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1、考研英语一三亚市西沙群岛2023年高分冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(ABC和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑War started in our house in late July with a month to go

2、 before my first day of college. It was a battle of wills over what college I was to attend. Mom wanted me to attend a famous 1 school, and I wanted to go to a small writing college. Every night for two weeks, we argued, shouted and gave 2 treatments until both sides went to bed with regrets.It was

3、mostly my 3 Since my junior year of high school, I had 4 at being a nurse. I took all the science courses, and even worked as a 5 in my towns local hospital. My 6 was to help the sick and be superwoman to the world.Yet, 7 graduation and college neared, it all changed.Treating the sick was 8 , but no

4、t what I was meant to do for the 9 of my life. I could picture myself in hospitals, making rounds, and taking 10 , but I couldnt picture myself happy. It wasnt the 11 I wanted.Then, I realized I had been creating and writing stories for as long as I could 12 I loved it, and writing was what I had be

5、en doing as a 13 It was going to be my career. And it had to be.On August 1st, Mom and I sat down at the dinner table and I told her that she had every 14 to choose where to spend her money, just like I had every right to decide where I wanted to go to school. If it was her choice not to 15 any of m

6、y college education, then I would take a year off to work and earn money so I could go to the college I wanted.Standing by my decision to be a writer had 16 my firm belief to my mom. Finally we were at 17 , and she decided to support me, which 18 the world to me.Before that time, I had never stood u

7、p 19 my parents on any major decision. Choosing which college to attend 20 me to become a separate and complete adult. I am now finished with my first semester as a Professional Writing major and I cannot wait to see what comes next.1、AcookingBgardeningCnursingDwriting2、AmedicalBwarmCmentalDsilent3、


9、uleDbusiness14、AchanceBtimeCrightDability15、AexpectBraiseCofferDfinance16、AdoubtedBfollowedCshakenDproven17、ApeaceBwarCeaseDplay18、AattachedBappliedCdevotedDmeant19、AforBagainstCoverDby20、AforcedBpromisedCallowedDremindedSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.

10、 Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1I READ mostly fiction before I was introduced to CaMalcolm Gladwells work.In his TED talk called Choice, Happiness, and Spaghetti Sauce (意大利面酱), he used the examples of Pepsi and s

11、paghetti sauce to argue that giving people choices makes them happy. If I had only heard his conclusion statement and missed the evidence that he employed, I would have been wondering how he could argue such an interesting point. But he structured his argument like a detective story, with each puzzl

12、e piece contributing to the conclusion.Fascinated, I borrowed his book Outliers: The Story of Success from the library. Each chapter had its own story and argument, and all of the arguments were about factors that contributed to an individuals success in the world.The depth of his research was amazi

13、ng. In the first chapter, he analyzed the reasons behind the crash of Korean Air Flight 801 in 1997, which killed more than 220 people. The disaster took place partly because the co-pilot didnt point out the mistakes that the pilot was making. In South Korea, its disrespectful to disagree with highe

14、r ups even if they are doing something wrong.Perhaps most interesting of all, Gladwell explained why Asians are so good at math. He said Asians get an advantage when they learn how to count because their language has fewer syllables (音节) and makes numbers easier to remember.But Gladwell is mostly in

15、terested in answering my favorite question, Why?” And thats exactly why I love his works. After reading Outliers: The Story of Success and other books like it, I found myself questioning my commonly-accepted beliefs much more often. After all, why should we take anything for granted?1、Why does the author write this article?ATo promote some of Gladwells books.BTo introduce Gladwell and his books.CTo show how Gladwell did research for his books.DTo explain why


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