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1、考研英语一河北省保定市容城县2023年预测密卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)I have always lived in Canada, and traveled from Hamilton to Ottawa for work months ago. Arriving at the airport 1

2、, I had to stay in the 2 hall to spend my time. Without much else to do, I decided to go to the 3 store. As I walked around the store, 1 4 two American women having a 5 on a bench. It looked as if they had been at the airport for hours, and I felt anxious to do something to help them 6 their wait.I

3、7 the store for a few moments, and went to buy a medium-sized toy which looked like a cartoon 8 I asked the owner of the shop for a note and a 9 and wrote, When you get up ,I hope this gift will make you smile. Have a good trip ! I walked 10 towards the two women and 11 the toy and the note next to

4、them. Not wanting to wake them, I tried my best to make no 12 , but in my attempt to flee the scene. one of them woke up and caught me in the act. At first she looked 13 Maybe she thought I was a 14 ! But when she looked at the soft toy and the note, she 15 up, as if she became a happy girl. Is this

5、 for me? she asked. I gave her a 16 smile and nodded.She was 17 about the thing ! We talked more like old friends instead of 18 19 I came to realize that we should care for each other and love each other althoughwe were from 20 places.1、AlateBearlyChurriedlyDsoon2、AwaitingBdiningCexhibitionDlecture3

6、、AflowerBbookCdrugDgift4、AkeptBmadeCnoticedDheard5、AtalkBnapCrestDcigarette6、AcalmBeaseCweakenDsharpen7、Aran intoBwent throughClooked aroundDset about8、AdriverBauthorCsalesmanDcharacter9、ApenBcardCboxDpacket10、AhurriedlyBquietlyCslowlyDfast11、ArepairedBhidCplacedDshowed12、AmistakeBexperimentCnoiseDp

7、rogress13、AmovedBhappyCsureDscared14、ApassengerBthiefCpasserbyDstudent15、AgaveBturnedChurriedDbrightened16、AfriendlyBgratefulCplasticDbitter17、AexcitedBworriedCsadDanxious18、AworkersBteachersCstrangersDofficers19、AenjoymentBpermissionCattentionDsuggestion20、AcleanBbeautifulCsameDdifferentSection II

8、Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Tiny Countries You Never knew ExistedSao Tome and principeSao Tome and Principe off Africas west coast is only 3

9、72 square miles, but it has Impressive, undamaged nature, rich in biodiverse species. The amazing needle-like volcanic peak Pico Cao Grande rises 1,000 feet into the air. The islands are home to only around 200,000 people today.San MarinoOnly 23 square miles with a population of just 34,000, the lit

10、tle-known country of San Marino, surrounded by Italy, is the worlds fifth smallest country. With the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mount Titano, the country is said to be the oldest republic in the world.DominicaDominica covers only 290 square miles, with some of the best diving in the Caribbean, in

11、cluding the UNESCO World Heritage Site of volcanic Morme Trois Pitons National Park. In Dominica, youll see rainforests, waterfalls, and coastal views. The island is also home to the only remaining population of the Kalinago, who are part of the islands 74, 900 inhabitants.KiribatiThis Pacific islan

12、d country 33 coral islands is 313 square-miles, but its the only country in the world to fall into all four hemispheres (半球). The countrys 109, 000 residents live in only 21 of the islands see this tropical paradise before it is no longer-rising seas are threatening to swallow the country whole.1、Wh

13、ich country has the smallest population?ASao Tome and Principe.BSan Marin.CDominica.DKiribati.2、What can one see in both San Marino and Dominica?AVolcanoes.BWorld heritage sites.CViews of the Caribbean.DWaterfalls.3、Which is true of Kiribati?AIt is rich in biodiverse species.BIt is surrounded by Ita

14、ly.CIt is home to the Kalinago.DIt is disappearing.Text 2England continues to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. London in particular is one of the most visited cities and draws people in with its appeal, history and pubs. Englands smaller cities, like Bath and Oxford, are

15、 equally as attractive with a lot of culture and fewer crowds. Liverpool, birthplace of The Beatles, has a rich musical history. The countryside has wonderful natural beauty. Here are some tips on traveling in England.Free museumsPublic museums offer free admission in every city throughout England and the UK. Its a great way to learn about the countrys most influential artists and history, and spend a rainy day without pay


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