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1、考研英语一2023年西充县全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)A few months ago, I left my job as a program director. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been 1 about the differen

2、t ways life is experienced on our planet. I wanted to turn that curiosity into a 2 job. A journalist was eager to give me a 3 , but there was nothing concrete at that moment and I still needed more income.One night, I sat at my computer 4 at job postings. My heart 5 with every one I read. I was 6 wi

3、th work that involved sitting in front of a computer. Frustrated, I 7 up and decided to clean the fridge.As I 8 the fridge, I thought, “Thats it! People do this to make a 9 . Why cant I?”Back at my desk, I opened Craigslist, found a listing for cleaners and 10 . An hour later, I got a job from Pixel

4、? who owned a 11 company.On the first day of the work, I was 12 exhausted with the cleaning, but more 13 than I had been in years.A month later, I 14 Pixels company. Working so hard and 15 a large part of what I earned to someone else just didnt 16 . Within a week of posting my 17 at stores around t

5、he city, I had seven clients.That same week I got a call from the 18 saying she had work for me to produce community videos. Now I was moving more than ever!It was one of the best years of my life. I was reminded that 19 and pride came not from the work you did, 20 from the energy you brought to doi

6、ng it.1、Aoptimistic Bparticular Canxious Dcurious2、Atemporary Bpaying Cchallenging Dvoluntary3、Aride Bgift Cchance Dcall4、Alooking Blaughing Cpointing Dglancing5、Asank Bhurt Cbeat Dbroke6、Abusy Boccupied Ccontent Dbored7、Acheered Bshowed Cgot Dsped8、Awiped Bchecked Crepaired Dbought9、Acomplaint Bdea

7、l Cchoice Dliving10、Aconsulted Banswered Csurveyed Dadvertised11、Acomputer Bcleaning Cclothes Dfood12、Agradually Bgenerally Cphysically Dmentally13、Acareful Balive Cintelligent Dbeautiful14、Avisited Bentered Ccontacted Dleft15、Agiving Boffering Cdonating Dcontributing16、Amake sure Bmake sense Cmake

8、up Dmake out17、Aadvertisement Bpicture Ctelephone Dname18、Acolleague Breporter Crelative Dcleaner19、Apraise Brespect Chappiness Dhonor20、Aor Bso Cand DbutSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mar

9、k your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1 The country is India. A large dinner party is being given in an up-country station by ac olonial official and his wife. The guests are army and government officers and their wives, and an American naturalist.At one side of the long table, a spiri

10、ted discussion springs up between a young girl and an army officer. The girl insists women have long outgrown the jumping-on-a-chair-at-the-sight-of-a-mouse era, and that they are not as anxious as their grandmothers were. The officer says they are, arguing women havent the actual nerve control of m

11、en.“A womans reaction in any crisis,” the officer says, “is to scream. And while a man may feel like it, he has that ounce more of control than a woman has. ”The American scientist does not join in the argument but sits and watches the faces of the other guests. As he stares, he sees a slight, thoug

12、h strange look of anxiety come over the face of the hostess. With a small gesture she summons the servant standing behind her chair. She whispers to him. The servants eyes widen. He turns quickly and leaves the room. No one else sees this, nor the servant when he puts a bowl of milk on the balcony o

13、utside the glass doors.The American understands. In India, milk in a bowl means only one thing. It is bait fora snake. He realizes there is a cobra in the room. The Americans eyes move across the room but he sees nothing. He realizes the snake can only be in one place - under the table.His first rea

14、ction is to jump back and warn the others. But he knows any sudden movement will frighten the cobra and it will strike. He speaks quickly, the quality of his voice so arresting that it quietens everyone. “I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. I will count three hundred - thats

15、 five minutes - and not one of you is to move a single muscle. Now! Ready!”The 20 people sit like stone images while he counts. He is saying “two hundred and eighty”. when, out of the corner of his eye, he sees the snake emerge and make for the bowl of milk. Four or five screams ring out as he jumps to slam shut the bal



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