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1、贵州省黔西南布依族苗族自治州普安县2023年考研英语一全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)After working one day, I decided to take hold of a sandwich for dinner at the superstore. As I was 1 home

2、,I saw a girl sitting against a pillar(支柱)in the 2 ,her hair covered over her face and her body was 3 than a senior citizen. I decided to walk past her 4 thats what we do in societywe walk past people we dont know, especially 5 people.But something made me go back.I 6 that her parents died years ago

3、 and she suffers from Lupus(狼疮).She has no job, unable to work because of her 7 .She had lived in shelters in the past, but was abused.She 8 in the superstore to keep warm on cold days,but 9 the superstore she said wasnt safe because security guards always 10 people like her.I used to 11 maybe one d

4、ay I would make a(n) 12 and could help them. But when I met that girl, I thought to myself, what if 13 ever helps her? What if shes not going to be around 14 enough to see that one day?I didnt really think about what happened 15 .I shared my dinner with her and gave her all the 16 I could find on me

5、. When security guards came,I 17 them into helping her instead of throwing her out as they 18 do. Now Im sharing this story with you the 19 out there. Dont wait for one day to come before you 20 someone.Now is that one day.1、Aleaving Bheading Carriving Dtouring2、Asuperstore Bshelter Cworkshop Ddinin

6、g hall3、Astronger Btaller Cweaker Dshorter4、Athough Bif Cwhen Dbecause5、Ahomeless Bfriendly Cflexible Dconfident6、Alearned Btaught Cexplained Dwondered7、Asimilarity Bresponsibility Cdisability Didentity8、Arented Bexisted Cgathered Dstayed9、Aonly Beven Cjust Dstill10、Alooked after Bdrove away Claid o

7、ff Dpicked out11、Aquestion Backnowledge Cthink Dregret12、Adecision Bappointment Cagreement Dfortune13、Asomebody Bnobody Canybody Deverybody14、Along Bquiet Cbusy Dnarrow15、Aalone Blately Cnext Dfirst16、Aenergies Bpatience Csandwiches Dmoney17、Ascolded Bpersuaded Creported Dordered18、Ausually Bseldom

8、Cnever Deventually19、Aguard Bgirl Creader Dparent20、Aplease Bgreet Cpraise DhelpSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1After decades of play

9、ing catch-up with the U.S. and Russian space programs, China did something neither nation nor any other had done this December: land a spaceship on the dark side of the moon.Strictly speaking, of course, the moon has no dark side. But because of the way it orbits Earth, our natural satellite shows u

10、s only one side the other is hidden from our view. No one even saw the far side until 1959, when the Soviet Luna 3 spaceship flew around for a look and sent back photos. No astronaut or spaceship went there until this December, when the China National Space Agency (CNSA) launched a 2,500-pound lande

11、r called Change-4 to the southern end of the lunar far side.Change-4 operated a small rover (探测车) to survey the geography there for the first time ever. By examining the geography of its landing area, Change-4 could solve longstanding puzzles about the moon, including how it formed 4.5 billion years

12、 ago. Change-4 also carried a very small lunar biosphere (生态圈) containing silkworm eggs and a tiny greenhouse designed to grow potatoes in order to study the growth of the seeds on the moon.Besides Change-4, China plans to launch Change-5 in 2019. Its mission will be to gather moon rocks using an or

13、biter, a lander or collector, an ascent stage (上升器) and a capsule that will separate from the orbiter and return the rocks to the earth. With these missions, the Chinese will have shown complete mastery of flight in the space between the earth and the moon, said Paul Spudis, an experienced lunar res

14、earcher based in Houston.CNSA has already outlined ideas for Chinese astronauts to follow the robots to the moon. Pei Zhaoyu, deputy director of CNSAs Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center, told that China plans a permanent robotic lunar station in about 10 years and suggested a human presence

15、on the moon another decade or so after that. Spudis said Chinas ambitious Change-4 and Change-5 missions should send humans plans for lunar return into rapid development.1、What do we know about the dark side of the moon from the first two paragraphs?ATwo western countries have taken its photos.BIt is hidden from peoples view due to the earth



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