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1、考研英语一2023年辽宁省沈阳市和平区全真模拟试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Once,when I was a teenager,my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus. 1 ,there was onl

2、y one family between us and the ticket counter. This family made a big 2 on me. There were eight children,all probably under the age of 12. You could 3 they werent rich. Their clothes were not expensive but they were 4 The children were 5 ,all of them standing in line,two-by-two behind their parents

3、, 6 hands. They were 7 jabbering(喋喋不休地说)about the clowns,elephants,and other acts they would see that night. One could 8 they had never been to the circus before. It 9 to be a highlight of their young lives. The ticket lady asked the father how many tickets he wanted. He proudly 10 ,“Eight for child

4、ren and two for adults,please. ”The ticket lady told him the price. The mothers head 11 ,and her lip began to tremble. The father leaned a little 12 and asked,“How much did you say?”The ticket lady 13 the price. The man didnt have enough money. Seeing this,my dad put his hand into his pocket, 14 a $

5、20 bill and dropped it on the ground. (We were not wealthy in any case of the world!)Then he 15 down,picked up the bill,tapped the man on the shoulder and said,“Excuse me,sir,this fell out of your pocket. ”The man knew what was going on. He wasnt begging for a handout(施舍物) 16 certainly 17 the timely

6、 help in such an 18 situation. He took my fathers hand in both of his,squeezed tightly onto the S20 bill,and with a tear running down his cheek,he replied,Thank you,sir. This really 19 a lot to me and my family.”My father and I went back to our car and 20 home. We didnt go to the circus that night,b

7、ut we didnt go without.1、AImmediatelyBFinallyCHopefullyDSuddenly2、AdifferenceBeffortCimpressionDsuggestion3、AtellBagreeCbelieveDsuppose4、AshabbyBsimpleCcommonDclean5、ApoliteBlovelyCwell-behavedDbadly-behaved6、AholdingBshakingCputtingDwaving7、AbravelyBexcitedlyCbitterlyDhonestly8、AknowBunderstandCjud

8、geDsense9、AdecidedBrecommendedCpromisedDallowed10、AlaughedBrespondedCcommentedDannounced11、AdroppedBbentCshookDnodded12、AnearerBharderCtighterDcloser13、ArefusedBrecitedCrepeatedDreduced14、Aput outBpulled outCpicked outDgave out15、AjumpedBlayCknockedDreached16、AbutBandCorDso17、AofferedBadmiredCreject

9、edDappreciated18、AinterestingBembarrassingCenjoyableDunbelievable19、ApaysBcostsCgivesDmeans20、AwentBgotCdroveDwalkedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (4

10、0 points)Text 1Its 8 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2028, and you are headed for a business appointment 300 miles away. You step into your circle, two passenger aircushion car, press a series of buttons and the national traffic computer notes your destination, figures out the current traffic situation and

11、signals your car to slide out of the garage. Hands free, you sit back and begin to read the morning paper which is flashed on a flat TV screen over the cars dashboard. Tapping a button changes the page.The car speeds up to 150 mph in the citys countryside, and then hits 250 mph in less builtup areas

12、, driving over the smooth plastic road. You fly past a string of cities, many of them covered by the new domes (圆屋顶) that keep them evenly climatized all year round. Traffic is heavy, typically, but theres no need to worry. The traffic computer, which sends and receives signals to and from all cars

13、on the road between cities, keeps vehicles at least 50 yds apart. There hasnt been an accident since the system began.Suddenly your TV phone buzzes. A business partner wants a sketch of a new kind of impeller your firm is putting out for sports boats. You reach for your case and draw the diagram wit

14、h a pencilthin infrared flashlight (红外线闪光灯) on what looks like a TV screen lining the back of the case. The diagram is sent to a similar screen in your partners office, 200 miles away. He presses a button and a fixed copy of the sketch rolls out of the machine. He wishes you good luck at the coming

15、meeting and signs off.Ninety minutes after leaving your home, you slide beneath the dome of your destination city. Your car slows down and heads for an outercore office building where youll meet your colleagues. After you get out, the vehicle parks itself in a garage to await your return. Private cars arent allowed inside most city cores. Moving sidewalks and electrams (电车) carry the public from one location to another.1、The traffic com


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