细节?事情结局要有交代:在解决方法的实施下,所有事情都能顺畅运转了请尝试总结文章主旨人与自我:“我”的成长,即从不会合理预估安排事务变得学会合理安排,不再一口气吃个大胖子;从缺乏组织管理能力到学会了怎么更好地组织多线程任务。续写框架搭建(不唯一):Paragraph 1: Worse still, I had to keep track of all the special timesthe special times具体内容解释: 游泳、空手道和遛狗各一个三件事情越来越混

11、乱和一团糟我终于不得不向父母求助Paragraph 2: Luckily, l, with my parents, came up with a solution to get organized.solution的具体内容三件事情在解决措施下,变得井井有条结尾升华我懂得了合理安排事项和任务的重要性,也学会了具体的技能。微情景描写(special times)范例赏析:1.Being a part of the swim team required members to take turns in maintaining the changing rooms cleanliness and o

12、verseeing 监督 pool water changes. Additionally, in my role as a karate instructor 空手道老师,I had the responsibility of periodically evaluating 定期评估my students progress, not to mention the compulsory attendance 必须出席 at teacher meetings. However, the thorniest problem was my dog-walking business, which wa

13、sscattered in the week to cut my time into fragments.2. From time to time,I assumed the duty 承责任 of opening and closing the door for the swim team, participating in workshops for the karate class, and ensuring I arrived 15 minutes early to cooperate with Alfies masters timetable.微情景描写:事情变得越来越糟糕范例赏析:

14、1.With my thoughts tangled like a messy ball of wool, I often found myself ill-prepared 准备不足的/措手不及的 for the tasks at hand. It was no longer a surprise to discover swim goggles in my bag for karate class (呼应原文), for I had grown accustomed to such disorderliness 混乱.Despite the chaos, each evening, wha

15、t accompanied me back home wasnt a sense of accomplishment and joy, but one-hundred-percent exhaustion and disappointment, far from the fulfillment and merriment I had imagined.2.Day by day, everything didnt become OK. Instead, they descended further into 陷入混乱chaos. Sunscreen for karate class, goggl

16、es for dog-walking, and plastic bags for the swimteam (呼应原文) - even those around me grew accustomed to the mix-up! What was once a dream of a fulfilling summer had turned into a complete torture for me.微情景写作:向父母求助1.One night, as I collapsed on the couch 瘫在沙发上,exhausted from the days challenges,Moms words suddenly emerged in my mi


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