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1、2023年河北省唐山市路北区考研英语一高分冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Christmas was coming and I decided to buy something for my dad. While chatting with a cashier as I was purchasing

2、 a little 1 , some lights, and decorations, he 2 what I would Be doing with this little tree. I explained that it was not for me, but for my dad, 3 he no longer lived at home.The cashier just stopped and looked at me 4 the most kindest look and 5 with me that his grandfather couldnt live in their ho

3、me either. He said his grandfather was 6 now in a facility for those with Alzheimers (阿尔茨海默症). So I shared with him that my dad was on the same 7 . We talked about the difficult 8 that came with this cruel disease, not only for those with the illness, but for their 9 too. He had finished ringing up

4、my 10 , but then he said. “Let me see what I can do for you.” He 11 some coupons (购物券) and started scanning them until my cost was 12 by over 60%.I gratefully thanked him and told him how much I 13 his kindness and also 14 with him. We wished each other Merry Christmas and the 15 possible hopes for

5、our loved ones.On the way home I kept thinking of the kindness he had 16 me with all the items I had purchased. But I was most 17 for the opportunity for us to connect about an 18 we are both going through. I 19 Dads tree as soon as I got home. So grateful. So 20 .1、Amedicine Btree Cwater Dgift2、Aas

6、ked Btaught Claughed Dtold3、Aso Bif Cwhen Das4、Awith Bin Con Dby5、Acharged Bspoke Ctalked Dshared6、Atreating Bdemanding Cliving Dmaking7、Adirection Bfacility Cplace Djourney8、Apains Bfeelings Cchallenges Dresults9、Adoctors Bfamilies Cfriends Dbodies10、Atelephone Bpurchases Corders Dmoney11、Atook out

7、 Bpicked up Cmade up Dworked out12、Aincreased Bcame Creduced Dchanged13、Aowed Bregretted Cthanked Dappreciated14、Ameeting Btalking Cfaced Dwent15、Abest Bmost Cleast Dlatest16、Agot Bbrought Coffered Dtook17、Agrateful Bhappy Cinterested Dcareful18、Aevent Baccident Cargument Dexperience19、Acut Bplanted

8、 Cdecorated Dthrew20、Aconsiderate Bblessed Cserious DexcitedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1David Hepworth and Eric Whale,two Scottis

9、h material scientists,were looking for smart ways to reuse food waste when they figured out how to make nanofibers(纳米纤维)out of leftovers from carrot juice.The cellulose(纤维素)in carrots and other root vegetables,unlike other fibrous materials like wood or cotton,is easy to separate out from the rest o

10、f the biowaste.The scientists call the material Curran,after the Gaelic word for carrot.And they set out to show that it could be used to replace glass or carbon fibers.They say its nearly twice as strong and slightly lighter than carbon.They would just go to buy in their local grocery store.But the

11、y soon realized that the carrot actually worked well and that they could turn to agricultural waste to source their material.They found that the smartest,most ecologically responsible use for the nanofibers was for protective sporting goods.And in particular,motorcycle helmets,which have to be both

12、strong and light.Thats right: Motorcycle helmets of the future might be made from carrots,not carbon.The question here,first of all,was to see what could be a possible market for such a new fiber,from an ecological point but also from the economic and technical angles too,David Hepworth says.Thats w

13、here the helmet comes in.They found that protective sporting goods,which need stiff,strong,light fibers and low economic overhead,were some of the best use cases for Curran.David Hepworth and his team are also looking at the possibility of using it in surfboards and insulation(隔离板)for mobile homes.T

14、he challenge now is taking the material from the lab to mass production.And,making sure that its still ecologically smart on a grander scale.It doesnt make sense to develop a material from biowaste if theres no use for it.Or if turning it into a useable product takes more energy than the non-renewab

15、le choice.1、Why was the carrot chosen by the Scottish scientists at first?AIt worked best. BIt could be convenient to get.CIt is easy to be broken into pieces. DIt did little harm to the environment.2、What is special about Curran compared with other fibers?AIts shape. BIts length.CIts quality. DIts weight.



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