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1、考研英语一2023年黄冈市团风县统考试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Spelling was sort of my superpower. I wasnt a math or science guy, but I could chew and 1 books.“Your word is onomato

2、poeia,” said the announcer. On the stage of “School Bee,” my brain 2 to the spelling bees ahead: first the county championship, then the state, and finally the national spelling bee. I glanced back at Alexa, who wanted another chance at 3 If I missed this word, she d be 4 in the game. But that would

3、nt happen. Chin up, shoulders back, I 5 my throat, “O-n-o-m-a-t-o-p-o-e-i-a.” I made it.The trophy (奖杯) was presented to me. I shouted onstage, “I am the alpha-best”. Surprisingly, my sister, Deandra, rolled her eyes. “Youre a 6 winner.” Deandra made a 7 face. “She tried to shake your hand but you 8

4、 .”I didnt 9 at all. “Anyway, I won the school bee.” “Dont be proud. Youll soon be facing the 10 of the best in the county bee.”“Will they 11 me? I am the alpha-best with no efforts at all.” After six rounds, the number of students 12 from more than 100 to just seven and I was one out of the seven.

5、If I had been given words like aerospace or conical, Id make 13 already. Unfortunately, I 14 with the word maestro at last. I stood 15 for the longest moment.The final winner acted the exact 16 of mine. He accepted his trophy with a small bow, and then shook hands with the runner-up (亚军). I got to k

6、now Deandras words 17 .I apologized to Alexa, “Im sorry I was so 18 when I won.” “How was the county bee?” Alexa asked. “A 19 .” If you need a study partner for next time, Im happy to help.” “Really? Lets 20 on it, partner.” “Better late than never.” Alexa said, shaking my hand.1、ApreferBacquireCwri

7、teDdigest2、Aflashed backBfast forwardedCpaid attentionDgot down3、AwinningBannouncingClisteningDmissing4、AbackBoffCoutDaway5、AdriedBclearedCclosedDchoked6、AterribleBfairCgreatDreal7、AhappyBsourCcheerfulDpainful8、AignoredBagreedCacceptedDdoubted9、AanswerBcareCregretDdecline10、ApoorestBeasiestCbestDluc

8、kiest11、AadmireBpassCinfluenceDmatch12、AjumpedBroseCdecreasedDspread13、AconcernBeffortsCprogressDhistory14、AchangedBfellCcrashedDrelieved15、AbyBaroundCfrozenDtall16、AroleBwayCoppositeDbehavior17、Atook placeBmade senseCcame outDcaught up18、AashamedBshockedCcautiousDimpolite19、AdisasterBdealCsuccessDd

9、ream20、ArelyBrestCbaseDshakeSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Confidence Comes From Treating Others As EqualsTheres been recent discuss

10、ion over Chinese attitudes toward foreigners,caused by another quarrel between a foreigner and a taxi driverAccording to the studies described in the Oxford Handbook of Chinese Psychology,Chinese have lower selfconfidence compared to WesternersYet does the result still apply to the Chinese people to

11、day?Yes and noFor the moment,different attitudes toward foreigners can still be found in Chinas society,with some displaying low selfconfidence like Foreigners are awesome (令人敬畏的),and Western countries are awesomeWe should respect them and be as polite as possible,and shouldnt let them look down on

12、us, and a few unfriendly opinions such as Some foreigners are rude and disrespectful,and their level of civility (礼貌) is far behind China.Chinese used to be lacking in selfconfidenceIt might start from the modern history,after the failure in the Opium wars,and the following humiliation (耻辱) of being

13、 bullied (被欺负) and brought to their knees by Western gunsAnd the dark history is still to some extent affecting our mentality (心态) todayFor some time,the Western world represents the best of everything in some Chinese eyesBut our state of mind is gradually changingWhen asked What makes you feel prou

14、d of your country? in school classes in China,answers vary from the World Expo to the Olympic Games,from athletes to astronauts,from the mushrooming skyscrapers to busy metropolises,which have all filled us with growing selfconfidenceWhile answering the question Since China is so good today and Chin

15、ese people are more confident,why are an increasing number of Chinese emigrating abroad? Zhang Weiwei,a professor at Fudan University,replied that at least 70 percent of Chinese migrants (移民) become more patriotic (爱国的) after leaving their home country,no matter whether they have become a naturalized citizen of another nation or notSuch result and experiences are much more convincing and have better effect than



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